Ryabkov called US sanctions political arrogance bordering on dictatorship

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, October 27. /TASS/. The US intentionally mean to “hold hostage” the business of the company from all over the world, but Russia can minimize the impact of the us sanctions. This was stated on Friday by TASS Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov.

Spanish Senate introduced direct control of Madrid in Catalonia

Spanish Senate introduced direct control of Madrid in Catalonia The Catalan Parliament earlier on Friday voted in favor of independence from Spain. Moscow. 27 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Senate of Spain supported the application of article 155 of the Spanish Constitution that allows you to enter the direct control of Madrid in Catalonia, said on Friday the newspaper El Pais. Voted “for” the 214 senators against 47 one abstention. In turn, the Catalan Parliament on Friday voted in favor of independence from Spain. The government of Spain at an emergency meeting last Saturday took a decision on the application of article 155 of the Spanish Constitution in respect of Catalonia. In accordance with this article all around Catalonia can be removed from power, and leadership in this Autonomous community of Spain will carry out a representative appointed by Madrid, and then in Catalonia after the election.

Poklonskaya said Sobchak, for a new referendum in Crimea with Putin’s words

Poklonskaya said Sobchak, for a new referendum in Crimea with Putin’s words MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Deputy of the state Duma from “United Russia” Natalia Poklonskaya responded to the offer of Ksenia Sobchak to hold in Crimea a referendum is again on the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin that the status of Crimea and Sevastopol is not discussed. Previously Sobchak, who decided to run for the presidential elections of Russia, suggested to hold in Crimea a referendum. Sobchak, who has positioned himself as the candidate “against all” has previously stated that he considers the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. The statement caused a great resonance and criticism from many politicians. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the words Sobchak of belonging of the Crimea is wrong “in fact and form” and the affiliation of the Peninsula is not negotiable — it is

Reuters reported the death in Syria of more than 130 Russians from the beginning of the year

Reuters reported the death in Syria of more than 130 Russians from the beginning of the year On the number of dead or the dead in Syria, the Russian citizens, the Agency reported, citing caught at his disposal the documents of the Consulate. No less than 131 of the citizen of Russia died and perished in Syria since the beginning of 2017, reports Reuters, citing a document issued by the consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Syria, reference number 131 on the death of Sergei Poddubny. According to the certificate, the 36-year-old Poddubny died 28 September 2017 in the Syrian city Ties (province of HOMS), and the cause of his death is called “the charring of the body.” Death record Poddubny was drafted October 4, 2017 and received number 131. In message Reuters it is noted that the numbering of certificates of death under the existing rules every year

Sobchak said that will not to campaign in the Crimea

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak in Yekaterinburg © Alex Kolchin/TASS EKATERINBURG, Russia/SIMFEROPOL, October 27. /TASS/. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who declared intention to run for President of the Russian Federation, on Friday said that it would not conduct the campaign in the Crimea. “I’m not going to campaign in the Crimea, because they believe that it annexed illegally to Russia. As a citizen and as a politician, I do not think it possible to go to Crimea, whether campaigning or not, also a journalist, investigative activities, which temporarily I’m not going to do,” said Sobchak at the meeting with inhabitants of Ekaterinburg.

Prime Minister of Spain promised to restore law and order in Catalonia

Prime Minister of Spain promised to restore law and order in Catalonia MADRID, 27 Oct. /TASS/. The Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy promised that the rule of law in Catalonia will be restored. “I urge all Spaniards to remain calm, — wrote the head of government on Friday in his Twitter immediately after the approval of the regional Parliament resolution on the proclamation of an independent Republic. Legal the state will restore the legality in Catalonia”. Pido tranquilidad a todos los españoles. El Estado de Derecho restaurará la legalidad en Cataluña. MR — Mariano Rajoy Brey (@marianorajoy) October 27, 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

The Parliament of Catalonia has voted to secede from Spain

The Parliament of Catalonia has voted to secede from Spain The majority of MPs called for the Declaration of independence. “We base the Catalan Republic as an independent and sovereign country under the rule of law,” the resolution reads. The Parliament of Catalonia passed a resolution declaring independence from Spain. Before the secret ballot the deputies loyal to the Madrid parties and unions left the meeting room. During the voting, all remaining in the hall of the deputies turns going out to the ballot box and cast their ballots. Latest Bulletin lowered the head of the Parliament Karma Forcadell. After the counting of votes revealed that “for” the proclamation of an independent Catalonia voted 70 deputies, against — 10 abstentions — 2. In all, the regional Parliament’s 135 deputies. In the text of the resolution submitted to the Parliament of Catalonia members of the party Candidatura d Author Popular (CUP),

Sobchak said about the need for a new referendum in the Crimea

Sobchak said about the need for a new referendum in the Crimea In her opinion, the referendum, which “implies different points of view” will be the way out of the crisis. Ekaterinburg. 27 Oct. INTERFAX-URAL — TV Presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who decided to run for President of Russia in 2018, believes that in the Crimea must pass a new independent referendum. “Russia has violated international obligations; the main point of reference. In Crimea live Russian people, a lot of them there. (…) We cannot treat them as subjects of geopolitics. Bad the policy, which is not for the people”, — said Sobchak at the meeting with journalists and supporters in Yekaterinburg on Friday. “I see a way out of crisis and unjust situation through a new referendum, which involves different points of view,” she said. Sobchak also stated that it will not conduct the campaign in the Crimea. Previously Sobchak