Zyuganov will head the election headquarters of Pavel Grudinina

Zyuganov will head the election headquarters of Pavel Grudinina The leader of the Communist party is preparing an election program for a new candidate from the party and intends to announce it at the Congress on Saturday. ROZHDESTVENNO (Moscow oblast), Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov called the Director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinina successful candidate in the presidential elections and confirmed that he will lead his campaign staff. “The plenary yesterday unanimously nominated Pavel Nikolaevich. I was supported and elected head of the Supreme state Council of the people’s Patriotic forces and campaign Manager, tasked with preparing the electoral programme, agreed with all forces,” Zyuganov said before the Congress of the Communist party. He promised to submit to Congress a version of the election program. It will be 18 points, including for “repair power”. According to the leader of the Communist party, the

The United States took the decision to supply Ukraine with defensive weapons

The United States took the decision to supply Ukraine with defensive weapons The United States adopted the decision on the supply of defensive weapons to Ukraine, said the representative of the U.S. Department of State Heather Nauert. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “The United States decided to supply Ukraine reinforced the defensive capabilities as part of our efforts to assist Ukraine to build its long-term defensive capabilities to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity and to repel further aggression,” — said in a statement, Nauert received by the Agency. It also States that “the U.S., as we said earlier, is purely defensive in nature”. “We always talked about the fact that Ukraine is a sovereign state and has the right to defend themselves,” — said in a statement. In addition, it is noted that Washington remains committed to the implementation of the Minsk agreements to resolve the situation in

Lavrentiev: Russia hopes to work with the United States in the fight against “an-Nusra” in Syria

Special presidential envoy on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev © EPA/IGOR KOVALENKO ASTANA, 23 Dec. /TASS/. Russia hopes to work with the United States in the fight against “al-Nusra Dzhebhat” (a terrorist organization banned in Russia – approx. TASS) in Syria. About this TASS said the head of the Russian delegation at the talks on Syria in Astana, Russian President’s special envoy on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev. “We have a good result of the joint work in the fight against ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia – approx. TASS), – the diplomat noted. – I hope that the same good work will be in the struggle with other terrorist organizations, including “al-Nusra Dzhebhat”.

Lavrentiev: Russia hopes to work with the United States in the fight against “an-Nusra” in Syria

Special presidential envoy on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev © EPA/IGOR KOVALENKO ASTANA, 23 Dec. /TASS/. Russia hopes to work with the United States in the fight against “al-Nusra Dzhebhat” (a terrorist organization banned in Russia – approx. TASS) in Syria. About this TASS said the head of the Russian delegation at the talks on Syria in Astana, Russian President’s special envoy on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev. “We have a good result of the joint work in the fight against ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia – approx. TASS), – the diplomat noted. – I hope that the same good work will be in the struggle with other terrorist organizations, including “al-Nusra Dzhebhat”.

Zyuganov expects that the Congress of the Communist party will confirm the decision about the nomination Grudinina for President

The VILLAGE of ROZHDESTVENO /Moscow region/, December 23. / TASS/. Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov expects that the Congress of the Communist party on Saturday will confirm the decision of the Presidium and Plenum of the party Central Committee on the nomination of the Director of the Moscow enterprise “Sovkhoz im. Lenin” Pavel Grudinina as a candidate in the presidential elections that will be held next spring.

Trump planned to endorse the supply of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine

Trump planned to endorse the supply of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine The President of the United States Donald trump is preparing to endorse the plan of deliveries of anti-tank rocket launchers to Ukraine. This is with reference to sources in the state Department according to ABC News. The sources said that Ukraine will be sent 210 anti-tank missiles and 35 plants in the amount of $ 47 million. This party may be included Javelin anti-tank systems of American manufacturing. Also, Ukraine will have the opportunity to purchase additional ammo. ABC News notes that the supply of anti-tank rocket launchers Kiev “will likely provoke a strong reaction from Russia, which could derail attempts by trump to improve relations with Moscow.” In case of approval of the plan by trump, he will go to Congress, which must consider it within 30 days. In case of approval of the plan by Congress, its

Poroshenko thanked Tillerson for the continuation of anti-Russian sanctions

Poroshenko thanked Tillerson for the continuation of anti-Russian sanctions The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has held a phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and thanked him for sanctions against Russia. This was reported on the website of the Ukrainian leader. “Petro Poroshenko expressed gratitude for the continuation of sanctions against Russia, a consistent Washington’s support for strengthening the defense of Ukraine and the UN resolution on Crimea. Rex Tillerson stressed that the United States will continue to support Ukraine”, — stated in the message. The parties also discussed the worsening situation in the Donbass. On the website Poroshenko said that the deterioration is due to “the increase in the number of attacks by Russian fighters and irresponsible withdrawal of the Russian officers from the Joint center for control and coordination of the ceasefire regime in the Donbas.” In addition, Poroshenko and Tillerson coordinated position concerning the

In the Donbas comes into force “new year” truce

In the Donbas comes into force “new year” truce DONETSK, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. Agreement on ceasefire in the Donbass for the Christmas season, come into force at 00.00 GMT (01.00 GMT) on Saturday. This is the sixth year the attempt of the parties to the conflict to stop attacks. The agreement on the ceasefire agreed by the contact group on settling the situation in Ukraine on the latest in 2017 meeting, which was held Wednesday in Minsk. Another attempt to cease fire in the Donbass The parties to the conflict this year has repeatedly attempted to achieve a sustainable ceasefire. Began in 2017 with a truce for the new year and Christmas holidays. After the armistice on Easter day — the international children’s day, “bread” — the period of harvest and “school” on the eve of the school year. The latter was to be perpetual and comprehensive. The

Putin and Medvedev will attend the Congress of “United Russia”

Putin and Medvedev will attend the Congress of “United Russia” MOSCOW, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of “United Russia” (EP) Dmitry Medvedev on Saturday will participate in the planning of the seventeenth Congress of the EP, which will be decided on the support of nomination of Putin as a candidate in the presidential election in 2018. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the head of state will take part in the Congress of the party “United Russia”. The agenda of the second day of the Congress The second day will begin with a joint meeting of the Supreme and General councils of the party, which will be attended by Medvedev. Among the issues that will be on the agenda of the meeting: optimization of design activities, namely the consolidation of existing artproekta,

Zampolpreda of Russia to the UN, spoke about the adoption of the resolution on DPRK

Zampolpreda of Russia to the UN, spoke about the adoption of the resolution on DPRK UN, Dec 22 — RIA Novosti. The adoption of the resolution of the UN Security Council on new sanctions against North Korea was possible only taking into account the proposals of Russia, said the Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov. “The adoption of the resolution became possible only as a result of consideration of our concerns,” said the diplomat. However, he noted that coordination was made “at the last minute, as a result of a grueling effort.” “We emphasize that the sanctions measures do not apply to the activities of diplomatic missions in the DPRK, the operation of the project of Rajin, the restriction does not apply to Korean airlines and the supply of associated spare parts,” — said Safronov. He also noted that the timing of the requirement to expel all North