Became known date of the departure of Raul Castro to resign

Became known date of the departure of Raul Castro to resign The head of Cuba Raul Castro will resign on 19 April 2018. Earlier he claimed that he will leave the post of Chairman of the state Council after the February elections to that authority, but the vote was postponed for two months. Cuban leader Raul Castro will leave his post April 19, 2018. It is reported by the U.S. Spanish-language newspaper El Nuevo Herald. Castro’s resignation will occur after the elections to the state Council. On Thursday, Cuban Parliament decided to postpone elections to the state Council for two months — instead of the planned 24 February they will be held on April 19. In the Cuban political system, the presidency consists of two combined posts of Chairman of the state Council and head of the Council of Ministers. The state Council consists of 31 members who are elected

Putin instructed to release specialisatie to return capital to Russia

Putin instructed to release specialisatie to return capital to Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting with businessmen announced that they had commissioned already in 2018 to ensure the release of a special bond for the return of capital in Russia. Question has worked for the government and the Central Bank. “At our last meeting you were asked to create suitable mechanisms for the return of capital to Russian jurisdiction. As a tool we decided to use domestic bonds, external bonds denominated in foreign currency. And had a Commission to determine the necessary conditions and parameters of the issue of such securities to Russian investors and to provide them treatment in the next year”, — Putin said at a meeting with businessmen in the Kremlin, the correspondent of RBC. Question has worked for the Ministry of economic development, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, with the idea “did not

Congress of “green Alliance” nominated Elvira Agurbash on elections of the President of Russia

The head of the ecologist party “Green Alliance” Alexander Zakondyrin © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. The Congress of the party “green Alliance” on December 21, voted for the nomination of candidates in elections of the President of Russia first Vice-President of the agricultural complex “Mortadel” Elvira Agurbash.

The European Union extended economic sanctions against Russia

The European Union extended economic sanctions against Russia BRUSSELS, 21 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Council of the European Union extended economic sanctions against Russia, said the Council. Term limits, which was due to expire in January, was extended until July 31, 2018. The European Union imposed restrictive measures against Moscow in 2014 — against the backdrop of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia and the situation in the Donbass. Speech, in particular, on personal sanctions against citizens of Russia and Ukraine, which Brussels accuses of undermining the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic. The black list also includes the legal entity. EU restrictions apply to the Crimea. For example, citizens and companies from EU countries can’t import products from Crimea and invest in the economy of the Peninsula. Russia has repeatedly stressed that it is not a party to domestic conflict, and talking to her in the

Putin interrupted a meeting of the Council for culture due to urgent call

Putin interrupted a meeting of the Council for culture due to urgent call MOSCOW, 21 Dec — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin interrupted a meeting of the Council for culture and the arts because of an urgent phone call. “You know, I’m sorry. I have here a lot of very notes, I take pleasure in each call. But I need to come to the phone. If we agree that I’ll talk, I’m ready to come back and continue,” — said Putin, addressing the participants of the meeting of the Council. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov told journalists that on Thursday the President will hold a number of international phone calls. At the meeting of the Council for culture and the arts to discuss issues of improving the state policy in this area and other relevant topics. Traditionally, it involves well-known figures of culture and art.

The Deputy head of the Moscow headquarters of Navalny said about the failure of the campaign

The Deputy head of the Moscow headquarters of Navalny said about the failure of the campaign MOSCOW, December 21, FederalPress. The Deputy head of the Moscow headquarters of Alexei Navalny said about the failure of the election campaign of the opposition. To blame the new chief of staff Serhiy Boyko, who was brought in longtime associate of Navalny Leonid Volkov. “Why would this human failure need? And quite simply — the verification of signatures by region failed completely, hence the absence of at least some statistics on it, which for a long time require to disclose donors. Invented the unrealistic plan is to collect all the signatures from the regions (almost 250 000 missing), — says Deputy head of Moscow Navalny’s campaign staff Vitaly Strokanov. In Moscow alone, the successful result was a collection of 14 000 signatures in three months, accordingly it is possible to evaluate the futility of

The CEC received the notice on carrying out of congresses in support of the 34 candidates in presidents of the Russian Federation

A member of the CEC of the Russian Federation Evgeny Shevchenko © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of the Russian Federation received to date, information on the conduct of party congresses and meetings of initiative groups in support of the 34 candidates in presidents of the Russian Federation. This was stated to journalists on Thursday, the CEC member Yevgeny Shevchenko. “The Central election Commission has received notification from the 34 candidates who want to run,” – said Shevchenko.

Putin called for serious revisions to the state policy in the field of culture

Putin called for serious revisions to the state policy in the field of culture The Russian President believes that cultural workers should be directly involved in the work on the new law and to establish a working group. MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for a serious renewal of the state policy in the field of culture. “There is a General need to seriously update the state humanitarian policy, in which culture is reserved, of course, a key role,” he said at a meeting of the Council for culture and the arts. According to Putin, had previously discussed the question of the revision of the relationship to culture “only as to the industry providing a certain type of services.” “The rejection of such a narrow sectoral approach embodied in the principles of state cultural policy, it is now necessary to transfer this principle into the legislation,

The state Duma adopted a law on tax Amnesty and the exemption of pensioners from land tax

The state Duma adopted a law on tax Amnesty and the exemption of pensioners from land tax By estimations of deputies, it will allow you to write off the debts of citizens and individual entrepreneurs in the amount of approximately 150 billion rubles. MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. The state Duma adopted in the third reading the law about debt relief to individuals and individual entrepreneurs (IE) in taxes and contributions as well as exemption of pensioners from land tax for plots with an area of not more than six acres. Norms laws have been framed as amendments to the second reading of the bill on taxation of controlled foreign organizations. The authors of the document became a group of deputies from “United Russia” headed by Chairman of the Duma Committee on budget and taxes Andrei Makarov. That provides for a “tax Amnesty” “Tax Amnesty” is declared in respect of income