Zakharova: Russia was never a “militant country”

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, December 17. /TASS/. Russia was never a “militant country”, in contrast to the European States. This statement was made official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in Facebook Sunday in response to the words of British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson likening Russia with Sparta.

Saakashvili denied the letters to Poroshenko and collected March

Saakashvili denied the letters to Poroshenko and collected March The former Governor of Odessa region of Ukraine and leader of the “movement of new forces” Mikhail Saakashvili has denied media reports that allegedly was sent to President Petro Poroshenko a letter with the offer of reconciliation. About this politician said in an interview “Strenia”. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “I have them [the Ukrainian authorities] will attack more than ever,” he said. At the same time, Saakashvili stressed that accuses Clinton of aiding “external enemy” and considers it necessary to establish a dialogue. “We are not enemies, we only have an external enemy (…) This would be wrong. We all need to save one side and to talk about it, including, and with it,” he said. The head of the party “movement new forces” gathered on Sunday, December 17, his supporters in the center of Kiev on the March for the impeachment of Poroshenko.

Milon replied in the words of Boris Johnson about the comparison of Russia with Sparta

Milon replied in the words of Boris Johnson about the comparison of Russia with Sparta MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Deputy of “United Russia”, member of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Vitaly Milonov, commenting on the statement by the British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson about Parallels between Russia and Sparta, compared to the Western countries, not with Athens, and the army of Xerxes. Previously, Johnson drew a parallel between the confrontation between Russia and the West and the history of the Greek city-States of Sparta and Athens, comparing Russia with Sparta. “I hope that Mr. Johnson was referring to the resilience and loyalty of our countrymen to their ideals and willingness to defend them even in the minority, as demonstrated by the 300 Spartans in Thermopylae gorge. But I would compare the modern West is not ancient Athens, and the army of Xerxes the Great”, — Milonov

Strict grandmother tried to separate the Israeli security forces and Palestinians

Strict grandmother tried to separate the Israeli security forces and Palestinians Unarmed elderly woman tried to separate the Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters in Bethlehem. Video published on the YouTube channel Ruptly. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The footage shows a grandmother in a hat is alternately suited to the police, something explaining and forcing them to put the gun down, then to the rock-throwing young people, considering them. Representatives of both sides are at a loss, but a force to elderly woman no one uses it. It once accidentally dropped some of the protesters, but in the next moment helped her to rise. Security forces simply retreating under her onslaught, his head bowed. Previously TASS reported that the clashes began in Bethlehem and several other localities on December 15. Demonstrators protest against the recent decision of the US administration on the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The most serious

NATO has tripled the number of rapid reaction forces

NATO has tripled the number of rapid reaction forces NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the tripling of the number of rapid reaction forces of the Alliance over the past three years. He stated this in an interview with Journal du Dimanche. “After the crisis in Ukraine in 2014, the Alliance decided to proceed to a serious strengthening in recent years. We have three times increased the number of rapid reaction Forces NATO to 40 thousand people. Five thousand of them ready to deploy within a few days,” — said Stoltenberg. According to him, NATO has stepped up exercises and air policing of the Baltic States. Stoltenberg added that a serious threat to the countries of the block is cyber attacks, as a result, it was decided to consider cyberspace as a military environment. “Cyber defence is now an integral part of collective defence, which means that a serious cyber

The head of the British foreign Minister has compared Russia with Sparta

The head of the British foreign Minister has compared Russia with Sparta MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson drew a parallel between the confrontation between Russia and the West with the history of the Greek city-States of Sparta and Athens, the newspaper Sunday Times. “I read the history of the Peloponnesian war of Thucydides. For me it was obvious that Athens and their democracy, their openness, their culture and civilization were counterparts of the United States and of the West,” the Minister said, comparing Russia with Sparta. Johnson noted that in relations between Moscow and the West were “a time of hope and change,” when was the Berlin wall destroyed, but amid the current crisis in relations “seems to be an absolute illusion.” The Peloponnesian war (431-404 BC) was the largest war between the unions of the Greek city-States Peloponnesian Alliance headed by Sparta

The Americans have developed a pessimistic view of the presidency, trump

The Americans have developed a pessimistic view of the presidency, trump Moscow. 17 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — at least 52% of US citizens believe that the situation in the country had worsened since the coming to power of President Donald trump, these are the results of a public opinion poll conducted by the Associated Press and the American public research Centre. According to the survey, only one in three out of 10 Americans believe that the country is moving in the right direction, and that the trump fulfill election promises. Even among Republicans — the party of trump thinks so only half of the respondents. Overall, according to a survey by the end of 2017, the Americans formed a pessimistic view of the presidency trump. In early December the publication the Hill, citing a poll by the Pew Research Center reported that 63% of US citizens said that is dissatisfied with

In Australia a man suspected of sale of missile components to the DPRK

In Australia a man suspected of sale of missile components to the DPRK In Australia arrested the man, who is accused of selling on behalf of DPRK coal and components for missiles. This was reported in the Australian police, reports Reuters. The man was arrested in Sydney on Saturday, December 16. According to Australian media, he was 59 years old and his name is Chan Han Choi. He lives in Australia for 30 years and was a Korean dissident. The police believe that he was trying to sell, including the guidance systems of ballistic missiles, and coal in Indonesia and Vietnam. According to police, the amount of the transaction was $10 million. Australian police became interested in the man in 2016. Law enforcement officials said that the suspect — “a dedicated agent of North Korea who believes it is a high Patriotic objectives”. As told in Australian law enforcement, a

The source said the postponement of the dates of launches of manned spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome in 2018

The source said the postponement of the dates of launches of manned spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome in 2018 Moscow. 17 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Updated manifest of launches of Russian spacecraft to the ISS in 2018, the year provides 4 manned launch and launch three cargo ships, said the Agency “Interfax” a source at the cosmodrome. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “In the Russian rocket and space industry ends the scheduling of launches by 2018-th year. Recently the enterprises participating in the implementation of manned space programs, provided an updated schedule of launches for the manned program for the year 2018”, — said the source. According to him, the new timetable is slightly moved the dates of all launches. So, the launches of manned spacecraft is scheduled to perform March 15 — Soyuz MS-08, 6 June — Union MS-09, 14 September — Soyuz MS-10, November 15 — Soyuz MS-11. Launches cargo spacecraft is scheduled

Finnish media published the classified information about surveillance by the Russian military

Finnish media published the classified information about surveillance by the Russian military Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat in the Saturday issue published an article “Secret place Finland” on the intelligence service in the town Tikkakoski, which, according to the newspaper, watching the Russian armed forces on the territory of the former Leningrad military district (LenVO). The President of Finland Sauli Niinistö and Minister of defense Jussi Niinistö demanded from law enforcement agencies to initiate an investigation upon receipt of the journalists classified information. The national police have opened a criminal case. “In practice, the unit detects and analyzes electromagnetic radiation klassificeret the Russian armed forces. That’s the way the unit creates a digital image assessment of troops, forces, guidelines, objectives and changes in operations in the territory of Russia”, — says the publication Helsingin Sanomat. According to the publication, in 2010, intelligence service in Tikkakoski worked a total of 150 people.