Bogdanov: Russia is insisting on a speedy implementation of the decisions of the Congress in Sochi on Syria

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on the Middle and Africa East Mikhail Bogdanov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, February 19. /TASS/. Russia stands for the active implementation of the decisions taken at the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi, especially constitutional reform. On Monday said the presidential special representative for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov. “We need as much as possible to work on the implementation of the decisions of the Congress in Sochi, especially in regard to the creation of the constitutional Commission and the constitutional reform”, – he said. “Are compiling the lists of Commission members,” – said a senior diplomat. Bogdanov also stated that the zone of de-escalation in the Arab country should not become a zone of influence of foreign States. “When the active role of Russia

The President of the Russian Federation signed a package of laws on Amnesty

The President of the Russian Federation signed a package of laws on Amnesty Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a package of laws on holding in Russia from 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 the second phase of the tax Amnesty. Relevant documents are available on the official Internet portal of legal information. Three bills on the extension of the tax Amnesty was submitted to the Duma in late January, deputies Andrei Makarov (“United Russia”), Anatoly Aksakov (Fair Russia), Pavel Krasheninnikov (United Russia) and Alexey Didenko (LDPR). Laws were passed by the state Duma on 9 February and approved by the Federation Council on February 14. The basic law According to the signed the basic law is available in full volume to keep the volume of guarantees for declarants who exploited the opportunity of declaring in the first phase (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016). For declarants also proposed

In the state Duma introduced a draft on the law of the children from 14 years old to live separately from the guardian

In the state Duma introduced a draft on the law of the children from 14 years old to live separately from the guardian MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Deputies from “United Russia” Olga batalina, Olga Okuneva and Nadezhda Kolesnikova in the Duma introduced a bill which proposes to allow a minor to live separately from their guardians since the age of 14, the press service of the faction. According to Batalina, more and more orphaned children after school go to colleges or schools, often located far away from the place of residence of the child and his guardian. In this case, said batalina, teenagers have to live in the Dorm. The articleWhat to do if I receive custody “But there is a problem, as the Civil code provides the rule that under 16 years tutored the child must be living with the guardian. The majority of graduates of ninth

Peskov called the Mueller report on alleged Russian intervention in elections in the United States is unreasonable

Peskov called the Mueller report on alleged Russian intervention in elections in the United States is unreasonable The Kremlin believes the so-called Muller’s report on alleged Russian interference in the elections is unreasonable, unfair and do not agree with him. “We continue to insist that we believe such evidence is devoid of reason, we do not consider them in any exhaustive, do not consider it fair and could not agree with them”, — said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. He said: “Russia does not interfere, does not have a tradition to interfere in the internal Affairs of other countries, and do it now.” “First, we still have not seen any significant evidence that someone interfered in the internal Affairs of States. Secondly, there is a speech about the citizens of Russia, but we have heard from Washington the allegations of the involvement of the Russian state, the

“If only not to fall prisoner.” As the Russian fought with the United States without a Declaration of war

“If only not to fall prisoner.” As the Russian fought with the United States without a Declaration of war Although the two powers never fought each other openly — and, indeed, were the allies in the most terrible war of the twentieth century, the military of the two countries is not just converge on the battlefield and to the Syrian events. Korea 1950-1953. War aces The Korean war became the first hot conflict in the era of the cold war. However, if American troops fought on the side of South Korea officially, the Soviet Union, fear of a global conflict, coded sending its military to the front. In the fighting took part in the pilots and gunners of the 64th fighter air corps of the Soviet Union. The participation of Soviet troops in the conflict was limited to conducting defensive air war and the training of Korean pilots. We were

Lavrov has described as speculation reports of hundreds of dead Russians in Syria

Lavrov has described as speculation reports of hundreds of dead Russians in Syria The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called the reports of hundreds of dead Russians in Syria attempts to speculate on the war in this country. “What we read about the hundreds and even thousands of dead Russian mercenaries, are attempts to speculate on the war that is in Syria, unfortunately, still continues,” — said the Minister to journalists on the sidelines of the conference of the international discussion club “Valdai” “Russia in the middle East: playing on all fields”. “These attempts, I believe, at least, not very well, — said the Russian foreign Minister. — There is a grilled wrap of the news without presenting concrete facts.” “The investigation is ongoing, please be, please be patient” — called journalists Lavrov. In early February, the CBS made a statement that Russian citizens were in units

Employees of special services of the USA and China had a fight over the nuclear suitcase Donald trump

Employees of special services of the USA and China had a fight over the nuclear suitcase Donald trump An employee of the US Secret service officer neutralized the Chinese security because of the “nuclear suitcase” Donald trump during a visit of the American leader in China. The officer SAT the Chinese didn’t want to miss in the meeting room of the employee with the “suitcase,” and American security officials had to “knock down the Chinese on the floor.” However, none of the PRC “briefcase” with nuclear codes USA not affected. Publication by Pete Souza (@petesouza) January 2, 2018 7:56 PST During the download an error has occurred. Because of the “nuclear suitcase,” the US President Donald trump in China there was a conflict with the use of force. According to the publication Axios, citing people familiar with the situation sources, during last year’s November visit trump in the PRC employee