Reuters: HOMS eliminated the son of the leader of the IG

Reuters: HOMS eliminated the son of the leader of the IG According to the Agency, the operation was conducted by Syrian government troops. TASS, 3 July. Hudayfa al-Badri, the son of the leader of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed in the Syrian city of HOMS. On Tuesday, reported Reuters. According to him, Hudaifa al-Badri destroyed during the operation, the Syrian government troops. It was held near the power plant in HOMS. May 10 newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, citing a source in Iraqi intelligence reported that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, probably hiding together with his son near the Iraqi border in Eastern Syria.

Iran has accused Israel of climate change in the country

Iran has accused Israel of climate change in the country The head of Iran’s civil defense Department said that the combined group from Israel and another country are deprived of the moisture of the clouds falling into Iran. Tehran has accused Israel of climate change in Iran. As stated by the head of Iran’s civil defense managements Reza Jalali, a few scientific centers in the country have confirmed that adverse changes caused by the intervention of the two States, according to Tasnim. “The combined group from Israel and a neighbouring state is deprived of the moisture of the clouds falling to Iran,” said Jalali, adding that the country is also faced with cases of theft of clouds and snow. According to him, over four years, experts studied the climate on the territory from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean sea and came to the conclusion that throughout the region, except Iran, height

Lavrov: international assistance to Syria should not furnish the political conditions

The Minister of foreign Affairs and expatriates of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Ayman Safadi and Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, July 4. /TASS/. All international actors should provide humanitarian aid to Syria, not trying to beat its political conditions. This was stated on Wednesday the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov at press conference following talks with Jordanian counterpart Ayman al-safadi. “We are convinced that all international players who have such opportunities, should assist in addressing these challenges in the Syrian Arab Republic, not trying to furnish such assistance to any political conditions”, – said the head of the foreign Ministry.

In the Parliament proposed “pour Russian vodka”

In the Parliament proposed “pour Russian vodka” MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. Verkhovna Rada Deputy Oleg Barna, the TV channel 112 called “pour Russian vodka.” The MP has set the example of China’s economy, which has grown thanks to export growth. According to him, Kiev should do the same to win Russia of “economic war.” “And so I declare that Ukraine was growing, we must sell all Russia! Fill them with alcohol, vodka. To sell everything! In addition, that they can use against us, and in addition to high technology,” said Barna. The Deputy noted that in this way Ukraine will replenish the budget, and Russia — “industrial degraded”. In June, the state Executive service of Ukraine has arrested accounts of the enterprise “Ukrspirt”, which is a monopolist in its field. The organization emphasized that such a decision may lead to the destruction of the alcohol industry of Ukraine.

The head of Rosprirodnadzor left his post

The head of Rosprirodnadzor left his post MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Artem Sidorov from the position of head of Rosprirodnadzor, the corresponding order is published on the website of the Cabinet. “Release Sidorov Artem Georgievich of the Deputy Minister of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation — the head of the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of nature at its request”, — stated in the text of the document. At the end of June on the profile of the meeting in Irkutsk the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika criticized the work of Rosprirodnadzor in the fight against violations in the trade of waste. According to him, the Federal service “is not adequately provided for environmental impact assessment”. A source in the Ministry of Russia told RIA Novosti that Sidorov is on vacation until July 5. According to the source, on

The state Duma has approved in the first reading, life imprisonment for pedophiles

The state Duma has approved in the first reading, life imprisonment for pedophiles The state Duma adopted in the first reading a bill imposing life imprisonment for crimes of sexual character against children till 14 years. This was reported on the website of the lower house of Parliament. Bill in February was made by a group of state Duma deputies headed by Vice-speaker Irina Yarovaya. The authors of the document propose to establish that the Statute of limitations on unreported crimes against children do not expire at the time of the victim comes of age. In addition, serious crimes will be listed as the manufacture, storage and distribution of materials with pornographic images of minors and coercion of minors to perform sexual acts on the part of those who have already had a conviction for crimes against sexual integrity. The current edition of the criminal code (article 134) for sexual

Foreign Minister: no grounds for resumption of payments of Russia to the Council of Europe no

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, July 4. /TASS/. Grounds for resumption of payments of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe (COE) do not exist, as the powers of the Russian Parliament is not restored. About it it is spoken in published on Wednesday statement, the Russian foreign Ministry. In dipvedomstva noticed that lately in the media there was much speculation about the situation in the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the Russian contribution to the budget of the COE.

Trump again require the allies to increase military spending

Trump again require the allies to increase military spending The President of the United States on the eve of the NATO summit appealed to Western leaders. In anticipation of the July NATO summit, US President, Donald trump has written to the allies of the letter with the requirement to increase military spending, reports The New York Times (NYT). Among the countries receiving these messages, the publication describes, in particular, Germany, Canada, Belgium and Norway. In the letters trump notices that after a year of constant statements of the US concerning the fact that members of the NATO Alliance obligations, no significant action was not taken. The newspaper cites passages from the letter of the President German Chancellor Angela Merkel: As I said at our meeting in April, the United States is growing discontent due to the fact that our allies do not fulfill their promises. The United States spends more

The state Duma Committee supported the draft on the elimination of roaming

The state Duma Committee supported the draft on the elimination of roaming MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. The state Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications at Tuesday’s meeting recommended the lower chamber to adopt in the first reading the draft law on the elimination of national and on-net roaming. Deputies from “Fair Russia”, headed by faction leader Sergei Mironov has made the appropriate initiative to the state Duma in June of last year. According to the explanatory note to the document, a draft Federal law aimed at the abolition of the differential tariffs on communications services, depending on the location of subscribers in a particular subject. “It appears that this norm is nothing but archaic, hindering at the moment development of availability of communication services in the territory of the Russian Federation, and it is fundamentally only an additional source of income for the relevant operators,”

The foreign Ministry commented on the statement about “alternative Internet”

The foreign Ministry commented on the statement about “alternative Internet” MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. The words of the Director of the Department of new challenges and threats (DNV) Ilya Rogachev about what Russia may create an “alternative Internet” are not the official position of the Russian foreign Ministry, told RIA Novosti in the Ministry. “Statements of the Director of DNV Rogacheva about creating an “alternative Internet” are not the official position of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, and represent the expert opinion as part of the ongoing professional debate on this topic,” — said the Russian foreign Ministry. The foreign Ministry added that “the official Russian point of view formulated in a number of initiatives on the interaction on the subject of the IIB (international information security), of combating the use of cyberspace for criminal purposes”. “We are working actively with partners, aimed at achieving a broad consensus,”