Lavrov commented on the report of the OPCW on the “case Skripal”

Lavrov commented on the report of the OPCW on the “case Skripal” MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. Russia continues to study the report of the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons about the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal, Moscow will give publicity to the most “interesting” moments, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We are now engaged in a detailed study of the report, there are very interesting moments,” he said at a press conference after talks with his Dutch counterpart Stef Blok. “We in the near future will try to make them public, the experts and ours, and of the specialized agencies will deal with this fairly voluminous document,” the Minister added. 6фотографий6фотографий

Embassy of the Russian Federation: in the letter the Advisor may no evidence of Russia’s involvement in the case Skripal

© AP Photo/Matt Dunham LONDON, April 14. /TASS/. Letter from Advisor to the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may on national security Mark Sedwill, addressed to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg pointed to the absence of evidence of Russian involvement in the incident with the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury. This is stated in received by TASS on Friday evening comments of the Russian Embassy in London.

Minister permanent Affairs

Minister permanent Affairs Sergey Lavrov, tipped old position in the new government. Personnel changes in the leadership of the Ministry of foreign Affairs scheduled for may 7 presidential inauguration, apparently, should not be expected. Contrary to some media reports about the imminent resignation of Sergei Lavrov, the majority of respondents “Kommersant” sources close to the Kremlin, the government and the Ministry of foreign Affairs, agree that the current Minister will retain the post. Interlocutors “” specify that all, of course, decides President Vladimir Putin, but make it clear: there is no evidence of impending change, nor any reason for them. After the publication of the proposed date of the approval of the Prime Minister have intensified the debate about the future composition of the Cabinet of Ministers. “Kommersant” interviewed more than a dozen sources close to the presidential administration, the government office and the Ministry of foreign Affairs about the

Kadyrov called for the extension of the presidential term for Putin

Kadyrov called for the extension of the presidential term for Putin In his opinion, the people and the state Duma, without asking the opinion of the head of state, to bring the issue to a referendum. Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU — Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin has no alternatives, and so you should think about the extension of the powers of the President more than two terms. “While the current President is in good health, we should not be thinking about another head of state. Here is my personal opinion, and I did not change. Now Putin has no alternative,” he said in an interview to “Interfax”. Therefore, I believe that we can make the decision on prolongation of powers of head of state, not limited to two. Why China could, Germany could (in China recently decided not to limit the powers of the

In the state Duma introduced a bill on the response to anti-Russian policy of the United States

In the state Duma introduced a bill on the response to anti-Russian policy of the United States MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. Leaders of the factions and Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has introduced a bill providing for retaliatory action against anti-Russian policy of the United States. “We plan to discuss the draft law on the Council of the state Duma with participation of representatives of all factions, send it to the regions to our colleagues, to work again with experts and the Russian government. Then consider it at the next meeting of the state Duma”, — said Volodin, adding that an extraordinary meeting of the Council of the state Duma is planned for April 16. As explained in the press service of the state Duma, the bill was developed as a response to the challenges of the United States of America, their officers, expressed in hostile

In the United States in may, fired the chief sanctions officer

In the United States in may, fired the chief sanctions officer Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU — John Smith, head of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the structure of the U.S. Treasury, responsible for enforcement of sanctions, will leave his post in may. Smith led the Department from February 2015 and before that for 11 years he worked at OFAC, the report said the U.S. Treasury. Acting head of Department appointed Andrea Gacko, who was Deputy Smith. According to The Wall Street Journal, the resignation of the Smith have to do with personal reasons. The sanctions introduced against Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, and in recent years has become a major tool of U.S. foreign policy. The number of Russian entities on the sanctions lists, OFAC, last Friday, after the publication of the next updates, has exceeded 400, follows from the data of information system of “Interfax” X-Compliance. Also

Britain apologized for the test aircraft “Aeroflot”

Britain apologized for the test aircraft “Aeroflot” KRASNOYARSK, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. The British centre for safety explained why at the end of March was held the examination on Board the aircraft “Aeroflot” in London, and apologized, said the head of Ministry of transport Maxim Sokolov. In late March, the transport Ministry told RIA Novosti that the coordination centre for aviation security of Russia will send the request to London about the reasons for the inspection of the Board of “Aeroflot” of 30 March 2018. “Provided (reasons — ed.). And even apologized. It was the center of aviation safety under the auspices of ICAO, which operates in Britain,” — said Sokolov on the sidelines of the Krasnoyarsk economic forum. Earlier the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs Ben Wallace explained that the inspection of the Russian aircraft at Heathrow airport was conducted in the framework of standard procedures for protection

Venezuelan President confident of absolute victory in the elections of may 20

Venezuelan President confident of absolute victory in the elections of may 20 MEXICO, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday expressed his full confidence in winning the upcoming presidential election. “The elections of 20 may, we will win with absolute majority” — leads the channel Globovision Maduro statement. In elections will participate five candidates: President nicolás Maduro, opposition leader Henry Falcon, Reynaldo of Cicada, Louis Ratti and Javier Bertucci. According to analysts, the real fight will be between Maduro and the Falcon. At the same time, according to a recent poll company Datanalisis, opposition politician is ahead in the preferences of voters of the incumbent by seven percentage points. More than 41% of respondents surveyed by this firm, has declared readiness to vote for Falcon, Maduro ready to vote more than 34%. Previously leading the opposition to the unification of the country “Roundtable of democratic unity”

Nebesa: the rebels in Syria ordered the attack after a possible US attack

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Julie Jacobson UN 13 APR. /TASS/. Russia knows exactly what the leaders of the armed groups in Syria given the orders to begin an offensive against the government forces in case the US and its allies will inflict strikes on the middle Eastern country in response to unconfirmed chemical attack. This was stated on Friday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the Security Council. “Who will benefit from a possible strike on Syrian military bearing the brunt of the fight against terrorism and achieved major victories in this regard? We do know that the leaders of the Syrian armed groups given orders to begin the offensive after possible military action,” – said the diplomat.