The white house found a “Russian interference” in the elections of the President of Mexico

The white house found a “Russian interference” in the elections of the President of Mexico Advisor to Donald trump on national security General Herbert McMaster spoke about the emergence of “the first signs of interference” of Russia in the presidential elections in Mexico. This writes the newspaper the Hill. According to the official, Russia is going to allegedly mislead voters in the election. The vote will take place in July. As for Russia, we are very concerned about the conduct of a complicated campaign of Subversion, disinformation and propaganda. Including used in these cyberintrusion.Herbert Mcmasterville Donald trump on national security The accusations against Russia of meddling in the US elections in 2016 and in elections in other countries emerged after the defeat of the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Moscow has repeatedly rejected any accusations of a similar nature, calling them absurd and unsubstantiated.

The economic development Ministry has denied the information about Russia’s plans to withdraw from the WTO

The economic development Ministry has denied the information about Russia’s plans to withdraw from the WTO Russia not going to withdraw from the world trade organization (WTO) over a dispute about restricting the import of pork from the EU. Information about this was circulated by the press service of the Ministry of economic development on Monday, January 8. “The issue of Russia’s withdrawal from the WTO is currently the competent Russian authorities have not considered”, — quotes the message of “RIA Novosti”. The Agency added that membership in the world trade organization provides a predictable legal environment. Earlier, on 8 January, the Director of the Department of trade negotiations Ministry of economic development Maxim Medvedkov reported that Moscow intends to convene a panel of WTO arbitrators to ensure that they are identified, fulfilled Russia their decision or not. On 7 January, the Federation Council has threatened to exit from the

The Makron is going to give XI Jinping the horse

The Makron is going to give XI Jinping the horse BEIJING, Nov 8 — RIA Novosti. On a visit to China the President of France Emmanuel macron intends to present to the President of China XI Jinping, the horse, confirmed the official representative of Chinese foreign Ministry Lu Kang. At the invitation of President XI Jinping macron 8-10 January will be on official visit in China. Macron has already started his trip with a visit to Xian. It is expected that the French President will arrive in Beijing, where will the main activities in the second half Monday. “All right, the President of France Emmanuel Makron is going to give the President of China, XI Tszinpin horse as a state gift. We Express our gratitude to the French side for this friendly gesture,” — said at a briefing, Lou Kahn.Lou Kenotically the representative of the Chinese foreign Ministry In turn,

The Federation Council has threatened to pull Russia out of the WTO because of the claim of the European Union

The Federation Council has threatened to pull Russia out of the WTO because of the claim of the European Union Russia would withdraw from world trade organization (WTO) in case the claim of the European Union to the Russian Federation for the recovery of €1.39 billion for the embargo of pork will be satisfied. This was stated by Deputy head of the economic Committee of Council of Federation Sergey Kalashnikov. According to the representative of the Federation Council, the EU sanctions against Russia and the retaliatory embargo on them are outside the logic of WTO law. The Kalashnikov recalled that the EU countries were the first to violate WTO rules. The Rosselkhoznadzor imposed a ban on deliveries to Russia pork products from EU countries in January 2014. The reason was the outbreak of African swine fever. Later Moscow has informed WTO about the lifting of the ban but decided not

The government is forbidden to plant fires and to burn the grass around the roads

The government is forbidden to plant fires and to burn the grass around the roads MOSCOW, 8 Jan — RIA Novosti. The government has amended the rules of fire safety for owners of land plots located within settlements, the corresponding decree was published on the website of the Cabinet on Monday. “Submitted to the fire prevention Rules changes mandatory requirements for owners of land located within the boundaries of settlements, horticultural, gardening and dacha non-commercial associations of citizens, for the holding of regular cleaning of trash and mowing grass on the land. There is also a ban on the burning of dried grass, campfires, the burning of firewood within the boundaries of the rights-of-way and roadside strips of highways, security zones, Railways, highways and pipelines”, — the document says. It is noted that the amendments also prohibited to grow cereals within the easement and buffer zones of roads and Railways.

The media talked about day Donald trump

The media talked about day Donald trump MOSCOW, 8 Jan — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump starts his day later than in the first days of his presidency, holds fewer meetings, more time watching TV, posting messages on Twitter and phone calls, according to the portal Axios citing sources and ranked in the order of publication schedule of the American leader. According to the document, trump usually starts the workday at 11 a.m. with briefings on intelligence issues and national security. Prior to that, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., the schedule includes “the time to resolve administrative issues” in the oval office. During this period, according to sources of the portal, trump, usually located in his residence, watching TV, on the phone and publish posts to Twitter. In the oval office, trump works up to 18 hours. At this time he holds one or

Simonyan believes that the version of “RF interference” in the elections in the United States may be rebutted

The chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan © RT WASHINGTON, January 8. /TASS/. The RT did not support the President of the United States Donald trump in the period of elections in 2016, and the allegations of Russian interference in that race after some time can be refuted. This was in aired in a Sunday interview to the program “60 minutes” on CBS, said the chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan.

The Hungarian Prime Minister called refugees “Muslim invaders”

The Hungarian Prime Minister called refugees “Muslim invaders” MOSCOW, 8 Jan — RIA Novosti. The Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban called the coming to Europe of refugees “Muslim invaders” and said that his country does not intend in the future to accept migrants. According to the head of the Hungarian government, the influx of a Muslim population will lead to the emergence of “parallel societies” within the state. “We do not believe these people Muslim refugees. We see them as Muslim invaders”, — said Orban edition Welt. He also urged the leaders of the European countries to show respect for Hungary. According to him, many EU countries accused the Hungarian authorities that Budapest receives funds from the cohesion Fund of the EU, however, refuses to accept refugees. However, Orban noted that the allocation of money to Hungary from this structure has nothing to do with the issue of refugees