In the state Duma responded to the accusations of Kiev in the development of Russia’s chemical weapons

In the state Duma responded to the accusations of Kiev in the development of Russia’s chemical weapons MOSCOW, may 27 — RIA Novosti. The accusations of Kiev in the development of Russia’s chemical and biological weapons for “hybrid war” are an attempt of the Ukrainian politicians to earn points. This was stated by first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on defense Alexander Sherin, in an interview with RT. He noted that such statements show a “neglect of the situation” in Ukraine, because the government wants to appear to the people “popular and brave” without thinking of the responsibility which may be incurred over the allegations. Sherin said that Russia should consider the possibility of filing criminal defamation cases at the international level. “If there is a statement, then the person must either provide irrefutable evidence or to refute it and apologize. If none of this he can’t do, you

China has accused the US of violating sovereignty

China has accused the US of violating sovereignty Beijing said that the U.S. ships that sailed near the disputed Islands in the South China sea were China’s territorial waters without permission. The country’s defense Ministry said it is “a serious violation of the sovereignty” of China, reports Reuters. Earlier today, the Agency with reference to reported that the American destroyer USS Higgins and the cruiser USS Antietam conducted maneuvers in the 12 nautical miles (19 km) from the Paracel Islands in the South China sea. The Agency has suggested that this may not please the Chinese authorities, who consider the Islands their territory. Beijing asked the U.S. ships to immediately leave the place.

In Turkey to discuss the purchase of su-57 is the American F-35

In Turkey to discuss the purchase of su-57 is the American F-35 MOSCOW, may 27 — RIA Novosti. Turkey may buy Russian su-57 is the American F-35, according to the newspaper Yeni Safak, citing sources. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “Ankara does not intend to waive its rights to the aircraft that it should receive in June. The option of buying fighters “su” in Russia discussed”, — says the article. Turkey can take such a decision, if the United States will block the delivery of F-35. Previously, Washington has said it is ready to take this step due to the fact that Ankara has purchased Russian anti-aircraft missile systems s-400. In December 2017, Turkey and Russia signed a credit agreement on s-400. Ankara would buy the two batteries in SAM that will be covered by Turkish personnel. The parties also agreed on technological cooperation in development of production of s-400 to Turkey. U.S. and

In the SBU said about the death of two of its employees in the Donbass

In the SBU said about the death of two of its employees in the Donbass MOSCOW, may 27 — RIA Novosti. The security service of Ukraine (SBU) on Sunday announced the deaths of two of its employees in the Donbass. “During performance of a fighting task group of the SBU involved in the operation of the joint forces came under artillery fire. Killed two soldiers of the CSO “A”, another seriously wounded”, — stated in the message published on the website of the SBU. According to authorities, killed the Colonel Ruslan Mulyar and warrant officer Yuri Zhuravlev.

In the Federation Council responded to the plan of Kiev “destruction of Russia”

In the Federation Council responded to the plan of Kiev “destruction of Russia” MOSCOW, may 27 — RIA Novosti. Member of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Sergei Tsekov commented on the statement by the Deputy Minister on the issues of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine Grigory tuks on the “destruction of Russia” with sanctions. Tuck drew a parallel between today’s Russia and the Soviet Union. In his opinion, the Soviet Union was destroyed by the sanctions way, “without firing a shot”. Commenting on these words Tsekov noted that the reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union — not the sanctions, and the lack of consolidation of the society. Russia, by contrast, are United against an external pressure. “Yes, sanctions are bad, but that we for four years have demonstrated to the world that with them very successfully, rebuild the economy and move

“Worse than ever”: Bild told about the sorry state of the Bundeswehr

“Worse than ever”: Bild told about the sorry state of the Bundeswehr MOSCOW, may 27 — RIA Novosti. The Bundeswehr is in poor condition, writes Bild, citing a report by the Federal audit chamber of Germany. It is noted that the Agency was accused defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen in concealing the faults of military equipment and “embellishment statistics”. According to the document, the statement of the Minister about the “readiness” of ships and planes often do not correspond to reality. The newspaper reminds that last year no one German submarine was not fit for use. In addition, would have used less than half of the frigates, less than half tanks and only every third combat helicopter. “Official statistics on combat readiness of the Bundeswehr already looked worse. And now it turns out that it’s not all”, — notes the edition. The report of the Federal audit chamber of

Date called direct line with Vladimir Putin

Date called direct line with Vladimir Putin MOSCOW, may 27 — RIA Novosti. Direct line with President of Russia Vladimir Putin will take place on Thursday 7 June, the President will answer questions from citizens, which can be set through the app and social network, reported the press service of the Kremlin. “The seventh of June 2018 at 12.00 Moscow time on air of TV channels “the First” “Russia 1” “Russia 24”, “OTR”, radio stations “Mayak”, “Vesti FM” and “Radio of Russia” will be an annual special program “Direct line with Vladimir Putin”. The head of state will answer questions of citizens on socio-political and socio-economic life of the country and the international situation”, — stated in the message. As noted, ask questions by calling, sending an SMS or MMS message, or via the program website or dedicated mobile app. References to “Straight line” is also taken from user social

Trump loves Putin said Snowden

Trump loves Putin said Snowden MOSCOW, may 27 — RIA Novosti. Nobody loves Russian President Vladimir Putin, his American counterpart, Donald trump, said the former CIA and NSA Edward Snowden. In this case, said the ex-spy, the Americans “should not hope” that spectracolor Robert Mueller can prove the “communication” trump with Moscow, which deny both in the Kremlin and in the White house. “No one in the world loves Putin as trump. But I think that people want too much, hoping that the Mueller investigation will find the evidence against the tramp”, — quotes the words of Snowden Huffington Post. He also doubted that the Russian authorities could “recruit” US President. “Honestly, anyone who heard trump talking for three minutes, knows that it is a dead issue. It’s not like a man like he, would like to use in the challenging role of “mishandled Cossack”, when he can’t even remember

The media has accused British MP in the enrichment at the expense of investments in close to the Kremlin company

The media has accused British MP in the enrichment at the expense of investments in close to the Kremlin company Moscow. May 27. INTERFAX.RU — Member of the British Parliament, founder of investment firm Somerset Capital Management (SCM) Jacob Rees-Mogg made a fortune by investing in Russian companies associated with the Kremlin, writes in the Sunday Daily Mail. According to the newspaper, SCM, in particular, acquired the shares at least two Russian companies listed in the black list of the USA and some other under the control of oligarchs close to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In total, the Russian assets of the company amount to 217 million pounds (almost $300 million). In particular, according to Daily Mail, the SCM has invested 84 million pounds ($112 million) in “Yandex”, 44.5 million pounds ($59 million) in savings, 16 million pounds ($21 mln) to LUKOIL, 16.7 million pounds ($22.3 million) in “NOVATEK” and

Kim Jong-UN expressed his “firm intention” to meet with trump

Kim Jong-UN expressed his “firm intention” to meet with trump Moscow. May 27. INTERFAX.RU — North Korean Leader Kim Jong-UN during a sudden to the public a meeting with his South Korean roommate moon Jae Another declared that firmly intends to hold a summit with US President Donald trump, despite the fact that the last several days earlier, cancelled it, informs on Sunday, the news Agency “Yonhap”. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Kim Jong-UN thanked moon Jae-Iina for his efforts to prepare the summit between the DPRK and the United States scheduled for June 12, and expressed his firm intention to hold this historic meeting”, — said the KCNA (the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea), quoted by Yonhap. Last Thursday published a letter from trump to the North Korean leader, in which the US President has blamed Kim Jong-UN in “the extraordinary anger and open hostility” due to the fact that Pyongyang has threatened