Putin said about undermining the foundations of a free world economy

Putin said about undermining the foundations of a free world economy Recently there has been undermining of the basic principles of the world development, the rule becomes a violation of the rules, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in his speech at the plenary session of the SPIEF-2018. “Until recently, the basis of world development were two major defining principles: first, it is free enterprise, trade, investment, fixed common rules, adopted by the participants of international relations, secondly, the stability and predictability of these rules, provided a clear legal mechanism. Based on these values and principles, global economy, despite the problems, have managed to achieve impressive results…”, —he said. But today we are seeing not even the erosion, I say this with regret, and, in fact, undermine these foundations. The system of multilateral cooperation that has built up over decades, is a natural, necessary evolution breaks down… the Rule

Putin has promised to fix a new tax regime for six years

Putin has promised to fix a new tax regime for six years The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has promised to commit the changes to the tax regime, is working on the government, for a period of six years. Mr Putin said that Russia has a programme to change the business climate. Speaking of taxes, the President said that “business can be confident that the tax conditions will be respected.” Vladimir Putin has promised to reduce administrative barriers and administrative pressure on business. “There is still work to do. It is not only our problem. In many countries business, I know, deal with it”, — quotes his words TASS.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: the investigation team on the MH17 shows ideological approach of blame

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, may 25. /TASS/. Charges a Joint investigation group (SSG) against Russia on its involvement in the crash Boeing in the Donbass talking about the original ideological orientation of blame. This was stated on Friday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Entrepreneurs of France gave Putin a figure of the Gallic cock

Entrepreneurs of France gave Putin a figure of the Gallic cock SAINT PETERSBURG, may 25. /TASS/. President of the movement of enterprises of France (MEDEF) Pierre Gattaz, speaking during a business dialogue between Russia and France, has handed over to Russian President Vladimir Putin a gift — a figure of the Gallic rooster, which is one of the symbols of France. “We are counting on you to write this future. I would like to present you with this souvenir,” he said as he handed the Russian President a gift. “Next time, please, Mr. Gattis, tricolor do this figure — jokingly commented the moderator of the discussion, the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin. — Because we have the colors of the flag are the same, a bit sequence is different, but the colors are the same”. “The interim option of a two-headed rooster”: the

Vekselberg described the relations between Russia and the United States with a quote from a song by Okudzhava

Vekselberg described the relations between Russia and the United States with a quote from a song by Okudzhava The owner of group “Renova” Viktor Vekselberg, commenting on relations between Russia and the United States, described their line of “Old soldiers ‘songs” Bulat Okudzhava. In General over the past year the atmosphere of Russian-American partnership, the political and economic dialogue has deteriorated, said Vekselberg. “If you look at life, based on the traditional striped model, I would say that this year’s black stripes greatly lightened, because something that seemed horrible, was certainly not the kind of terrible, but that faded white stripes, it has largely become an objective reality,” — said Vekselberg. USA in early April imposed sanctions against several Russian businessmen and their related companies. In a list including got Viktor Vekselberg and his Renova group. HelpAs new American sanctions impact on ruble and stock market What is happening in

Lavrov compared the investigation of the crash MH17 case Skrobala

Lavrov compared the investigation of the crash MH17 case Skrobala SAINT PETERSBURG, may 25. /TASS/. The investigation of the crash Boeing in the Donbass is reminiscent of the case Skipala — no evidence. This was stated to journalists on Friday, Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of SPIEF. “Very similar to the case Skrobala when he said “Highly likely it’s Russian”, but then said that the investigation is ongoing, and it will take time — said Lavrov. — There is a feeling of deja vu, if our partners decided in this case, when talking about the deaths of hundreds of people to speculate on this in order to achieve their political goals, leave it on their conscience”. The Minister also noted that his colleague from the Netherlands Stef Blok failed to provide evidence linking Russia to the plane crash. Today I called the Minister [of

Peskov said mutual distrust in connection with the investigation of the crash “Boeing” near Donetsk

Peskov said mutual distrust in connection with the investigation of the crash “Boeing” near Donetsk Moscow. May 25. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the report of the Joint investigation group (SSG) at Malaysian Boeing MH17, shot down over the Donbas in the summer of 2014, described the situation around the investigation as an absolute mutual distrust. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Peskov on Friday asked why, according to the SSG report, the Russian side has concealed information about the fact that the 53rd brigade from Kursk was involved in the East of Ukraine, could this be the cause of further distrust of Moscow, with the result that the Russian side does not attract to the investigation. I can only say that there is an absolute mutual distrust. And I can not say more, because I do not have all of that technical information.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of

Defense Ministry: Kyiv not received from Moscow anti-aircraft missiles from the Buk missile system since 1991

Defense Ministry: Kyiv not received from Moscow anti-aircraft missiles from the Buk missile system since 1991 MOSCOW, may 25. /TASS/. Russia did not supply the Ukraine no new anti-aircraft missile systems “Buk” since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This is stated in the official statement of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, extended on Friday. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “At the same time since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the subsequent division of military property in Ukraine, received the property about twenty battalions of Buk missile system, there were no new anti-aircraft missiles,” — said in the message. The Ministry also said that the missile, a fragment of which was one of the arguments to accuse Russia of involvement in the crash of the Boeing Ukraine in 2014, could not belong to the Armed forces of Russia, since all missiles of this year were scrapped in

Australia and the Netherlands officially accused Russia in the MH17 disaster

Australia and the Netherlands officially accused Russia in the MH17 disaster On 25 may he wrote on the website of the government of the Netherlands. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “We demand from Russia to take responsibility and to cooperate fully in establishing the truth and justice for the victims of flight MH17 and their relatives”, — said the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Stef Blok. Russia offered to join the negotiations. Next step Block called a lawsuit in the European court of human rights. The Netherlands and Australia hold Russia responsible for its part in the downing of flight #MH17. Justice must be achieved for the victims and their next of kin. https://t.co/wjeQEQp6GG — Stef Blok (@ministerBlok) 25 may 2018 May 24 Netherlands international investigation team spoke about the new results of the investigation of the tragedy Malaysian “Boeing”, crashed in Eastern Ukraine nearly four years ago. They believe that the

Kudrin compared the government with preparing to jump tiger

Kudrin compared the government with preparing to jump tiger Moscow. May 25. INTERFAX.RU — the Head of audit chamber and head of the Center for strategic research (CSR) Alexei Kudrin has criticised the Russian government for indecision when ambitious tasks for the development of the country, but hopes that shortly the Cabinet will announce breakthrough reforms. “I have the impression that (“may”) the decree of the President of this very ambitious task, and the government waits for them to answer,” said Kudrin, speaking at a business Breakfast of Sberbank, which is traditionally held in the framework of St. Petersburg international economic forum. In the last decade most government emphasized the President, and he said, “Wait, we have to be careful”. And today, the President sets this (high) hurdle, but the government thinks.Alex Makinglove of the accounting chamber According to him, he had the impression that the government “is a tiger