Zakharov led the evidence of lies of Ukraine for discussion in the UN on false news

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, may 12. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova published evidence that the Ukrainian government organized an event on the theme of propaganda and false news, saying it as part of the session of the UN Committee on information. She wrote about this on Saturday in Facebook.

Fighters of the U.S. air force went to intercept the Russian Tu-95

Fighters of the U.S. air force went to intercept the Russian Tu-95 Two Russian Tu-95 entered the 200-mile (320 kilometers) area of responsibility Command aerospace defense of North America over the Bering sea. After that, American planes followed them, until they left the air defence identification zone. MOSCOW, may 12 — RIA Novosti. American F-22 fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers Tu-95 in the identification of the air defense zone off the West coast of Alaska. About it reports The Washington Free Beacon with reference to the representative of command of the aerospace defense of North America (NORAD) Scott Miller. Two F-22 NORAD intercepted and identified two Russian long-range bomber Tu-95 flying in the zone of identification of air defense near the Western coast of Alaska North of the Aleutian Islands.Scott Miller, the representative of command of the aerospace defense of North America (NORAD) Miller noted that two Russian Tu-95

NATO announced a “rapid rebirth” of the Russian army

NATO announced a “rapid rebirth” of the Russian army Analyst research division of the NATO’s Diego Ruiz Palmer has prepared a report stating that in 2009 the Russian army is experiencing a period of “rapid regeneration”. As reports “RIA Novosti” with reference to the report, it said that the Russian army is preparing to conduct new forms of warfare, including hybrid warfare. NATO expert, said that Russia pays great attention to the development and improvement of training traditional military means, and now is “the only country in Europe” capable of conducting unannounced exercises and engage in training of this combination of forces and resources consisting of 60 thousand people. The Stockholm international Institute for peace studies (SIPRI) in early may reported that Russia in 2017 for the first time in 19 years of reduced defense spending. According to experts, the cost of the army in Russia last year decreased by

The state Department denied reports about the readiness to help North Korea in case of denuclearization

The state Department denied reports about the readiness to help North Korea in case of denuclearization MOSCOW, may 12 — RIA Novosti. The U.S. state Department called incorrect media reports about the readiness of the American administration to give North Korea economic assistance after denuclearization, said on Twitter, state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. “A deceptive title. If the DPRK denuclearizes, they can have a better future, which will include international trade and visitors from around the world,” wrote Nauert, having attached to record the link to the relevant article on the website of Fox News channel. Earlier, the US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo reported that he had discussed with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN assurances that the US “is ready to provide” in exchange for denuclearization. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий

Expert: introduction of penalties for the implementation of anti-Russian sanctions would help the Russian companies

© Sergey Sleek/TASS MOSCOW, may 12. /TASS/. The introduction of the responsibility for compliance on the territory of Russia anti-Russian sanctions will strengthen the position of domestic companies in different courts. This opinion was expressed Saturday in an interview with TASS political analyst Alexei Mukhin. On Friday, may 11, the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has informed that deputies plan in the future to introduce two types of liability – criminal and administrative – for the performance in Russia of anti-Russian sanctions. Be the first to threaten, first of all, to individuals, if they stood behind the decisions to refuse the transaction or the loan sanctioned companies, the second provides mainly for legal entities it is Expected that the bill on introduction of criminal liability will be introduced on may 14, and on administrative – to the end of may.

The climate can wait

The climate can wait Russia does not hurry with the ratification of the Paris agreement. Kommersant became known the priorities of the climate policy of the Russian Federation in the near future that the outgoing government intends to leave the new composition of the Cabinet. The Russian authorities (including the Ministry of natural resources) recommend not to hurry with the ratification of the Paris climate agreement. The main method of carbon regulation selected support projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions — with the simultaneous development of mechanisms of compensation of harmful emissions through forestry projects. At the disposal of “Kommersant” were the correspondence and the minutes of the meeting of the departments on the subject of the adjustments approved in 2016, the “package of measures to improve state regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and to prepare for the ratification of the Paris agreement”. According to these documents, the position of

The United States promised North Korea with economic aid in exchange for giving up nuclear weapons

The United States promised North Korea with economic aid in exchange for giving up nuclear weapons Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.RU — the United States will support the economy of North Korea, if Pyongyang abandons its nuclear program, said on Friday the US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo. “The United States will provide economic support to North Korea if it abandons nuclear weapons,” he said at a press conference, commenting on the results earlier this week visit to Pyongyang. Us Secretary of state also said that his talks with North Korean leader were successful. “We had a good substantial conversation, including on the subject of complex and profound issues and strategic decisions that Chairman Kim will have to take,” said Pompeo. Earlier this week, U.S. Secretary of state visited the DPRK where he held a meeting with Kim Jong-UN and Kim Yong Cherom, head of the United front Department of the

The U.S. state Department found illegal delivery of the Russian humanitarian aid to Donbas

The U.S. state Department found illegal delivery of the Russian humanitarian aid to Donbas Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. state Department spokesman Heather Nauert called the illegal shipments of humanitarian aid from Russia to Donbass, made earlier this week, the emergency situations Ministry. “On Monday, Russia sent another illegal, not passed the test of the convoy across the border with Eastern Ukraine,” — wrote Neuert on Friday in his Twitter. She added that transportation of cargo to Donbass, “probably was produced in order to restock them (Russia — Interfax) forces” in the region. In addition, the representative of state Department has accused Russia of “inciting violence” in the Donbas and urged Moscow “to stop attempts to destabilize Ukraine”. Earlier this week, the press service of the Ministry of emergency situations reported that the automobile column of the Ministry with humanitarian aid for residents of Donbass arrived at the discharge

Kerimov has been discharged from hospital and return to France

Kerimov has been discharged from hospital and return to France Moscow. May 11. INTERFAX.RU. Senator Suleiman Kerimov, who is currently in Russia, is feeling OK, he was discharged from the hospital and return to France, said the assistant parliamentarian Alexei Krasovsky. “Are you feeling it now normal and he was discharged. He will return to France in accordance with a term defined by the French court,” said Krasovsky, “Interfax”. He did not specify what date it is. Assistant to the Senator stressed that Kerimov “return without delay”, at the moment he is in Russia. 6 may it was reported that Kerimov, arrived in Moscow with the permission of the French court, went to the hospital because of heart problems. “Was delivered yesterday around 21:00, heart rhythm disorders, atrial fibrillation, unstable hemodynamics”, — said the Agency head of the cardiac surgery center hospital. Vishnevsky Professor Alexander Lischuk. In November of last

In India found an unusual application of the T-90

In India found an unusual application of the T-90 MOSCOW, may 11 — RIA Novosti. Indian soldiers found an unusual application of the T-90S, turning it into a makeshift command vehicle. In the photo posted on Twitter of the press service of the armed forces, it is seen that the top of the tower one of the combat vehicles, arm chairs, which are high-ranking military officers can observe the terrain. Ex #VijayPrahar. The Month long Exercise of #SaptaShaktiCommand concluded on 9 May 2018. Over 25000 soldiers with massive array of modern equipment including tanks, attack helicopters,drones & fighter aircrafts participated in the exercise addressing full spectrum of operations. — ADG PI – INDIAN ARMY (@adgpi) May 10, 2018 The photo was taken during a training exercise of the Indian army, in which took part more than 25 thousand troops with armored vehicles, aircraft, helicopters and drones, the report says.