A new way to promote officials announced the Ministry of Finance

A new way to promote officials announced the Ministry of Finance Bonuses and risk reduction Ministry of Finance suggests to stimulate civil servants. The relevant draft government resolution on reduction of number of Federal officials and employees of the Executive bodies placed on the portal of projects of normative acts. The Ministry of Finance believe that after reducing the number of officials released funds can be spent on prizes, thus materially stimulating civil servants. The draft resolution proposes to increase the budgetary allocation for material stimulation of officials in proportion to the reduction of funds for the salaries of civil servants per year. These measures are designed to improve the efficiency of activities of state bodies, the optimization of the state and further development of civil service in the Russian Federation, the document says. Earlier it was reported that the civil service record is less than bribery. In January-November 2017,

Russian reusable rocket “Angara” will be equipped with wings

Russian reusable rocket “Angara” will be equipped with wings The Khrunichev center is planning to equip the reusable stage rocket of light class “Angara-1.2” folding wings to enable it after delivery of the goods to make a soft landing on the airfield. This “Izvestia” said the Director of the center Alexei Morocco. The company is developing a reusable version of “Angara” in accordance with the instructions of the President and government of Russia. “On this subject is conducted development work. We fulfill it with “Roskosmos” and OKB myasishcheva,” — said the head of the Center Khrunichev. Experts are also studying the possibility of the return of the first stage with its own engines by analogy with the American Falcon 9 rocket or using a parachute.

Ryabkov said that he expects to meet with Shannon in January

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that he expects in January to meet with U.S. Deputy Secretary of state Thomas Shannon to discuss matters of strategic stability and bilateral agenda. “We welcome the readiness of the American side to meet at the level of Deputy foreign Ministers to discuss the whole range of strategic stability issues and on the bilateral agenda. On terms of our unconditional preference – January,” he said Monday in an interview with TASS.

In Ukraine detained the alleged murderer of human rights activist Irina Moskovskoy

In Ukraine detained the alleged murderer of human rights activist Irina Moskovskoy Law enforcement bodies of Ukraine have detained the alleged murderer of human rights activist Irina Mostovskoy. This was stated by adviser to the interior Minister of Ukraine Zoryan Shkiryak. “Employees of the National police under article 208 of the Criminal procedural code of Ukraine detained person who is suspected of committing a murder Mostovskoy”, — said the TV channel “112 Ukraine” Mr. Shkiryak. He said that detailed information the police will publish later. The body of a Ukrainian human rights activist Irina Mostovskoy was found this river in the Kiev region. Police have opened a criminal case under article “murder”. Relatives believe the killing was revenge for professional activity of human rights defenders, who previously made the condemnation of the nephew of the Chairman of Vyshgorod district court. It in 2015 made a traffic accident that killed a

The Pentagon said the drones are “readily available” on the open market

The Pentagon said the drones are “readily available” on the open market WASHINGTON, Jan 8 — RIA Novosti. The Pentagon said that used for drone strikes against Russian military targets in Syria, devices and technologies “easily available” on the open market. The defense Ministry said Monday that on the night of January 6 in Syria were thwarted attempt of terrorists to attack using unmanned aircraft of the Russian air base “Hamim” and item logistics in Tartus. The Ministry noted that the solutions used in the attack, could be obtained only from countries with high development of technologies of satellite navigation and remote control discharge of the goods at the designated coordinates. “We have seen that the technology of the kind used by the rebels of the IG*. These devices and technologies can be easily purchased on the open market, and that’s a cause for concern,” said RIA Novosti the official

Candidates for President of Russia has spent on the election campaign of nearly 30 million

The building of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. Thirteen candidates in presidents of the Russian Federation as at Friday, 5 January, spent in the election campaigns, a total of 29, and 54 million rubles. It follows from the data published on the website of the Central election Commission (CEC).

The Klintsevich: the arrival of an American destroyer in Odessa is not dangerous for Russia

The first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. The arrival of the US Navy destroyer in the port of Odessa for Russia, there was no danger, the situation is under control. This opinion was expressed to journalists by the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. “It is clear that there is no danger of the arrival of the US Navy destroyer in the port of Odessa for Russia is not. The situation is controlled, any coincidence is excluded,” – said Klintsevich.

The defense Ministry told about the drone strike on the base Hamim

The defense Ministry told about the drone strike on the base Hamim Russian military on the night of January 6, repelled the attack drones Hamim on airbase in Syria, according to the Ministry of defence. According to authorities, the militants also tried to attack the item logistics (MTO) of the Navy in Tartus. Material damage of the Russian Federation military installations in Syria have not suffered, the injured was not. As told in the Ministry of defence, 10 attack unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) approaching the air base and three — point MTO. The Russian military managed to take control of six drones fighters. “Three of them were put on the controlled territory outside the base, and three UAVs during landing exploded from the collision with the ground. Seven of the UAV was destroyed by the regular anti-aircraft missile and gun complexes “Pantsir-S1″ Russian air defense units, carrying round-the-clock combat duty,”

The CEC called Putin’s spending on campaigning

The CEC called Putin’s spending on campaigning The current President of Russia Vladimir Putin spent from the electoral Fund of about 9 million rubles for the production and distribution of campaign materials for the upcoming elections. Everything, by data for January 5 was spent 13.4 million rubles from the received 400 million, according to the website of the CEC. As specified in the CEC, part of the funds received are donations to the “United Russia”, as well as funds to support regional cooperation and development. The published material is based on data provided by Sberbank of Russia in which applicants had to open electoral account. On December 27 the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation adopted by the President of Russia a package of documents required for nomination for the presidential elections in 2018. And on 5 January 2018 and has started collecting signatures in support of a candidate.

Zakharova: the United States began to see “hand of Kremlin” in the elections only after the election trump

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. The United States began to see “hand of Kremlin” in the American elections only after the election of the President of Donald trump. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the approval of the head of the CIA Michael Pompeo, Russia for many years interferes with the election process in the United States. “The best proof that this is pure lies, is that all these “decades” of American intelligence agencies and officials never of the kind not stated, and never confronted the Russian side similar issues. Any story, film, performances was not until the American electoral system has not given a result in the form of a President trump. That’s when it all started – unsubstantiated allegations, the search for an external enemy, moaning about the