Members of the UN security Council initiated an emergency meeting because of the U.S. position on Jerusalem

Members of the UN security Council initiated an emergency meeting because of the U.S. position on Jerusalem Moscow. 7 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — More than half of the countries members of the UN Security Council requested holding an emergency meeting in connection with the decision of the President of the United States Donald trump on the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “In the light made today (on Wednesday — if) statement on the status of Jerusalem, the delegations of Bolivia, Egypt, France, Italy, Senegal, Sweden, the UK and Uruguay request the President to convene before the end of this week, an emergency meeting of the Council by the Secretary-General,” — said in a joint statement by diplomatic missions. According to Western media, citing diplomats, members of the UN security Council may meet on Friday. Earlier, trump, speaking Wednesday in the White House, stated that the U.S. recognizes

Russia has asked the United States to explain the decision to move the Embassy to Jerusalem

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS VIENNA, 7 Dec. /TASS/. The foreign Ministry asked US to explain the decision to move the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. This was announced on Thursday by Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov after meeting with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson on the sidelines of the meeting of the Council of foreign Ministers of the OSCE.

Putin and Erdogan expressed concern over the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. The presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, expressed in a telephone conversation on Thursday serious concern over the US decision on the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin.

Saakashvili “cold roof” and ill, the lawyer said

Saakashvili “cold roof” and ill, the lawyer said KIEV, Dec 7 — RIA Novosti. The ex-President of Georgia, former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili had a cold, told RIA Novosti on Thursday, the chief lawyer of the politician Ruslan Chernolutsky. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Saakashvili on Tuesday during a search of his apartment, climbed onto the roof of the house where he lives, and threatened to jump. He was then detained in the criminal case on the assistance of members of the criminal organizations and concealment of their criminal activity. However, supporters of the force took it from the police officers, after which they went to a tent camp near Parliament, where he settled down, arranging meetings and demanding the impeachment of the President. He really felt bad when his arrest, he had a cold on the roof and, as far as I know, he’s got the voice. Yesterday morning he

Egyptian analyst: Arabs will not be able to respond US to transfer its Embassy to Jerusalem

Egyptian analyst: Arabs will not be able to respond US to transfer its Embassy to Jerusalem CAIRO, December 7. /TASS/. The Arab countries will not be able to take effective measures in response to Washington’s decision on the transfer of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This opinion, according to the newspaper Al Ahram, expressed on Wednesday, political analyst, former Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Egypt Mohammed al-Munisi. “In response to the US decision on the part of Arab States not taken any decisive, positive steps,” said a former Egyptian diplomat. According to him, “even some countries in the region linked economically with the United States, do not have a strong enough position that would allow them to affect the opinions of Washington or, especially, on the decisions of the United States.” As said al-Munisi, the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is an attempt

The Pentagon called the number of American troops in Syria

The Pentagon called the number of American troops in Syria WASHINGTON, 7 Dec — RIA Novosti. In Syria there are about 2 thousand US military, and in Iraq — about 5.2 thousand, said on Wednesday the Pentagon spokesman, Rob manning. “The Department of defense (USA) has about 5200 (troops) in Iraq and nearly 2000 in Syria,” said manning to reporters. Previously, the Pentagon officially acknowledged the presence in Syria of around 500 soldiers. The US and its allies in 2014 carried out in Syria and Iraq, the operation against militants grouping “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), and in Syria, the coalition operates without the permission of the authorities of the country. In response to the request of Damascus to withdraw its troops, the US has said it will keep Syria’s military presence until the victory is won over the terrorists. On Wednesday, defense Ministry officials said that the group

Assad: the future of Jerusalem, will decide the story, not trump

Assad: the future of Jerusalem, will decide the story, not trump TASS, 7 Dec. The Syrian government says that the fate of Jerusalem history decide, not the President of one country. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий This is stated in the statement of administration of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which was posted on her official Twitter page after the President of the United States Donald trump on Wednesday announced the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In a statement, the Assad administration said that the entire Arab nation will support the Palestinian cause as long as it does not create its own state with its capital in Jerusalem. “The future of Jerusalem is not defined by one government or President, it is defined by its history, but also the will and the determination in achieving the goals of the Palestinian cause, which is alive in the consciousness of the Arab nation as long as

The U.S. Congress has failed to impeach Trump

The U.S. Congress has failed to impeach Trump The house of representatives overwhelmingly rejected the resolution on the impeachment of President Donald trump. Supported document 58, 364 has opposed, reports The Hill. The resolution was introduced by Democrat al green. Campaigning to vote Yes, he said that the presidency trump led to the growth of racism and hatred in society, and discredited the institution of the President. Voted against the document, not only Republicans, but also a significant number of Democrats. As noted by the leader of the democratic faction of Nancy Pelosi, now is not the time to consider articles of impeachment. For impeachment of the President must gain a majority of votes in the house of representatives, and after that more than two thirds in the Senate. By the end of October, the petition, posted on the website of the American billionaire Tom Styer, received over a million

Saakashvili told how he lost 30 kilograms

Saakashvili told how he lost 30 kilograms MOSCOW, December 6 — RIA Novosti. The leader of the party “movement new forces,” former President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili said that he had lost a few dozen pounds after lost his Ukrainian citizenship. The policy quotes the edition “Gordon”. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “When Poroshenko was deprived of my citizenship, I was not in very good shape, I was a little stouter, — Saakashvili said. — I lost 30 pounds. But that’s okay. He was put on a diet the entire Ukrainian people. We do not need such nutritionists”. According to him, the current government is killing the middle class and small business, so the protests support these segments of the population. “Why so many small businessmen are so many things here bring: firewood, money, tea, medicine for me? asks ex-President. Not because they love me. But because they love Ukraine… I feel the spirit