The Prime Minister of Israel commented on the rocket attack on Damascus

The Prime Minister of Israel commented on the rocket attack on Damascus The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu said that “not tolerate” the finding of Iranian military bases in Syria, commenting on the statement of the Syrian authorities on Israeli missile strike on Damascus. The head of state said in a video message published on his page in Facebook. According to the Prime Minister of Israel, the Iranian regime is “trying to settle” in Syria “with the avowed intent to destroy our country”. “We will not allow [Iran] to have nuclear weapons, we will not allow permanent military presence in Syria,” Netanyahu said (quoted by TASS). About the Israeli attack on the government army in the district of Damascus with missiles “ground — ground” the Syrian authorities announced on 2 December. The attack resulted in “material damage”, the extent and nature of which was not reported. The Syrians said

Lavrov predicted the probable first strike of the DPRK

Lavrov predicted the probable first strike of the DPRK The first victims of the hot phase of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula would be South Korea and Japan. About this on air of the Belarusian TV channel CTV said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. According to him, Moscow denounces the Pyongyang course, but “we must also condemn the provocative behavior of our American colleagues — the ones trying to pull in the same direction of the Japanese and the South Koreans, who will be the first victims in case of war”. The head of Russian diplomacy said that Moscow was working with Pyongyang, but Washington’s extraordinary military exercises near the borders of North Korea that “specifically provoked Kim Jong-UN, that he did not pause, and fell on their provocation.” Earlier, the DPRK television showed video of the launch of the latest ballistic missile “And 15”.

U.S. military aircraft conducted a reconnaissance near the Crimea

U.S. military aircraft conducted a reconnaissance near the Crimea Moscow. 2 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Patrol anti-submarine aircraft of the naval forces (Navy), United States on Saturday, made a reconnaissance flight near the Russian border on the Black sea, from the monitoring data, the Western aviation assets. According to their information, the plane, the US Navy’s P-8A Poseidon tail number and call sign 168437 PS026 taking off from Sigonella airbase on the Italian island of Sicily, within a few hours cruised in the area to the South-West of Sevastopol. The route of its flight to the Russian borders on the Black sea after the flight from Italy took place over Greece and Bulgaria. This week was also recorded the flights of American reconnaissance near the Russian borders in the South of the Baltic sea. So, on Thursday and Friday, strategic reconnaissance aircraft, the U.S. air force RC-135W tail number 62-4134, rising from

Expert: Russia is ready to change the UN resolution on Donbass, but not at the expense of its basic principles

Director of the Center for political conjuncture Alexei Chesnakov © Andrei Makhonin/TASS MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. The position of Russia regarding the parameters of the UN mission in the Donbas is set out in the draft UN resolution, which she gave to the Security Council on 5 September, and to review this position, Russia is not ready. In an interview with TASS said the Director of the Center for political conjuncture Alexei Chesnakov. Answering the question about the differences on this issue at the talks between Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov and special envoy of the US state Department in Ukraine with Kurt Volker, he said that at the meeting in Belgrade on 7 October, where there was discussion about the parameters of this mission, the Russian side said: “Talks sense to continue only if the overall concept is supported by Russian”.

The Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation will keep a register of the media-registered as foreign agents

The building of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has expanded the powers of the Ministry of justice with responsibility for the Department functions to maintain a register of foreign mass media acting as foreign agent. The corresponding decree published Monday on the official portal of legal information. Under amendments to the Statute on the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation, approved by presidential decree of 13 October 2004, the Agency “maintains a register of foreign mass media acting as foreign agent, including taking decisions about the inclusion or exclusion of foreign media”. In addition, the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation establishes the order apply to the media registered as a foreign agent of the provisions of the Federal law “On noncommercial organizations”. A decree signed on 2 December 2017, shall enter

The Kremlin has not commented on the request of the public prosecution to sentence Ulyukayev to 10 years in prison

Alexei Ulyukayev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. The Kremlin has not commented on the request of the public prosecution to sentence Ulyukayev to 10 years in prison and a fine of 500 million rubles, reported to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “We do not comment on, you know,” he said.

In the United States punished for the mistake leading to news about the testimony of Flynn

In the United States punished for the mistake leading to news about the testimony of Flynn TV channel Hey-bi-si for the month was removed from broadcast Bureau chief investigative journalist Brian Ross, made a mistake in the notice of the readiness of Michael Flynn to testify against Donald trump. This error affected the dollar and stocks. On the eve of the former Advisor to Donald trump on national security, pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI and appeared before the court in the investigation of spectracolor Robert Mueller regarding possible Russian interference in the US presidential elections in 2016. In particular, Flynn admitted he had contacted the Russians at the direction of the transition team of President-elect Donald trump, and expressed readiness to cooperate with the investigation. Passing on this news, the employee of ehjj-bi-si added that Flynn is ready to testify against trump, his family members and

Putin submitted to the Duma a bill on the service of the people of South Ossetia in the Russian armed forces

Putin submitted to the Duma a bill on the service of the people of South Ossetia in the Russian armed forces President Vladimir Putin submitted for ratification to the state Duma the agreement between Russia and South Ossetia on the order of occurrence of the individual units of the Armed forces of the Republic in the Russian army. The corresponding document was published in the Duma’s electronic database. The document was signed on 31 March in Moscow. Vladimir Putin in mid-March was ordered to sign a document, whereby the military of South Ossetia will be able to serve in the Russian army. Previously, the bill approved by the government. By its decree the President instructed the defense Ministry and the Russian foreign Ministry to hold talks with South Ossetia and sign a document on behalf of Russia. To serve the citizens in accordance with Russian laws. The agreement is for

Margarita Simonyan spoke about the meeting of Vladimir Putin and Michael Flynn

Margarita Simonyan spoke about the meeting of Vladimir Putin and Michael Flynn Chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan spoke about the meeting of former US presidential Advisor for national security Michael Flynn with Russian President Vladimir Putin at an event dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the channel. “Michael Flynn was on our decade. Sat next to Putin. And I was sitting next to. About anything didn’t talk to him — we had a program, many loud video does not talk” — she wrote in the Telegram. According to Ms. Simonyan, she told Mr Putin that his side will sit Serbian Director Emir Kusturica and former head of military intelligence of the USA Michael Flynn, to which he replied: “Military intelligence? Seriously?” “Said Hello to everyone by the hand, as he always does, looked at our program, gave a speech and left. That’s the whole story,” said Ms. Simonyan. We

Experts: the journalists of the Russian Federation and the United States in terms of sanctions cannot forget about profaliance

© Sergey Karpov/TASS MOSCOW, December 2. /TASS/. American and Russian journalists in terms of sanctions, we cannot forget the professional solidarity, and we must honestly do their job. Media experts criticized the reciprocal steps taken by Russia and the United States, and I believe that very soon the policy will affect the media industry. About this TASS said the Russian media managers. On 15 November the state Duma adopted the law, the provisions of which allow us to recognize the media “noagenda” if it receives funding from abroad. Rules were a response to the request of the US Department of justice, to RT America – the American branch of the Russian broadcaster to register as inherent in the United States. 29 Nov RT journalists stripped of accreditation at the Congress of the United States, Russia is preparing retaliatory measures. To find navigation Chairman of the Board of the Fund of