American Henrietta Fore will be headed by UNICEF

American Henrietta Fore will be headed by UNICEF Moscow. 22 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Henrietta Fore will replace the current head of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Anthony Lake, said in a press release issued on Friday on the official web-site of the Fund. “Henrietta Fort uses his experience working for children in UNICEF,” said E. lake, who had headed the Fund since 2010. “I know that the organization will support it, as once it was given to me. Its success will be the success of UNICEF and, therefore, — and children,” he said. It is expected that the Fort will commence their term on 1 January 2018. Previously Henrietta Faure worked at the U.S. Agency for international development, has held positions in various divisions of the U.S. state Department, and collaborated with the Center for strategic and international studies. In addition, she was Chairman of the Board of Directors and

The UN security Council imposed new international sanctions against North Korea

The UN security Council imposed new international sanctions against North Korea UN, Dec 22 — RIA Novosti. The UN Security Council imposed new international sanctions against North Korea. Prepared by the United States resolution was adopted on Friday unanimously. The new measures extend the trade embargo against North Korea and further curtail the ability of Pyongyang to receive funds from abroad. The document envisages freezing assets and imposing travel ban against 19 persons (among them representatives of eight banks abroad and the head of the program of development of weapons of mass destruction) and the entire Ministry of people’s armed forces. The document also mandates that all UN countries in the year to send home a North Korean labour migrants. After the resolution comes into force ban on the increase in the supply to the DPRK of crude oil more than 4 million barrels per year. Since January 1 also

The Plenum of the Communist party supported the candidacy of Grudinina as a candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation

The Plenum of the Communist party supported the candidacy of Grudinina as a candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Moscow. 22 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist party on Friday nominated Director of sovkhoz Lenina Pavel Grudinina a candidate for the office of President of the Russian Federation. “The Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist party after discussions and a series of speeches unanimously supported the proposal to elect the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the people’s Patriotic forces of Gennady Zyuganov and the only candidate for President from the Communist party and the people’s Patriotic forces Pavel Grudinina,” — said on Friday “Interfax” the head of the press service of the party, state Duma Deputy Alexander Yushchenko. He noted that Grudinin, “the candidate nominated by the Communist and national-Patriotic forces, and so he goes on elections with the program

The US imposed sanctions against the “thieves in law”

The US imposed sanctions against the “thieves in law” Made in the United States sanctions list the names of the top 10 crime bosses from Russia and countries of the former USSR, and also against the two companies. The sanctions imposed in the framework of the struggle against the “Thieves in law”, reads the statement of the U.S. Treasury. Posted on the website of the Ministry of Finance the list of people targeted by the sanctions, in addition to their names, are also given nicknames. The list includes: Yuri Pichugin (Birdie), Ruben Tatulyan (Robson), Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov (Taiwanchik), Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik), Zachary Kalash (Shakro Young), Vasily Khristoforov (Rose), Kamchibek of Kolbaev (Kimchi Bishkek), Lasha Shushanashvili (Lasha rustavsky), Vladislav Leontyev (he is White) and Gafur Rakhimov. Sanctions are also imposed on JSC “Spa Spring hotel” and “New age media”. All sanctioned people, as indicated by the Finance Ministry, connected with the organization

At the Congress in Sochi it is planned to establish a Committee for the reform of the Constitution of Syria

Special presidential envoy on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev © EPA/IGOR KOVALENKO MOSCOW, December 23. /TASS/. The Committee on constitutional reform is planned to create at the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi. This was stated by the President’s special envoy on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev in interview to TV channel RT.

Boris Johnson spoke about the visit to Moscow in the 80s, “Kalinka” and the sundae in the Cup

Boris Johnson spoke about the visit to Moscow in the 80s, “Kalinka” and the sundae in the Cup Moscow. 22 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson at the meeting with Russian students in Moscow remembered how in her youth, she sang “Kalinka” and ate the sundae in the Cup. Earlier Friday, Johnson has called himself a Russophile and acknowledged the presence of Russian roots. “I’m a Russophile, a staunch Russophile. I have ancestors in America, Germany, and, of course, here in Moscow. I am convinced that I am the first Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, whose name is Boris,” he said after talks with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. UK doesn’t want new cold war with Russia, said Johnson. “Those, whose childhood was spent during the cold war, knew the true horror of the era, and I don’t want a repeat of those

In Zimbabwe, white farmers began to reclaim land

In Zimbabwe, white farmers began to reclaim land The new President of Zimbabwe Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa for the first time, the land was returned to the white farmer. Put Robert Smart was taken during the reign of the previous head of state Robert Mugabe, reports the New York Post. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The Smart site is within 200 kilometers from the capital Harare. Dozens of workers and local residents met the farmer with applause and songs. New Zimbabwean leader called land reform is inevitable. He promised to compensate losses to farmers who have lost land as a result of the reforms Mugabe. Thus, the head of state wants to attract investments to the country. It is noted that the Minister of agriculture of the country going to meet the representatives of the Farmers ‘ Union, representing the interests of white farmers. Persecution for them began in the late 1990-ies. In 2000, the

In Belarus legalize crypto-currencies

In Belarus legalize crypto-currencies MINSK, Dec 22 — RIA Novosti. Belarus will become the first state in the world to legalize so-called smart contracts at the country level — this will occur after the entry into force of the decree “On the development of the digital economy”, said in a statement on the website of the Belarusian high technology Park (HTP), which is defined as the basic experimental platform for the implementation of pilot projects on operations with the tokens. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said earlier Friday that he had signed a decree “On the development of the digital economy”, which aims to create favorable conditions for the development of information technology, including the technology of the blockchain and cryptocurrency, and joining the Republic of world IT companies. The document has not yet officially published. Smart legalization “The new decree legalizes ICO, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts (a computer program

Putin said about the aggressive nature of the new national security strategy of the United States

© Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS TASS, 22 Dec. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the new strategy of US national security is the aggressive nature. “The United States has recently outlined its defense strategy. In diplomatic language, if I may say, it is certainly offensive in nature, and if you go to a military language, it is definitely aggressive,” – said the head of state, speaking at the enlarged meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of defense of Russia.