The British woman brought her husband to Egypt anesthetic and was under arrest

The British woman brought her husband to Egypt anesthetic and was under arrest In Egypt arrested a British citizen who tried to smuggle into the country painkillers for my Egyptian husband. Now, the woman faces up to 25 years in prison, reports The Guardian. According to the publication, the 33-year-old Laura Plummer was detained at Egyptian airport at the beginning of October after her suitcase was discovered 290 tramadol tablets and a few tablets of naproxen, which she carried for her husband suffering from back pain. After that, the woman was forced to sign the 38-page document in Arabic and was sent to prison, where she spent almost a month with another 25 women. Tramadol as a psychotropic opioid analgesics and is often used instead of heroin. In Britain the drug is resolved, but in Egypt it is prohibited. As a result, Plummer was suspected of drug trafficking. It is

Putin has expressed opposition to the Russians outside pressure at the genetic level

Putin has expressed opposition to the Russians outside pressure at the genetic level MOSCOW, Nov 4 — RIA Novosti. President Vladimir Putin has called care about their country and the rejection of any external pressure the Foundation of Russian statehood and the genetic code of the people. He stated this at the solemn reception in the Kremlin on the occasion of national unity Day. In his congratulatory message, Putin turned to the history of this holiday. “Four centuries separate us from those dramatic events, when the people rose up against the turmoil and anarchy that overcame internal dissension and external threat, defended the dignity and independence of the country,” he said. The head of state noted that “devotion to the Fatherland has United people of different classes, nationalities, faiths.” Unity and patriotism was for the people of the most reliable support in the years of severe trials, and meeting the

Kadyrov promised iPhone X for the best poem about Putin

Kadyrov promised iPhone X for the best poem about Putin MOSCOW, Nov 4 — RIA Novosti. The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov has promised to give the iPhone X the one who reads the best poem about President Vladimir Putin. He said this in Instagram. According to Kadyrov, the latest model of the smartphone gave him a Chechen KVN team. “Just like children! Well, not to ask them to cover the door from the opposite side! After that the whole year will become the hero of their skits,” he added. Therefore, Kadyrov decided to play the IPhone among subscribers. “The hashtag for posts #Uspresidents. The Ministry of youth Affairs of the Czech Republic will determine the winner,” he wrote. Previously Kadyrov has denied rumors that he already has the iPhone X. “I’m not looking neither for a new nor for the old iPhones. It’s all nonsense. Sources put

Aksenov: the openness, the Crimean authorities will help waged against Ukraine information war

Chapter Republic Of Crimea Sergey Aksenov © Yelena Afonina/TASS TASS, 4 November. The openness, the Crimean authorities will help against large-scale information war, unleashed by Ukraine against Russia and Crimea. About this in Facebook wrote the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov. “One of the key principles of information policy of the government of the Republic is maximum openness of power. We do not hide flaws and always listens to the public. I am sure that this is the right position. We will continue to follow this line. I believe that government transparency is an important part of the strategy of information security,” he wrote. “It’s no secret that against Russia and Crimea unleashed a large-scale information war. Doing this as the security services and state structures of Ukraine and some Western countries. Disruptive to the work involved, the Crimean people who left the Peninsula after reunification with Russia became

The Minister for migration Affairs of Denmark, had to flee from migrants

The Minister for migration Affairs of Denmark, had to flee from migrants MOSCOW, Nov 4 — RIA Novosti. Minister for immigration and integration, Denmark Inger, Stolberg had to be evacuated from the center for detention of migrants who had been refused asylum, reports The Local. During the download an error has occurred. Stolberg arrived at the center for filming of the TV program DR and talked to one of the families that received the waiver. However, after that it was surrounded by other families: someone started a rumor that the family, which met the Minister, still provide shelter. In the end, bodyguards, Stolberg made the decision on evacuation. In the video from the scene shows that at the time of departure of the car with the Minister on the hood jumps a young woman, and then falls around. “As far as I could see, [woman protester] fell in front of

In the United States published 676 documents about the Kennedy assassination

In the United States published 676 documents about the Kennedy assassination MOSCOW, Nov 4 — RIA Novosti. The national archives of the United States 676 has published secret documents regarding the assassination of U.S. President John Kennedy November 22, 1963. This is stated in the message on the Agency’s website. Most of them provided by the CIA. This is the third part of the materials published in this year. All were released about seven thousand documents. Orders the publication had previously given the US President Donald trump. He acknowledged that some of the material will remain classified. According to him, the publication of the entire archive may endanger the national security of the country. The contents of the documents One of the documents — the Memorandum of the CIA from 1975 disproved the theory that Kennedy’s murderer Lee Harvey Oswald was connected with the American intelligence Agency. He also has

Russia marks national unity Day

Russia marks national unity Day The holiday is associated with the end of the time of Troubles and symbolizes unity of the people and its ability to unite during difficult times. MOSCOW, November 4. /TASS/. Russia on Saturday celebrated the Day of national unity — one of the youngest public holidays. It is celebrated since 2005 in memory of the events of 1612, when the militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from Polish invaders. Historically, the holiday is associated with the end of the time of Troubles in Russia in the XVII century and symbolizes the unity of the people and its ability to unite during difficult periods. In different cities of Russia on this day will be festive rallies and demonstrations, concerts, historical re-enactments and theatrical performances. One of the Central events will be a festive meeting-a concert “Russia United” in the capital’s sports complex

Feldman revealed the sense of “Crimean dreams”

Feldman revealed the sense of “Crimean dreams” The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov told about what “the Crimean dream.” The sense of which he revealed in his congratulatory message to residents of the Crimea to the Day of national unity. Aksenov said that the Union with Russia for many years was the Crimean dream. It was realized thanks to the unity of the residents, thanks to the courageous and wise decision of our President. Aksenov also noted that the recognition of the Russian status of Crimea in today’s society has become a test of patriotism, love of country and the history of his people. The Head of Crimea said that for him, the most vivid manifestation of the unity of the people was the Crimean spring. Social networks Aksenov has launched a flash-mob timed to the holiday. Hashtag it designated by a combination of #Piedini #Crimea. HelpWhat Russians celebrate

In the United States denied the relationship killers of Kennedy with the CIA

In the United States denied the relationship killers of Kennedy with the CIA Assassin of the 35th US President John Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald was not associated with the Central intelligence Agency (CIA). This is stated in the published Ministry document, reports RIA Novosti. As noted in the CIA Memorandum, dated 1975, rumors about the connection of Oswald with the office “absolutely groundless.” This conclusion was made as a result of a detailed study of the archives of the CIA in the 1970-ies. In addition, not been found and evidence of collaboration of Oswald with any other us intelligence agencies, the document says. It also became known that the CIA suspected that immediately after Kennedy’s assassination, Oswald could try to escape to the USSR. “It seems that he was only thinking about the peaceful transfer to the Soviet Union, but it is also possible that he was in the process