Trump spoke about the talks with the DPRK about a summit in Singapore on 12 June

Trump spoke about the talks with the DPRK about a summit in Singapore on 12 June Moscow. May 26. INTERFAX.RU — the United States are productive talks with the DPRK about a summit between the two leaders, said the American President Donald trump. “We are in very productive talks with North Korea on the re-appointment of the summit, which, if it happens, likely to take place in Singapore on the same day, June 12, and, if necessary, be continued after that date,” wrote trump on Twitter. On Thursday, the White house issued a letter to Donald trump in which the American leader said that he refused to hold a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN due to a hostile statements by the DPRK. Pyongyang, in turn, said that it remains ready for talks with Washington and sees them as a necessity. The summit was to be held on June

Putin hopes for the termination of the investigation U.S. intervention in the elections

Putin hopes for the termination of the investigation U.S. intervention in the elections Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes the termination of the investigation U.S. about the alleged Russian interference in the election of the American President in 2016 and the development of bilateral relations. During the meeting with heads of international news agencies on the sidelines of the St Petersburg international economic forum, commenting on the investigation of spectracolor Robert Mueller, Putin said that he hoped to end the forefront of Russian-American relations. The investigation of the alleged intervention of Russia in the U.S. presidential election of 2016, lasts for a year. At the moment the charges brought against 19 persons — five citizens of the United States, 13 Russian citizens and one Dutch. In the White house and the Kremlin vehemently denied the allegations, pointing to their unproven and unsubstantiated. St. Petersburg international economic forum is held annually in

In the USA estimated power of the volley of the submarine “Yury Dolgoruky”

In the USA estimated power of the volley of the submarine “Yury Dolgoruky” The total power of the explosion of the warheads in the launch of an Intercontinental ballistic missile “Bulava” from the submarine “Yury Dolgoruky” is about 2400 kilotons, equivalent to 160 explosions in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima Japanese. According to the head of the information project about nuclear weapons Federation of American scientists Hans Kristensen, four rockets were launched for 20 seconds and all 16 can be run for 1 minute. “Four missiles can deliver a total of 24 warheads MIRV (multiple warheads with individual guidance units — ed.) with a total capacity of 2400 kilotons, equivalent to 160 “Hiroshima””, — he wrote in Twitter. Holy cow ski! Video of Russian quadruple Bulava (SS-N-32) SLBM launch from Borei SSBN. h/t @KomissarWhipla 4 launched in 20 seconds. All 16 could launch in ~1 minute. 4 SLBM can

Putin explained to the heads of news agencies of the nine countries its position on key issues

Putin explained to the heads of news agencies of the nine countries its position on key issues The President of Russia noted the importance of such conversations, as they allow you to answer questions that are of particular public interest. SAINT PETERSBURG, may 26. /TASS/. The meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with the heads of world news agencies on Friday evening was a continuation of the busy hours of the marathon events and talks, which was held by the Russian President on the sidelines of the St Petersburg international economic forum. During the conversation, Putin explained in detail its position on key issues. As in previous years, the theme of the meeting covered a broad range of issues, Putin gave answers to all questions: from the looks of your presidency to relations with the US President, the prospects of concluding a peace Treaty with Japan and the

Macron told about a personal relationship with trump

Macron told about a personal relationship with trump The President of France Emmanuel macron told that tries to build with the American leader Donald trump warm and healthy personal relationships for trust-based dialogue. PARIS, may 25 — RIA Novosti, Lyudmila, orishenko. “We (France and the United States — ed.) always side by side fought for our freedom. Personally I wanted to build the most cordial relations (with Donald trump — ed), primarily for trust-based dialogue, understanding and motivation in order to try and obtain a useful result,” said macron in an interview with BFMTV. I think France is one of the countries with which he (tramp — ed.) says the most. I think that it’s a warm relationship, but also useful. I think we understand each other.Emmanuel Macroparasites France However, macron said that, in his opinion, personal relations are diplomacy and the interests of citizens and the country. Makron is

Volodin spoke about the rest of officials of “sanctions” countries

Volodin spoke about the rest of officials of “sanctions” countries Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers that in Russia there are MPs who go on vacation to the countries supporting anti-Russian sanctions. This opinion he expressed in an interview with TV channel “Russia 1” on the sidelines of the SPIEF-2018. “Do you think we have members that will go to rest in a country that is against us imposes sanctions? I don’t believe that such deputies are… And if someone is, then I hope voters will draw conclusions”, — quotes his words TASS. In this regard, Volodin doubts the need to ban people elect to stay in the countries with unfriendly policies towards Russia. On 23 may, the representatives of business community of Russia, suggested to fire officials and parliamentarians for the rest of the “sanctioned” countries. The initiative was submitted in the name of Volodin and the

Putin called for an end to the talk around “things Skripal”

Putin called for an end to the talk around “things Skripal” Commenting on the situation in the “case Skripal,” the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has suggested to stop talking on this subject, because any good they do not lead, in addition to the deterioration of relations between the two countries. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “We need to hold or joint objective and comprehensive investigation, or just stop talking on this subject, because they are useless except for the deterioration of relations are not”, — he said at a meeting with heads and editors-in-chief of the international news agencies at the forum. Mr Putin noted that initially announced that it was poisoning by chemical warfare agents, but in the case of the use of such substances people are killed, while the victims are alive and well. “None of this happened, he Skripal and his daughter is alive and was discharged from the hospital.

Makron: trump got out of the nuclear deal because it made Obama

Makron: trump got out of the nuclear deal because it made Obama US President, Donald trump has decided to withdraw from nuclear deal with Iran, because it was made by his predecessor Barack Obama, “bad by definition”. This assumption is the President of France Emmanuel macron expressed at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg international economic forum. Mr. macron said that now formed a “coalition” to save the agreement. “I think that we can create the conditions under which there is an escalation in a bad direction,” he was quoted by “RIA Novosti”. The President stressed that France remains a member of the nuclear deal. The President of the United States Donald trump announced its withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran and resume sanctions regime against the country and working in it companies on may 8. See also: the US is not interested in de-escalation of the situation