Siemens has not provided evidence of the deception at the conclusion of the contract for the turbines

Siemens has not provided evidence of the deception at the conclusion of the contract for the turbines German concern Siemens has not provided evidence of fraud on the part of agencies of the state Corporation “rostec” at the conclusion of the contract for the supply of gas turbines. This is stated in the decision of the Moscow Arbitration court seized of the case. “The plaintiffs in the original lawsuit did not prove that “Siemens gas turbine technology” had the wrong idea about the nature and subject of the disputed contract,” the court noted. The decision States that the plaintiff company “Siemens gas turbine technology” is not proved that the respondents (JSC and JSC “Technopromexport”) created an untrue idea of the nature of the transaction, reports TASS. Siemens argued that the structure of Rostec purchased gas pipe for the project on the Taman Peninsula, but later used them in Crimea, in

The pension reform included in the transition period

The pension reform included in the transition period The replacement of savings in a PKI starts with translation. 31фотография31фотография31фотография The Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Russia lay in the law on non-governmental pension funds (NPF), the elements of the future system of individual pension capital (PKI). In particular, the aim of the amendments to the relevant law relating to the transfer system citizens pension savings. Direct indication on the abolition of the system of mandatory pension insurance (OPS) in the bill there is, but in the state Duma expect from the government a separate legislative act, in which the rejection of the OPS will be linked to the introduction of ITQs. “Kommersant” managed to get acquainted with the preliminary version of the draft law amending the law “On private pension funds”, prepared to pass second reading in the state Duma. Submitted by the Finance Ministry and the Central

WSJ: Saudi authorities have freed about 20 accused of corruption

WSJ: Saudi authorities have freed about 20 accused of corruption NEW YORK, December 25. /TASS/. The government of Saudi Arabia over the past few days was released from custody at least two dozen people who were accused of corruption. This was reported in the Sunday newspaper The Wall Street Journal. According to sources, in the number released over the last week included influential persons. This, in particular, a former Finance Minister and one of the members of the management of the state oil company of Saudi Arabia Saudi Aramco, Ibrahim Abdulaziz al-Assaf. He was accused of fraud, associated with the expansion project of the mosque in Mecca. The number released from custody Prince Turki bin Khalid, and former assistant to the Minister of Finance and former head of Saudi Telecom company. “They were released — are in the publication the words of a source from among Saudi officials. — Released

The EU and the OSCE refused to send observers to Crimea on presidential election

The EU and the OSCE refused to send observers to Crimea on presidential election Office for democratic institutions and human rights (ODIHR) of the OSCE will not send to the Crimea, their representatives for elections of the President of Russia in 2018. A delegation of observers across the Peninsula and will send a monitoring mission of the European Union. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Over the course of the presidential elections in Russia will observe 500 specialists of the OSCE. However, in the Crimea the representatives of this organization will not go. “The ODIHR’s mandate for election observation is based on the consensus of the 57 member States of the organization. In the case of Crimea, there is no consensus. Therefore, the ODIHR may not be monitored in this region”, — quotes the press-Secretary of the organization Thomas Riemer, the newspaper “Izvestia”. The same position was confirmed in the EU. According to the MEP

“Fair Russia” will hold a Congress for the support of nomination of Putin in the presidential elections

MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. “Fair Russia” will hold on Monday a pre-election Congress, which will decide on the format of participation of party in presidential election campaign. Spravorossy will not nominate its candidate and will support the candidacy of incumbent President Vladimir Putin. The Congress for the party spravorossov will be the ninth in a row, will be held in Moscow in the world trade Center. As reported by the party press service, the Congress will be attended by about 250 delegates and 300 guests. The main report will be the leader of “Fair Russia” Sergey Mironov. Support For Putin Meanwhile, the party’s position became known on the evening of 24 December. The Presidium of the Central Council of “Fair Russia” recommended to the Congress to support the candidacy of Vladimir Putin in the presidential election. He told reporters Mironov, the just Russia refuse to support its candidate in an

Gref was considered a cold war “child’s play” compared to the US sanctions

Gref was considered a cold war “child’s play” compared to the US sanctions The head of Sberbank German Gref has warned the West against toughening anti-Russian sanctions. In an interview with the Financial Times Gref said that in the case of the introduction of new us sanctions in the next year “the cold war seem like child’s play”. He called the “irrational” idea to exclude Russian state banks from the Swift system. The idea of such sanctions has been discussed by Western politicians, the publication. This was said by British Prime Minister David Cameron, a call was contained in a resolution of the European Parliament. So far, this initiative was seen as a radical option, however, in early February the idea of tightening sanctions against enterprises with participation of the state and people from the entourage of President Vladimir Putin plans to discuss the Congress after evaluation of the Ministry

Rospotrebnadzor warned the Russians about infectious mosquitoes in the Canary Islands

Rospotrebnadzor warned the Russians about infectious mosquitoes in the Canary Islands Moscow. 25 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the CPS with reference to the Spanish colleagues warned Russian tourists about the discovery of the Canary Islands the mosquitoes that transmit hemorrhagic fevers. “According to the regional health authorities of Fuerteventura (Canary archipelago, Spain) from December 14, 2017, there is evidence that is caught on the island of mosquitoes of the genus Aedes can be carriers of haemorrhagic fevers, Dengue, yellow and zika fever”, — stated in the message Department. There it is specified that a small colony of these mosquitoes were caught in special traps in a private house, located in the island’s capital Puerto del Rosario. Currently, the study of natural conditions under which mosquitoes of this genus can be beneficial to multiply and reliable methods to combat them, added the Agency.

The party “Fair Russia” will support Putin’s candidacy in the upcoming elections

The leader of the party “Fair Russia” Sergey Mironov © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, December 24. /TASS/. The party “Fair Russia” will nominate its candidate for presidential elections and will support the candidacy of incumbent President Vladimir Putin. About it to journalists on Sunday said the leader spravorossov Sergey Mironov at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Council of the party. “The party “Fair Russia” on elections of the President of Russia of their candidate to put forward, we will support the candidacy of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”, – said Mironov.

The CEC received documents from the Bulk and Polonsky

The CEC received documents from the Bulk and Polonsky Moscow. 24 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Opposition leader Alexei Navalny filed documents to the CEC about his candidacy for the presidential elections in 2018. As reported “Interfax” in the press service of the Central election Commission, Navalny arrived Sunday to the building Commission and filed an application and minutes of the meeting of the initiative group, which had earlier nominated him as a presidential candidate. Documents filed Sergei Polonsky. CEC the documents received, the correspondent of “Interfax”. In addition, documents filed nomination journalist Oleg Lurie.

“Fair Russia” will nominate its candidate for presidential elections

“Fair Russia” will nominate its candidate for presidential elections Moscow. 24 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — “Fair Russia” will not nominate a presidential candidate, but will support the candidacy of Vladimir Putin, said the leader of the party Sergey Mironov. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “Today, the Bureau made a political decision, this decision will be recommended to the Congress: the party “Fair Russia” their candidate to put forward, we will support the candidacy of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”, — said Mironov reporters. “Our representatives in the initiative group, and in certain administrative structures, because we will be already campaigning for our candidate, and how will it be, in working order decide, but what it will be I have no doubt,” — said the leader spravedlivorossov. As reported previously, “Interfax” a source of support for Putin SRS is made possible due to the fact that it goes on elections as the independent candidate, not a candidate from