In the US coalition responded to the accusations of Russia in “geographical absurdity”

In the US coalition responded to the accusations of Russia in “geographical absurdity” WASHINGTON, Nov 4 — RIA Novosti. The coalition headed by the USA against the group “Islamic state” insist that the people of Syria “run” from the military operations carried out by the Syrian and Russian military. “In General, people are fleeing to the North from Deir ez-Zor in order to avoid the operations carried out by the regime (of Syrian authorities — ed.) and Russia. There are reports that every day 200 people are fleeing to a refugee camp in Lukban in the South (of Syria),” — said RIA Novosti in the coalition. Thus in the coalition commented on the statements of the defense Ministry, which stated that the us military distorts the real situation in Syria. The statements of the defense Ministry, in turn, followed the statements of the commander of the special operations forces of

United States does not link the settlement of the situation in the Donbass and the Crimea

United States does not link the settlement of the situation in the Donbass and the Crimea Washington is not going to link the settlement of the situation in the Donbass and the Crimea, despite the fact that it does not recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia, said at a briefing for journalists the special representative of the United States Ukraine Kurt Volker. “If we have a chance to make progress on one of the conflict areas — East of Ukraine, we must move forward and not hesitate because of the Crimea”, — quotes his words TASS. Mr. Walker stressed that this does not change the attitude of the American administration to the status of Crimea. The special representative of the President of the United States confirmed that the West is ready to cancel part of sanctions against Russia in the event of settlement in the Donbass. He noted that

Kosachev has offered to compile a list of foreigners who have contributed to the deterioration of relations with Russia

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, November 4. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev in response to canadian sanctions against citizens of Russia proposed Ottawa to meet their ideological ambitions at the expense of Russia and did not rule out the possibility that our country will soon have to be “Browder list” to include all those who have contributed to the deterioration of relations of their countries with Russia.

Republican Senator criticized the call for trump to investigate Democrats

Republican Senator criticized the call for trump to investigate Democrats WASHINGTON, 4 Nov. /TASS/. The Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on foreign Affairs, Republican Bob Corker on Friday called “completely inappropriate” to call the American leader Donald trump to the justice of the country to investigate the circumstances under which the former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton could actually get full control of the National Committee of the Democratic party (nkdp) even before she was nominated as a presidential candidate from the Democrats in the summer of 2016. This assessment of the President and the Senator gave the statement. “Like me, most Americans hope our justice system will be independent and free from political interference, — said Corker. — Pressure from the President trump the Ministry of justice and the FBI with the aim to initiate proceedings against their enemies and his call to the [selected measure] punishment prior

The majority of young Americans advocated socialism

The majority of young Americans advocated socialism MOSCOW, Nov 4 — RIA Novosti. Most Americans of the millennial generation, people aged 15 to 30 years, would prefer to live under socialism, not under capitalism. This is according to the YouGov survey, commissioned by the NGO “Fund of memory of victims of communism”, which was founded by former U.S. Secretary of state Zbigniew Brzezinski. According to the survey, for socialism was made by 44% of young people, capitalism was supported by 42%, and another 7% chose communism and fascism. While 66% failed to give a correct definition of socialism, and almost 30% of confusing communism with fascism. In addition, half of young Americans believe that the American economy is working against them and two thirds declare the injustice of the tax system. While the older generation expressed a more traditional view of things — 59% of supporters of market economy, compared

The state Department praised the idea of Ovechkin to build a “Team Putin”

The state Department praised the idea of Ovechkin to build a “Team Putin” The US state Department said to RIA Novosti the initiative of the Russian hockey player Alexander Ovechkin to create a social movement Putin Team. “The United States respects the right to freedom of speech and thought”, — told in the state Department. November 1, on his page on Instagram who plays for the club NHL Alexander Ovechkin announced the creation of movement in support of the Russian leader, which he decided to call Putin Team (“Team Putin”). He added that he always openly supported the President. Putin’s press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin appreciates the desire of the hockey player. Ovechkin has repeatedly demonstrated loyalty to Vladimir Putin, dressed in t-shirts with his image. In addition, the captain “Washington capitals” and the head of state and played hockey.

Spain has sent Belgium a warrant for the arrest of the former head of Catalonia

Spain has sent Belgium a warrant for the arrest of the former head of Catalonia In Spain, a judge of the National court Carmen Lamela has issued a warrant for the arrest of the former head Catlonia Carles Pokdemon and four former members of the Catalan Parliament. The order has already been sent to Brussels, writes El Pais. The document States that the home the former management of Catalonia suspected of rebellion, disobedience to authorities and embezzlement of public funds. The arrest warrant will allow you to return Pokdemon in Spain within 60 days of any EU country, said the newspaper. Earlier Pujdeme declared its readiness to conduct a dialogue with Madrid on the independence of Catalonia.

Haley called for an end to “political games” in the matter of the investigation hematic in Syria

Haley called for an end to “political games” in the matter of the investigation hematic in Syria UN 3 Nov. /TASS/. The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley called on Friday members of the Security Council of the world organization to stop the “political games” and extend the mandate of the Joint UN and OPCW (CMP) for the investigation of chemical attacks in Syria. In a written statement she commented on the new report of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, which confirms the use of poison sarin gas in the village of El-Glutamine in the province of HOMS March 30, 2017. “We have again seen a confirmed case of use of chemical weapons against innocent Syrians. If the UN Security Council immediately extend the mandate of the CMP, it will not be an independent, unbiased tool to identify those responsible for these terrible attacks,” —

Pujdeme told why went to Belgium

Pujdeme told why went to Belgium BRUSSELS, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. The former head of Generalitat (government) of Catalonia Carles Putteman said that went to Belgium, in particular, to avoid violence in Catalonia, where they could start a resistance movement to Spanish authorities. “I came to Brussels in order to prevent confrontational situations arise. Many were ready to resist,” said Pujdeme in interview to TV channel RTBF. Answering the question, if he left to Belgium to avoid the wave of violence in Spain, he replied that “it’s one of the reasons”. “I could stay there and make a call to resistance. I didn’t and don’t want to do. We never advocated violence,” said the former leader of Catalonia. Pujdeme and several former advisers of Generalitat arrived in Belgium on Monday. The former head of the Catalan government stated that he had come to Belgium to escape threats that he

Moscow stands for strengthening the machinery for investigating hematic in Syria

© SANA via AP, File MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Circulated in the UN Security Council a Russian draft resolution on the mandate of the Joint UN-OPCW (Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons) to investigate possible cases of use of chemical weapons in Syria (CMP) aims to strengthen and increase the effectiveness of the mechanism. On Friday TASS said the Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control (DNCW) of the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov.