The President of Latvia adopted the law on the status of veterans of the Second world

The President of Latvia adopted the law on the status of veterans of the Second world The President of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis signed the law on the status of the participant of the Second world war. The document was published in the official newspaper Latvijas vestnesis and in force. Its norms equalize the position of former soldiers of the red Army, and Latvians who fought on the side of the Third Reich. The new rules apply to citizens of Latvia who have received citizenship before 17 June 1940. Equivalent status permanent residents to legally enter its territory before the specified date. The status of the participant of the war in any case deprived the members of the NSDAP and its paramilitary structures, the Gestapo officers or other security services of the Reich. This status is also not attributable to employees of KGB of the USSR or the KGB of the

Kosachev: UN should condemn U.S. support of anti-government riots in Iran

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, January 4. /TASS/. The promise of the President of the United States Donald trump’s support for the rebels in Iran “when the time comes” is nothing but gross interference in the Affairs of another country and worthy of discussion and condemnation in the United Nations (UN). This opinion in an interview with TASS was expressed on Thursday the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

In Kyiv told about the plans to undermine the Russian pipeline

In Kyiv told about the plans to undermine the Russian pipeline The Deputy Minister on the issues of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine Yury Grymchak said that in 2014-2015 Kiev was planning to undermine the Russian pipeline going to Europe through Ukrainian territory. He said this on air of the TV channel Zik. “2014-2015. Do you think there was no plan to undermine the pipeline system on our side?.. I told you about government plans to tell,” said Grymchak. According to him, the presence of the pipelines on the territory of Ukraine prevented a “large-scale war.” “Russia is doing everything to build bypassing Ukraine gas pipeline” — said Grymchak. Earlier the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called for the resumption of purchases of Russian gas.

The defense Ministry told about undertaken after the shelling of the base Hamim measures

The defense Ministry told about undertaken after the shelling of the base Hamim measures After killing two Russian servicemen militant attacks on the base Hamim in Syria, adjacent to the base area introduced a heightened level of protection. This was announced by the defense Ministry. The Agency notes that the Syrian security forces carry out “measures for search and destruction involved in the attack of fighters”, — reports “Interfax”. Former commander of internal troops of the Russian Federation, army General Anatoly Kulikov told the news Agency that he believes carried out the attack on Hamim a result of insufficient protection of the base. How wrote portal the Ministry of defense earlier reported the deaths of two Russian war when committed by militants on the night of December 31, mortar attacks on the air base Hamim. The Agency has denied recent media information about the destruction of the terrorists during

Russia resumed regular flights to Cairo

Russia resumed regular flights to Cairo MOSCOW, 4 Jan — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the resumption of regular flights with a Cairo. The document, published on the official portal of legal information, effective from the date of its signing. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий Russia suspended the flights to Egypt in November 2015 after the collapse of the Sinai to the plane of the Russian airline “Kogalymavia” flying from Sharm El Sheikh to Saint Petersburg. On its Board there were 217 Russian tourists and seven crew members. They all died. Subsequently, the FSB has described the incident as a terrorist attack. Work to determine the causes of the crash is still ongoing. The Minister of transport of RF Maxim Sokolov and the head of minamiarai Egypt Sherif Fathi on 15 December in Moscow signed a Protocol on cooperation in the sphere of ensuring the safety of civil aviation, is required

Zakharova: the expulsion of Russian journalists violates Latvia’s international obligations

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, January 4. /TASS/. Riga violates its international obligations in the sphere of ensuring freedom of speech. This was stated on Thursday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the decision of Latvia on the expulsion of journalists of the Russian TV channel “TV Center” and VGTRK – the spouses Anatoly and Olga Kurlovich.

Slutsky said threat calls for the revision of SPUD and the threat of new US sanctions against Iran

The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, January 4. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky believes that the U.S. call to review the joint comprehensive plan of action concerning Iran’s nuclear program (SVPD) and the threat of fresh sanctions is not aimed at achieving world stability and security.

Putin has made changes in the composition of the security Council of the Russian Federation

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 4. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin reshuffled the Russian security Council. The corresponding document was published on Thursday on the portal of legal information. “Include in the membership of the security Council of the Russian Federation as a member of this Council, Gordeeva A.V., Plenipotentiary representative of the RF President in the Central Federal district; to exclude from structure of Board Tsukanov N. N.”, – stated in the decree.

The head of Moldova will appeal to the COP because of the ban news programs from Russia

The head of Moldova will appeal to the COP because of the ban news programs from Russia CHISINAU, 4 Jan — RIA Novosti. The President of Moldova Igor Dodon again rejected the Parliament adopted the law that prohibits the broadcasting of news and analytical broadcasts from Russia. He said this to RIA Novosti. The Moldovan leader also said that he had asked the constitutional court to consider the provisions of this document. “Re-stated their position on the so-called law against propaganda. In my opinion, it contradicts the principles of democracy and violates basic human rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the European Convention on human rights, namely the right to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of opinion and so on,” wrote an announcement on Facebook. He added that this document introduces censorship, which is unacceptable in a legal state. In late December, the Moldovan Parliament re-adopted the earlier