Department of state: the liberation of Iraq from ISIS does not mean that the fight against terror over there

Department of state: the liberation of Iraq from ISIS does not mean that the fight against terror over there WASHINGTON, 9 Dec. /TASS/. The United States welcomed the statements of the authorities of Iraq that the country is fully liberated from the militants groups “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), but this does not mean that the fight against terrorism over there. This is stated in a statement on Saturday the statement of the chief a press-services of us state Department Heather Nauert. “The United States joins the government of Iraq emphasize that his release does not mean the end of there fight against terrorism, even against IG”, — said Nauert. According to her, the U.S. military and international counter-terrorism coalition will continue to help the Iraqi armed forces and security services.

The Russian foreign Ministry called the ridiculous attempts of the USA to intimidate Russia with sanctions under the INF Treaty

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, December 9. /TASS/. US attempts to intimidate Russia with sanctions for alleged violations of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) are ridiculous. This was stated on Saturday by the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov. The text of the commentary posted on the foreign Ministry website.

Gennady Zyuganov: communism will outlive US

Gennady Zyuganov: communism will outlive US Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov believes that communism will outlive US and all their presidents. So he responded to the statement of the President of Donald trump that the U.S. is a nation that won two world wars and put communism to its knees. “Communism translated into Russian language is “public”, the priority of public interests over the private ones. He was born in the ancient society, when collectively collectively hunted and then shared the loot. If you read the sermon on the mount Jesus Christ, and the Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, you will see the main slogans and key moral precepts of communism. Will he survive all the trumps, the whole of America and all of us, because it is the main line of human development”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” the words of Mr. Zyuganov. According to the leader of

The defense Ministry accused the U.S. of trying to prevent the aircraft of the Russian Federation to destroy the militants

The defense Ministry accused the U.S. of trying to prevent the aircraft of the Russian Federation to destroy the militants Moscow. 9 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — most of the approaches of Russian and American aircraft in the area of the valley of the Euphrates river in Syria was connected with the attempts of the American aircraft interfere with the destruction of ISIS terrorists (a group banned in Russia — if), said the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov. “So, for example, November 23, in the airspace over the West Bank of the Euphrates river the American fighter F-22 is actively prevented the Russian pair of su-25 to perform a combat mission to destroy a strong point of ISIS in the suburb of Mayadin. The F-22 shoot the flares and released the brake pads with constant maneuvers, simulating aerial combat”, — he told reporters on Saturday. The major

North Korea called trump “a crazy senile” for the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

North Korea called trump “a crazy senile” for the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital TASS, 9 Dec. /TASS/. Pyongyang condemns the decision of the government of the United States on the recognition of Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel and said the U.S. leader “a crazy senile.” 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий About it on Saturday said the KCNA, citing the statement of the DPRK foreign Ministry. “The decision of [President Donald] trump on the recognition of the city of al-Quds (Jerusalem — ed. TASS) as the Israeli capital and the transfer of the us Embassy there — blatant disregard and insult to the norms of international law and the common will of the international community. It is worthy of universal condemnation and rejection,” reads the document. The foreign Ministry of the DPRK pointed to the need for a just settlement of this issue taking into account the interests of the Palestinian

Tymoshenko has asked Poroshenko to release Saakashvili

Tymoshenko has asked Poroshenko to release Saakashvili KIEV, December 9 — RIA Novosti. The former Prime Minister of Ukraine, leader of the party “Fatherland” Yulia Tymoshenko urged President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to immediately release ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili and not to repeat the mistakes of ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, which put in prison Tymoshenko itself. Saakashvili on Tuesday was detained in the criminal case on the assistance of members of the criminal organizations and concealment of their criminal activity. However, supporters fought off law enforcement officers then went to the center of Kiev to demand the impeachment of the President. On Wednesday, militiamen came to tent city to Saakashvili, where his supporters resisted them. To detain Saakashvili militiamen managed only a late Friday evening, after which he was brought to the infirmary. The Prosecutor General’s office intends to apply for his house arrest. “In the fourth year

Klitschko decided to call the square near the Russian Embassy in Kiev in honor Nemtsov

Klitschko decided to call the square near the Russian Embassy in Kiev in honor Nemtsov Moscow. 9 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the mayor of the Ukrainian capital Vitali Klitschko initiated the renaming of the Park in Kiev near the Russian Embassy in honor of Boris Nemtsov, said the people’s Deputy of Ukraine Dmitry Belotserkovets. “The Commission on the issues of renaming has supported the initiative of Kyiv mayor to name the square near the Russian Embassy (Vozduhoflotsky Prospekt), the name of Boris Nemtsov,” — he wrote on his Facebook page. “To erase the memory of Ukrainians and Russians the name of Nemtsov, the Kremlin will not work. He was the main ally of a free Ukraine and the future of a democratic Russia,” wrote Belotserkovets. The MP expressed hope for a positive vote of the deputies of Kyiv city Council on renaming the Park. “The last step is the solution of

Trump has assigned US the victory in two world wars, and commended myself for shelling Syria

Trump has assigned US the victory in two world wars, and commended myself for shelling Syria Donald trump said that the US is a nation who won the First and the Second world war. He said this, speaking to supporters in Pensacola (Florida), reports RIA Novosti. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий He also made the list of the merits of the US sending a man to the moon, digging the Panama canal and the fact that the country “has put communism to its knees.” Trump also once again criticized the policy of the last President. According to him, during the leadership of Barack Obama “America showed weakness and did not go over the “red lines”. If we went over the line, then Russia and Iran would not go to Syria.” He praised himself for 59 “beautiful missiles”, which was released on Syria of 7 April in response to the alleged use by the Syrian

Mikheil Saakashvili declared a hunger strike

Mikheil Saakashvili declared a hunger strike The former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili, who is in the detention center of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) began an indefinite hunger strike. This was told by his lawyer Ruslan Chernolutsky. “He (Saakashvili — “b”) said that from the forceful power also refuses. If it is adopted the measure of restraint — arrest for 60 days, it will be hard to continue the hunger strike”, — quotes Mr. Chernovetskogo the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Lawyer Mikhail Saakashvili was read out and his statement with an appeal to the people of Ukraine to come out December 10 for a rally in Kiev for the impeachment of the President of Ukraine. “Baryzhnyh the authorities arrested me on false charges. So they want to intimidate you. Don’t be afraid, step on the peace Sunday rally “For impeachment”. Together we will protect Ukraine

WSJ: Lockheed Martin will set the Pentagon on the F-15 laser weapons

WSJ: Lockheed Martin will set the Pentagon on the F-15 laser weapons NEW YORK, December 9. /TASS/. The Pentagon has provided the American Corporation Lockheed Martin the contract for installation on the F-15 laser weapons capable of destroying drones and attacking missiles. This was announced on Friday, the Wall Street Journal. According to her, a contract worth $26 million was signed in November. The Pentagon expects to get laser weapons with a capacity of not less than 50 kilowatts, able to destroy a target from a distance of not less than 1.6 km, the newspaper notes. The defense Ministry expects that in the future the power of weapons will be increased to 100-150 kilowatts. As expected, equipped with lasers of the F-15 will go into service by 2021. Lockheed Martin in August tested a laser installation for the destruction of unmanned aerial vehicles. They took place at the site of