The US plans to increase its nuclear Arsenal

The US plans to increase its nuclear Arsenal So the Pentagon is going to answer to Moscow, which Washington accuses of breach of Contract on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range. WASHINGTON, January 13. /TASS/. The U.S. armed forces plan to create two new types of nuclear warheads sea-based. It is stated in the draft new US nuclear doctrine, declassified version of which was published on Friday. As explained in this document, we are talking about the plans for the production of nuclear warheads of low power ballistic missile submarines (SLBM). Furthermore, mean nuclear cruise missile sea-based. “The United States in the near future modify a small number of existing warheads, SLBM to be a variant of low power, and in the long run will create a modern nuclear cruise missile of sea basing”, — stated in the document, the text of which is published in the online edition of

Urin, Leshchenko, CROC, and Gauthier will agitate for Putin

The Director of the State academic Bolshoi theatre of Russia Vladimir urin © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. General Director of the Bolshoi theatre of Russia Vladimir urin, people’s artist of the RSFSR Lev Leshchenko, Director of the State academic theatre Eug. Vakhtangov Kirill KROK and chief transplant surgeon, Ministry of health of Russia, Director of the Scientific center of Transplantology and artificial organs them. V. I. Shumakov Sergey Gaultier has expressed willingness to support the presidential election campaign of Vladimir Putin and made his proxies. They talked about it in an interview with TASS. Three premieres

CEC completed the reception of documents from candidates for nomination for the election of the President of the Russian Federation

The Chairman Of The Central Election Commission Of Russia Ella Pamfilova © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia in the night of Saturday has finished documents acceptance from those nominated by parties of candidates for election of the President. This was the end of the stage of nomination for the highest office in the Russian Federation, which has yet to claim 20 candidates.

Trump extended mode the lifting of sanctions against Iran in recent times

Trump extended mode the lifting of sanctions against Iran in recent times At the same time, the US imposed sanctions against 14 Iranian entities and structures. WASHINGTON, January 12. /TASS/. US President, Donald trump has decided to extend the mode of lifting the sanctions against Iran, which was abolished in the framework of the 2015 agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program, also called the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD). On Friday has informed journalists the representative of the American administration of high rank. “The President has decided again to renew the suspension of sanctions on its nuclear program according to the requirements of the AGREEMENT”, — he said. However, an official noted that this is the last time that Washington intends to work with its allies on changing the agreement. At the same time, the U.S. Treasury imposes sanctions against five individuals and nine organizations for involvement in human rights

Zhirinovsky called the sum of foreign assets Grudinina

Zhirinovsky called the sum of foreign assets Grudinina The leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has calculated the amount of the foreign assets of businessman Pavel Grudinina, being the candidate for presidents of Russia from party of the Communist party. According to the leader of the liberal Democrats, in the accounts of the Communist in the Austrian Bank is about 5 billion rubles. “Here securities. Structural Nota — 200 pieces, Eurobonds — 200 pieces and the option. This types of securities. The Communists finally turned in the direction of capitalism. They lead to the election of its candidate, billionaire”, — said Zhirinovsky. Earlier on Friday, January 12, a member of the CEC during the meeting the Commission was informed that Grudinina had accounts in foreign banks, which he initially forgot to inform. At the moment, all accounts closed, the balance on one of them exceeded 16 million rubles. In addition, it

Russian special forces killed the saboteurs fired base Hamim

Russian special forces killed the saboteurs fired base Hamim Terrorists eliminated with precision munitions “Krasnopol”, when they were preparing to move into a van. MOSCOW, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Russian special forces during the RAID in Syria was destroyed subversive group that on 31 December fired at the base Hamim, according to the defense Ministry. “At the final stage of the operation a group of Russian special operations Forces was established place-based and sabotage group of militants near the Western border of Idlib… the arrival of terrorists at the facility where they are ready to transplant into the van, all the subversive group was destroyed by precision munitions “Krasnopol”,” — said in a release. In the operation involved “all the forces and means of a multilevel system of Russian military intelligence in Syria”, said the Russian defense Ministry.

Klintsevich advised Kiev to learn the ability to compromise the leader of the DPRK

First Deputy Chairman of Committee of Federation Council on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. The Ukrainian authorities should learn from Kim Jong-UN’s ability to compromise and negotiate. Such opinion the Chairman of Committee of Federation Council on defense and security Frants Klintsevich expressed in connection with the statement by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman on the return of the Crimea by Russia with military equipment.

Trump acknowledged the rigidity of his statements about immigrants “out of the hole”

Trump acknowledged the rigidity of his statements about immigrants “out of the hole” Moscow. January 12. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Friday acknowledged that he chose the “hard words” when talking about immigrants from Haiti and Africa who intend to move to the United States. “The words that I said at the meeting… (on migration policy of the USA — Interfax) was hard… But it was really hard, so offer is made,” wrote trump on Twitter. He said that he previously submitted a proposal for DACA (deferred action for child immigrants) is a “big step backwards”. Chain migration (migration type, in which the immigrant later helps to move to another country to his family and other countrymen — if) and the program of the lottery visas hurt, and the USA would be forced to take a large number of people from countries with high levels of crime, which