Gennady Zyuganov: communism will outlive US

Gennady Zyuganov: communism will outlive US

Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov believes that communism will outlive US and all their presidents. So he responded to the statement of the President of Donald trump that the U.S. is a nation that won two world wars and put communism to its knees.

“Communism translated into Russian language is “public”, the priority of public interests over the private ones. He was born in the ancient society, when collectively collectively hunted and then shared the loot. If you read the sermon on the mount Jesus Christ, and the Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, you will see the main slogans and key moral precepts of communism. Will he survive all the trumps, the whole of America and all of us, because it is the main line of human development”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” the words of Mr. Zyuganov.

According to the leader of the Communist party, if you win, “private, egoistic form of life”, the planet will die. “She can’t stand the wild exploitation of their resources and take revenge typhoons, floods, fires,” — said Gennady Zyuganov.

According to Mr. Zyuganov, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin “hate just for the fact that they are being in poluafrikanskoy state, raised to the heights of victory in may 1945, space and nuclear missile parity”.

