The question of the removal of Lenin’s body from the Mausoleum shared Russians in half

The question of the removal of Lenin’s body from the Mausoleum shared Russians in half Moscow. 5 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Opinions of the Russians about what to do with the body of Vladimir Lenin, was divided in half: 41% of respondents believe that it should be buried, and the same number (41%) believe that it should be left in the Mausoleum, told “Interfax” in the “Levada-Center”. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий At the same time almost every fifth Russian (18%) were undecided on this question, show the results of a survey conducted 24-28 October among 1,600 people in 137 localities of the 48 regions of the Russian Federation. Pollsters also asked Russians what to do with burial places of the state, Soviet and foreign leaders at the Kremlin wall. 60% of respondents were in favor to leave them in the same place, while 24% believe that the remains should be reburied. 16% found it

Syria reported repulsed the attack of Israel on a military facility near Damascus

Syria reported repulsed the attack of Israel on a military facility near Damascus Syria’s air defense shot down three Israeli missiles were aimed at a military facility in the province of Damascus, Reuters reports citing a statement by Syrian state television. An eyewitness told the news Agency that in the evening heard three strong explosions from the East of Damascus. Another interviewee reported that he saw thick smoke, which rose above the ground in that area. An Israeli army spokesperson refused to comment. Recall, December 2, the Israeli military struck Syrian territory. They were aiming located at a military base in Syria Iran. According to the Syrian television, a missile attack Israel has led to financial losses on the part of the front in the countryside around the capital. While the Syrian air defenses repelled the blow. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later commented on this shot. “We will not allow

The U.S. Supreme court allowed to impose a ban on the entry of nationals of six countries

The U.S. Supreme court allowed to impose a ban on the entry of nationals of six countries The initiative of Donald trump, declared immediately after his inauguration as President, about the ban on entry to USA citizens in several countries have received the approval of the Supreme court. Formerly the decree has been blocked several times by lower courts. The U.S. Supreme court on Monday, December 4, supported the provisions of the migration of the decree of Donald trump, according to which a ban on the entry of citizens of six countries with a predominantly Muslim population, Reuters reports. In support of the decree were made by seven of the nine judges, repealing former provisions of the courts of lower instances, which partially blocked the entry of the ban into force. According to the decree, the ban on entry to the US, introduced for citizens of Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen,

Sobchak announced the intention to create a political party after the presidential election

Sobchak announced the intention to create a political party after the presidential election The presenter added that he is going to nominate his candidacy at the next presidential election in 2024. MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who declared intention to participate in presidential elections, plans to create its own political party after the elections in 2018. She announced this on Monday in interview to TV channel “Rain”. “My role as a man who, showing a result of a line “against all”, and then can form a big movement, the party that then can participate in Duma elections”, — she said. Sobchak added that he came into politics “seriously”, and said that he was going to nominate his candidacy for the next presidential election, in 2024. This is the way, the work within these six years — with the organization of the party, with the Duma elections with

Putin signed the law on the right of airlines to make a black list of passengers

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, 5 Dec. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed a law according to which airlines will be able to make a black list of passengers who have violated the order on Board the aircraft. The document adopted by the state Duma on November 17 and approved by the Federation Council on November 29, published after the signing of the head of state on an official portal of legal information.

The new government of Zimbabwe sworn in

The new government of Zimbabwe sworn in In its composition many of the military. Moscow. 4 Dec. INTERFAX.RU the President of Zimbabwe Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa held a ceremony for the swearing in of the new Cabinet of Ministers, informs on Monday Agency Associated Press. The government included 22 Ministers and 10 Ministers of individual provinces. In this case, the government included a significant number of military officers, said the Associated Press. So, who served under Robert Mugabe as head of the air force of Zimbabwe Perens Shiri became Minister of agriculture and land Affairs. Also E. Mnangagwa appointed General Sibusiso Moyo, who played an active role in the recent events in Zimbabwe, the Minister of foreign Affairs. After the ceremony of taking the oath Mnangagwa announced that it is now a priority in domestic policy is to revive the damaged economy of Zimbabwe.

The Ministry of defence revealed the loss of soldiers in 2012-2016

The Ministry of defence revealed the loss of soldiers in 2012-2016 The publication of these data ceased in 2010. In October 2017 the insurance company SOGAZ won the tender for the insurance of soldiers of the Russian Armed forces in 2018-2019, with a cost of 11.2 billion rubles. In addition to the notice of contest published Annex No. 3 to the tender documentation, which provides additional information to bidders. Among them — the list of types of insurance cases according to the Ministry of Finance order No. 63n from 14.04.2017 and are shown in table 2 statistics on the cases identified in this order as 6A — death. According to these data, in 2012 died 630 servicemen of the defense Ministry in 2013 — 596, 2014 — 790, in 2015, 626. The defense Ministry stopped publishing statistics on deaths from all causes (disease, murder, suicide, accident, accidents, including exercises, combat

About 80% of the participants of the contest “Leaders of Russia” are the new managers

About 80% of the participants of the contest “Leaders of Russia” are the new managers The rector of the University noted that participants with disabilities are provided special conditions. MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. About 80% of managers participating in the contest “Leaders of Russia” are the officials and heads of enterprises who do not have much experience, said on Monday the rector of the Russian state social University Natalia Pochinok. A lot of new faces. Entered the next face to face round of new talented people, 80% of people.Natalia Machinochrist RGSU Pochinok added that among the participants were people with disabilities, including limitations on hearing and sight. They were given special terms of participation. “All of us who wanted to participate, even with some health restrictions, were able to do it,” — said the rector. The material of the contest organizers specified that only for the participation in it was

Russia’s Ambassador in the US, outside visited the Russian departmenst in San Francisco

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS STANFORD /California/, December 2. /TASS/. Russia’s Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov on Friday inspected the outside of the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco and the residence of the Consul General. The diplomat announced at Stanford University, at the meeting with students.