Visit Russia, the American Senator said about the futility of sanctions

Visit Russia, the American Senator said about the futility of sanctions Visited Moscow and Saint Petersburg, us Senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnson said that U.S. sanctions against Russia are not working. “It’s not like they (sanctions.— “B”) had a really terrible economic effect. I think only under pressure, you say that sanctions against Russia really work well”, — writes the Washington Examiner. A delegation of U.S. senators paid a visit to Russia from June 30 to July 5. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko are unable to accept it, as it was in these days on mission in Transbaikalia and China.

Walker clarified the administration’s position trump recognition of the Crimea

Walker clarified the administration’s position trump recognition of the Crimea MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. The United States does not plan to recognize the Crimea part of Russia, the American media misconstrued the position of head of the White house Donald trump, this was stated by the special representative of the President of the United States Ukraine Kurt Volker in an interview with the Russian-speaking German television OstWest. Earlier, the trump in response to the question of the recognition of the Crimea part of Russia said, “Look.” According to BuzzFeed, in June at the G7 summit in Canada, trump allegedly said that he considers the Crimea a Russian, because there lives the Russian-speaking population. The White house did not refute this information. “The white house has spoken very clearly — the US presidential Advisor for national security John Bolton and a spokesman for the White house Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Merkel found a reason to increase defense spending

Merkel found a reason to increase defense spending The conflict in Ukraine and “annexation” of the Crimea indicate the need for NATO countries to increase defense spending. This was stated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her weekly podcast. According to her, the problems facing the Alliance in recent years has changed dramatically. Merkel said that after the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the conflict in the Donbass need to focus on defense. One of the measures the Chancellor believes the presence in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump called for more funding of NATO countries on defense. The us leader sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez and reminded of the promises of the previous the Spanish Cabinet to increase defense spending. Trump sent the same letter to a number of heads of state and governments of NATO

Senator Johnson said that U.S. sanctions against Russia are not working

Senator Johnson said that U.S. sanctions against Russia are not working WASHINGTON, July 8. /TASS/. Economic sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia, “not working”. This was stated in the published on Saturday an interview with the Washington Examiner, the Chairman of the Committee on national security and governmental Affairs U.S. Senate Ron Johnson. He was part of a delegation of American lawmakers-Republicans, visited St. Petersburg and Moscow from 30 June to 5 July. “Not like they [sanctions] have had any real economic effect,” shared Johnson with the publication of his impressions of the trip. “You enter them, and then no one is trying to perform: “And are they [sanctions]?” Only under strong pressure, it is possible to recognize that sanctions against Russia are working,” he added. At the same time the Senator made it clear that it is not in favour of the complete abolition of sanctions against

U.S. ships entered the Black sea for exercises with Ukraine

U.S. ships entered the Black sea for exercises with Ukraine Two warships, the United States entered the Black sea to conduct joint exercises with Ukraine, reads the statement of the us Navy. In the Black sea became flagship of the 6th fleet “mount Whitney”. Earlier in the waters included the missile destroyer “porter”. “We look forward to working with NATO allies and partners to ensure peace and economic stability,” the statement reads command. Earlier it was reported that two us warships passed through the Taiwan Gulf. Also earlier it became known that the United States has increased viagraprice in Ukraine.

In the Duma doubt the observance of the regulations on projects of anti-Russian resolutions in the OSCE PA

The head of the Russian delegation to the OSCE parliamentary Assembly, Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy © Marat Abulhasan/TASS BERLIN, July 7. /TASS/. The head of the Russian delegation to the OSCE parliamentary Assembly, Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy said that doubts in following the rules when voting on the question of the inclusion of three projects the anti-Russian resolutions in the agenda of the session of the OSCE PA.

Slutsky called the changes the “law of Dima Yakovlev”

Slutsky called the changes the “law of Dima Yakovlev” Russia is ready to make “corrective” amendments to the “law of Dima Yakovlev”, if the US will create a monitoring body in the field of child custody, told reporters the head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky. BERLIN, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. He said this after a meeting with the delegation of American parliamentarians on the sidelines of the OSCE parliamentary Assembly. “We told them we did not hold back. 20 years — 61 thousand (children adopted). But children are dying. They understood we told them. They closed after we clearly told them that guys, enter control on the system of Executive power and then we can really revisit the situation and maybe to introduce some corrective amendments in “the law of Dima Yakovlev”. Unless you have a controlling instance, to talk about,” said Slutsky.

Mike Pompeo did not meet with Kim Jong-UN during a visit to the DPRK

Mike Pompeo did not meet with Kim Jong-UN during a visit to the DPRK U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo during his visit to Pyongyang met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, according to The Washington Post, citing AP. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий That such a meeting was to be held, has previously said White house spokesman Sarah Sanders. Mr. Pompeo during a two-day visit to North Korea was limited to a meeting with a senior official Kim Yong-Chol. The Secretary called the conversation with him productive, noting that the parties managed to achieve great progress in some areas. At the same time, he continued, “there is still a lot of work” in other areas. Details Mr. Pompeo said. He also announced the appointment of the US military and representatives of the DPRK on July 12 on the border of South and North Korea. They will discuss the transfer to the United States

Brother and niece Serzh Sargsyan declared wanted

Brother and niece Serzh Sargsyan declared wanted Brother of the former President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, Levon Sargsyan and his daughter Ani, who are accused of illicit enrichment and evasion of Declaration of the property wanted. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “The decision of the court in respect of Levon Sargsyan as a measure of restraint arrest, and in respect of Ani Sargsyan and her brother Narek — recognizance not to leave. Levon and Ani Sargsyan declared wanted,” — quoted by TASS message of the Special investigation service of the Republic. 29 Jun investigative Department of Committee of state revenues of the Republic raided the house of Narek Sargsyan. Investigators then found documents in a Bank Deposit in the amount of $6.8 million in the name of Levon Sargsyan and Ani. Levon Sargsyan for 2017 was the Ambassador for special assignments and had to submit this amount in their declarations for the year. Serzh