Russia will not support the United States and Ukraine for the peacekeepers, said Lukashevich

Russia will not support the United States and Ukraine for the peacekeepers, said Lukashevich MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. Russia will never support the US and Ukraine, the layout of the peacekeeping mission in the Donbass, which will actually lead to the formation of the UN administration, said Russia’s permanent representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich. He recalled that such a scheme was announced by the special representative of the United States in the Ukrainian settlement Kurt Volker. “It (the scheme) is absolutely irrelevant to the Minsk package of measures, rather, acts in the direction opposite to those agreements, which are enshrined in this document. It is proposed, in fact, as the Minister (of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei) Lavrov put it, the imposition via the UN some international authority, which is a key element of a package of measures, namely, dialogue between Kiev and Donbass, will replace it

Links election circuit

Links election circuit Maxim Kononenko that Vladimir Putin is not doing anything unexpected. After the announcement of Vladimir Putin’s nomination for the presidential elections, political analysts explained why it was done on the Gas. But in anticipation of this application, the signals of support “from above” has received a huge social group — which can be interpreted as the position of Putin in the next presidential campaign. It is considered that Vladimir Putin never does what’s expected of him, people who make plans. Over the years, mapping solutions and expectations has become a kind of exciting game, absorbed the best minds of the expert community, of enthusiastic poets to the dull pragmatists. Almost no one ever guessed (except for the occasional hits like predictions Vladimir Pribylovsky the Prime Minister, Viktor Zubkov or Alexei Venediktov presidency of Dmitry Medvedev). And the stranger that is not consistent with the predictions, the unexpected

Putin instructed to proceed with the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria

Putin instructed to proceed with the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria HAMIM, 11 Dec. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who on Monday visited the air base in Syria Hamim, instructed the defence Ministry to initiate the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “The Minister of defense, the chief of the General staff I order you to proceed with the withdrawal of Russian troops to their permanent deployment,” — said Putin, speaking to the soldiers. The President stressed that Russia’s armed forces with the Syrian army defeated the most militant group of international terrorists in Syria. “For two years, Russia’s Armed forces with the Syrian army defeated the most militant group of international terrorists. In this regard, I have decided that a considerable part of the Russian military contingent in the Syrian Arab Republic, returned home to Russia”, — said the Supreme Commander. The President said that Russia will

Lavrov: Russia does not know what is the “deal of the century” the United States in the middle East

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS NEW DELHI, December 11. /TASS/. Moscow still has no idea what was meant by “deal of the century” in the Palestinian-Israeli settlement which wants to make Washington. About it to journalists was declared by the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “I know not, lost or not lost “the deal of the century” because nobody has seen her. They were advertised, but very vague. We don’t know what was going on,” said the Minister.

Public sector wages will increase by 4% from 1 January

Public sector wages will increase by 4% from 1 January MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. In Russia since January, four percent salary increase for state employees. The order of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev published on the official portal of legal information. This measure will affect employees of state-owned, budgetary and Autonomous institutions, as well as employees of government agencies. In addition, to increase wages to civil servants of military units, establishments and divisions of Federal enforcement authorities in which the law provides military and equal to it service. Last week the Minister of labour and social protection Maxim Topilin has reminded the regional authorities about the decree on increase of salaries to state employees. In addition, in late November, the government allocated 200 million roubles for increase of salaries of employees of cultural institutions and 3.6 billion — those who are engaged in education and science.

The Federation Council will prepare a law criminalizing the involvement of children in mismatched shares

The Federation Council will prepare a law criminalizing the involvement of children in mismatched shares Moscow. 11 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Bill on responsibility of the organizers of the unsanctioned rallies for attracting children to participate in such actions is being prepared in the Federation Council and will be submitted for public discussion, said the speaker of the upper house Valentina Matvienko. “It should be the responsibility of the organizers of the rallies that they hold and even encourage minors to participate. What is the measure of responsibility? This should be determined by the law. A draft of such a law is. It is discussed while in the Federation Council. You need time to Refine, so as not to initiate premature persuasions, unnecessary panic,” — said Matvienko in an interview with RBC published on the newspaper’s website. On this project, according to her, must undergo a number of public venues,

The automobile will have a difficult

The automobile will have a difficult The car recycling fee on cars could rise sharply. According to “Kommersant”, the Ministry has proposed to the government in 2018 to increase the recycling fee on cars on 87-125%. Domestic concerns informally compensate for it, so more likely the measure will hurt net importers. But it will catch and built their plants in Russia for foreign companies, while the importing part models (in this situation, BMW, Nissan, Renault, Toyota, VW Group). According to experts, the growth of collecting on the background of growth of excises will raise the price of cars by 10 to 17%. Kommersant’s sources in the market is surprised by the initiative and stressed that the disposal costs could double. The Ministry has refined and tightened the project to increase the rates of car recycling fee on cars in 2018, said the source “Kommersant” in the market. According to him,

USA, Japan and South Korea began joint military exercises of the Navy

USA, Japan and South Korea began joint military exercises of the Navy TOKYO, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti, Ivan Zakharchenko. USA, Japan and South Korea began two days of joint naval exercises. The maneuvers will take place in the waters near Japan and the Korean Peninsula. During the exercise cycle is equipped with systems for early detection USS Stethem, the South Korean “SOE Yu Sonnen” and Japanese “Teki”. In Tokyo said that the purpose of the exercise — increase the tactical capabilities of the military Maritime self-defense force and strengthening relations between the three countries. In turn, in Seoul noted that during the military maneuvers will simulate a suspended launches of North Korean ballistic missiles and work information exchange between the ships. On Friday ended a five-day exercise, the U.S. air force and South Korea Vigilant AC. They became the most large-scale in history, they deployed approximately 230 aircraft, including

The Ministry said the amount of the monthly payments on the first and second child

The Ministry said the amount of the monthly payments on the first and second child MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. The average Russian monthly payment on the first and second child will be 10.5 thousand rubles, said Minister of labor and social protection Maxim Topilin. According to him, the minimum payment will be in the Belgorod region, the maximum — in Chukchi Autonomous district. “The point is that the payout corresponds to the level of life in the region, so we take regional living wage of the child. What is the child’s subsistence for the second quarter of 2017 in the region — such allowance for the following, 2018, year,” — he explained. Earlier Vladimir Putin announced a number of initiatives in the socio-demographic sphere: the extension program netcapital to the end of 2021, the launch of special programs of mortgage lending to families, which in 2018 is born

The opposition in Venezuela has banned to participate in elections

The opposition in Venezuela has banned to participate in elections Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has demanded to prevent the presidential elections in 2018 opposition parties which refused to participate in municipal elections on Sunday and called for a boycott of the vote. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The election was boycotted by three main opposition parties — “people’s will”, and “Justice above all” and “Democratic action”. Parties that did not participate in today’s vote and called for a boycott of the elections, can no longer participate in them, is the criterion of the National constituent Assembly, and I as head of state, support it.Nicolas Maduro As he stated, in most municipalities of the country according to the results of Sunday’s vote were won by the representatives of the ruling United socialist party of Venezuela. According to the National electoral Council, members of the United socialist party headed by 23 of the 24 capitals of