The exit poll showed the victory of supporters of independence in the elections in Catalonia

The exit poll showed the victory of supporters of independence in the elections in Catalonia Most Generalitat in Catalonia for the first after the referendum on independence for the region parliamentary elections will get the party advocating for the secession from Spain. This is evidenced by the company GAD3 exit polls published by local newspaper La Vanguardia. The turnout to the closure of polling stations, as the newspaper notes, was “a record” of 84%. While the victory in the elections to the Parliament of the Autonomous community, according to the results of the survey will be representatives of left-centrist party Ciudadanos (“Civil party”). They are, according to La Vanguardia, is from 34 to 37 seats. Second place exit polls predicted advocating for the independence Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERS, the Left Republican party of Catalonia). Its members, according to the survey, will receive the regional Parliament from 34 to 36

The state Duma ratified the agreement with Syria to expand naval base in Tartus

© Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. The state Duma at additional plenary meeting on Thursday ratified the agreement with Syria “On extending the territory of the item logistics (MTO) of the Russian Navy in the port of Tartus and visits of military ships of the Russian Federation in the territorial sea, internal waters and ports of the Syrian Arab Republic.” The purpose of the document deposited on 13 December, the Russian President, is the creation of the legal base regulating the conditions of stay of the item logistics of the Russian Navy. They regulated the functioning, the procedure for the entry and exit of warships of the Russian Federation, property relations, and the use of land plots and water areas. “The agreement gives Russia the right at the same time to keep the item logistics of the Russian Navy to

Putin explained to Merkel the reasons for the withdrawal of the Russian officers SCCC

© Alexey Nikolsky/TASS MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation explained to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s reasons for the withdrawal of the Russian officers from the Joint center for control and coordination of ceasefire and stabilization of the line of contact between the parties (SCCC), said on Thursday the press-service of the Kremlin. Putin, in particular, noted that “the Ukrainian authorities for a long time through various restrictions and provocations deliberately hindered the conditions for our military and the execution of their duties. “In our repeated proposals to resolve the current unacceptable situation of no response”, he added.

Saakashvili got the right to be reunited with his family

Saakashvili got the right to be reunited with his family The Ministry of security and justice of the Netherlands issued a visa to former head of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili. It is reported by the Dutch newspaper Telegraaf. In response to the request in the office replied that indeed gave permission to enter the former President of Georgia to reunite with his family — wife of the disgraced politician Sandra Roelofs is a citizen of the Kingdom. Clarifies that Saakashvili received a visa at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kiev. Later Saakashvili on air of TV channel NewsOne said that he “does not need a Dutch visa. I can travel to any European country, I have a few proposals on citizenship in the several States of Europe, I have an automatic right to citizenship of the Netherlands — this issue in front of me”, — he explained. It

Palestine considered his victory the results of the voting at the UN General Assembly in Jerusalem

Palestine considered his victory the results of the voting at the UN General Assembly in Jerusalem Moscow. 21 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Palestinian leadership said he was pleased with the endorsement at the UN General Assembly resolution calling not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, said on Thursday the British newspaper The Independent. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “The vote was a victory for Palestine. We will continue to make every effort, speaking at the United Nations and other international organizations to stop the occupation and create a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem,” said spokesman Nabil Abu rudeina. The UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted a resolution calling for countries not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. On the voting document was supported by 128 countries, nine were made against, and 35 abstained. Was all the permanent members of the UN security Council except the United States.

Zhirinovsky believes that the United States will try to spoil the elections in Russia

Zhirinovsky believes that the United States will try to spoil the elections in Russia BARNAUL, 21 Dec — RIA Novosti. The United States will try to spoil the presidential elections in Russia with native Russian speakers who have lived in the United States, said on Thursday the leader of the liberal democratic party of Russia (LDPR) Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Zhirinovsky on Thursday, the first of the presidential candidates submitted to the CEC documents for nominating a candidate for election in 2018. On the eve of the liberal democratic party of Zhirinovsky endorsed the candidate of the party for the presidential election, the party leader nominated on the presidential elections for the sixth time. “All Europeans, all Russian clean, no language, Russia. All the brains turn towards America. Against us, America is a very sophisticated information war, they first pulled out to millions of our citizens — educated, and now we send

Lavrentiev: Russia grateful to the US for his contribution to the defeat of ISIS in Syria

Soldiers of the U.S. army near Raqqa, Syria © AP Photo/Hussein Malla ASTANA, December 21. /TASS/. Russia is grateful to the American colleagues for their contribution to the defeat of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in Syria. This was stated on Thursday the head of the Russian delegation at the talks on Syria in Astana, the President’s special envoy on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev.

Kiriyenko: the external attempts to exert pressure on Russian citizens before the election will be unsuccessful

First Deputy head of presidential administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. Attempts to exert outside pressure on public opinion in Russia before the presidential elections in March 2018 visible to the naked eye, but they are unsuccessful, the citizens themselves make their choice. This opinion was expressed by first Deputy head of presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kirienko.

Saakashvili received Netherlands visa

Saakashvili received Netherlands visa Former President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili received a visa to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This was stated by the Ministry of security and justice of the country, the newspaper De Telegraaf. As told in Department, Saakashvili received a visa at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kiev. As the purpose of the trip was the family reunification. Wife of the former President Sandra Roelofs is a subject of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which. They have. two children. Deprived of Ukrainian citizenship Mikheil Saakashvili has returned to Ukraine where he organized the “new forces”, which stands for the resignation of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Supporters of the former President organize protests and rallies. In addition, they pitched a tent in front of Parliament. In early December, Saakashvili, was detained in Kiev. The Prosecutor General’s office accused him of “promoting members of the criminal organizations and