NATO will cover the sky of Montenegro

NATO will cover the sky of Montenegro The Minister of defence of Montenegro, Predrag Boskovic, said that the country’s airspace is protected by NATO planes. About it reports RTCG. According to the politician, a relevant maintenance agreement is being signed. Immediate cover will be carried out of the air force of Italy and Greece. Boskovic said that NATO membership costs 475 thousand euros per year, which is the country’s contribution to the General budget of the Alliance. “It is definitely much cheaper than to develop a comprehensive system of defence,” — said the head of the military Department. 29 Jun Boskovic said that the membership of Montenegro in NATO meets the interests of Russia, if it is beneficial to the stability in the region. Montenegro officially became the 29th member of NATO on 5 June. During the ceremony, which was held in Washington, US Deputy Secretary of state Thomas Shannon

Putin promised to deal with cases of the work of the security forces for the oligarchs

Putin promised to deal with cases of the work of the security forces for the oligarchs MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin promised to deal with violations of the rights of Muslim prisoners and situations where law enforcement officers serve the private interests of the oligarchs. At the meeting of the HRC Council member Maxim Shevchenko said that in Russia often violated the rights of prisoners-Muslims who are harassed and bullied because of religion. He also reported on the use of administrative resources by some oligarchs unhappy with the jokes in their address. In particular, according to Shevchenko, recently in Kemerovo there was a case when from Moscow arrived and the task force broke into the house of the bloggers, who ridiculed one oligarch, and without any regulations and judicial decisions confiscated the equipment of the bloggers. “I would like that such egregious cases

Putin said about the reluctance of the authorities to “crucito” artists

Putin said about the reluctance of the authorities to “crucito” artists The authorities have no desire to pursue cultural figures, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council for development of civil society and human rights (HRC). His words leads RIA Novosti on Monday, October 30. Commenting on the case of artistic Director of “Gogol-center” Kirill Serebrennikov, Putin said that he is not being persecuted for his political beliefs. “No, it’s a purely financial basis of all these unpleasant proceedings. Well, Yes, he is creative, he is an artist. You know who is just for me this did not work” — said the President. Putin reminded that at the present time under investigation in relation to several well-known cultural figures, including the Deputy Director of the Hermitage Museum and the Deputy Minister of culture. “They also exempt? You know, we’ll somehow be treated equal to

The former head of the headquarters of the trump of Manafort was accused of conspiracy against the United States

The former head of the headquarters of the trump of Manafort was accused of conspiracy against the United States The FBI has charged the former head of the election headquarters of President Donald trump Sex manufactu the charges of 12 counts, including conspiracy against the government of the United States, said in a statement. As reported in the “Twitter” correspondent Bi-bi-si Anthony Zurcher, accusations of Manafort related to his shady transactions with Ukraine and the massive cases of money laundering, but at the same time, there was nothing said about his work at the headquarters of the trump. In the indictment it is noted that Manafort and his former business partner, Rick gates acted as agents of foreign representatives in the interest of the government of Ukraine and the party of President Viktor Yanukovych and is not registered in the office of the attorney General of the United States, although

Putin did not rule out adjustments to the law on mass events

© EPA-EFE/KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV / POOL MOSCOW, October 30. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin considers possible adjustment of legislation on conducting mass public events. “Freedom should be guaranteed, it is necessary to perform the practice that we have all the time necessary to analyze it and make relevant amendments,” – said the head of state at the meeting of the Council for civil society development and human rights. He said that meant “the practice of law enforcement and the judicial system.”

Putin spoke about the collection of biological material of the Russians

Putin spoke about the collection of biological material of the Russians Moscow. 30 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — President Vladimir Putin asked about the purpose of collection of biological material among representatives of different nationalities living in Russia. “About the fact that the images of our voting citizens are about someone that once used, the images-that’s fine. You know that biological material collected for the whole country, and in different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations in the Russian Federation”, — Putin said at a meeting of the Council on human rights under the President on Monday. He commented Igor Borisov, speaking with a number of proposals regarding the electoral process in Russia. Last summer, the media reported about the plans of the us military to purchase samples ribonucleic acid (RNA) — living tissues of the Russians of the Caucasian race. While the media referred to the contract of

Klimkin shared his thoughts on “Russian tanks” in Catalonia

Klimkin shared his thoughts on “Russian tanks” in Catalonia MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin at a joint press conference with his Spanish counterpart Alfonso Tacticom spoke about the difference between Crimea and Catalonia on the example of “Russian tanks”. It is reported by TV channel NewsOne. “Imagine that right now in Catalonia would be two thousand Russian tanks and armored vehicles, thousands of Russian regular troops and tens of thousands of Russian mercenaries. It was controlled by Russia,” — said the head of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry. According to him, despite the lack of tanks in Catalonia, Spain and Ukraine still have a “joint challenges”. We are talking about “Russia’s attempts to wage hybrid war against all of Europe, to weaken it,” says Klimkin. The Ukrainian authorities accuse Russia of “aggression” and of involvement in the events in Donbass. Moscow

Putin called the year of the centenary of the revolution to draw a line under the schism of the people

Putin called the year of the centenary of the revolution to draw a line under the schism of the people The President of Russia Vladimir Putin believes that the centennial anniversary of the October revolution of 1917, it is necessary to end the division of society, which provoked a revolution. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “I hope that this date will be perceived by our society as summing up the features for dramatic events that divided the country and the people, will become a symbol of overcoming of this split, a symbol of mutual promotion and adoption of a national history for what it is. With its great victories and tragic pages,” — said Putin, speaking at a meeting of the Council on human rights (HRC). The President said, is particularly relevant opening year of the centenary of the revolution of the memorial to victims of political repression “Wall of Sorrow”, which should be

The attorney General of Spain, filed a lawsuit against the involved in the Declaration of independence of the Catalan politicians

The attorney General of Spain, filed a lawsuit against the involved in the Declaration of independence of the Catalan politicians Moscow. 30 Oct. INTERFAX.RU the attorney — General of Spain, josé Manuel Mas, announced on Monday about filing a lawsuit against Catalan politicians, in relation to the proclamation of the regional Parliament of independence, according to Spanish media. The attorney General said that we are talking about the charges of sedition, embezzlement of public funds. According to him, we are talking about the two lawsuits. The first is in respect of the dismissed heads of the Generalitat de Catalunya — will be considered by the National judicial Board. Another lawsuit against members of the Catalan Parliament voted for independence — to be considered by the Supreme court. In this case, the Prosecutor’s office did not require measures of restraint against the defendants in this case, because those will be able

In the state Duma introduced a bill on post-mortem donation

In the state Duma introduced a bill on post-mortem donation MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The senators submitted to the state Duma on Monday a bill according to which Russians will have the right to record their agreement or disagreement with the posthumous removal of organs. A corresponding notation may be made in the passport or driver’s license. The bill takes into account all the amendments and recommendations made by the government and profile Committee of the state Duma, the authors note. “In 2014 were raised at the legislative level the question of the fixing of the will of man to the posthumous removal of organs. The initiative has long been under consideration. During this time we examined a considerable number of comments and suggestions from physicians, public organizations, lawyers, representatives of government and Parliament” — written in the annotation to the document developers. The new version of the