Russian diplomats have urgently called for Mary Butina after her transfer to new prison

Maria Butina © EPA-EFE/Press Service of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation/HANDOUT TASS, August 19. Russian diplomats have urgently called for detained U.S. citizen of the Russian Federation Maria Butina after the news of her transfer to the prison of Alexandria. About it reported in a statement released by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the USA on Saturday.

Russian diplomats said the “psychological pressure” on Mary Butina

Russian diplomats said the “psychological pressure” on Mary Butina Employees of the Russian Embassy in the United States “urgently called for” detained in Washington the Russian Maria Butina after her transfer to prison Alexandria (Virginia). In the message of the Embassy in Facebook stressed that the situation with Mrs. Butinai “increasingly concerned” by Russian diplomats. They believe that a woman with “trying for more humiliation and psychological pressure to break”. It is noted that the translation of Mary Butinai “took all the belongings, including books, towels, shoes, hygiene items” and held a “personal humiliating strip searches”. “Maria was transferred in shackles. In this case, no one bothered to explain what was happening and where she was being taken. The next 12 hours she spent in a quarantine chamber without food, with the lights on and almost without sleep,” — said in the message of the diplomatic mission. The Embassy said

Volodin did not rule out a meeting with on decriminalization of articles for reposts

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, August 18. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has received treatment regarding the decriminalization of articles of the criminal code regarding penalties for likes and reposts, but also did not exclude that can meet the initiators of the letter.

Trump took less than a minute to explain the meaning of the gatherings of world leaders

Trump took less than a minute to explain the meaning of the gatherings of world leaders Negotiation is the duty of the President, fulfilling that he has nothing to lose but much to win. About this in his video message said the American leader Donald trump. In order to explain the meaning of the meetings of the leaders of the Trump it took less than a minute. He remembered his talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Talks are good, not bad. They benefit, especially if the President knows what he’s doing,” said trump. July 16, at the presidential Palace in Helsinki hosted the first full meeting of Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. In total, the leaders spoke for nearly four hours, most of the talks took place behind closed doors. The sides positively assessed the meeting and did not rule out bilateral contacts in

Putin and Merkel agreed of the need to protect “Nord stream-2” from the attacks of third countries

Putin and Merkel agreed of the need to protect “Nord stream-2” from the attacks of third countries Moscow. 19 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed with the need to protect the project “Northern stream-2” from attacks by third countries, said the press Secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov. “The question was raised”, — he told journalists, answering the question under discussion at the negotiations the issue of the possible introduction of United States sanctions against companies involved in the project “Northern stream-2”. “In General there is an understanding that the project is commercially viable, competitive, and it is therefore necessary to take measures to protect it from possible non-competitive and unlawful attacks by third countries,” he added. Answering the questions, have you reached any agreement on counteraction to possible sanctions against the “Nord stream-2”, Peskov said: “was Not the goal to reach

The United States has issued sanctions against the “Nord stream-2”

The United States has issued sanctions against the “Nord stream-2” Within a few weeks the United States may impose restrictive measures against companies involved in the construction project of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”. About the readiness of the package of sanctions according to The Wall Street Journal, citing sources in the White house. It is noted that the final decision regarding these restrictions Washington has not yet made. According to the American officials are now deciding whether to apply sanctions only against companies that will participate in the laying of pipes in the Baltic sea, or to expand them so that they affect the company associated with the financing of the project. Interlocutors of the edition reported that the us government will warn the European Union before sanctions. Earlier, on 19 July it was reported that the Senator from Wyoming John Barrasso introduced a bill to impose sanctions against the

Klintsevich: the Russian Federation has many ways to respond to the blocking of the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin”

Member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, August 18. /TASS/. Russia has many options of measures it may take in response to Kiev’s decision to block the port of Kherson in three years, the Russian tanker “the Mechanic Pogodin,” said a member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich.

Lukashenko called the position of the previous government in the dialogue with the IMF brainless

Lukashenko called the position of the previous government in the dialogue with the IMF brainless MINSK, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the Belarusian government still held a brainless stance on tariffs in the housing sector in negotiations with the IMF on the loan program, reported on Saturday the press service of the Belarusian leader. On Saturday the Belarusian head of state made the decision on the appointment of the new Prime Minister of the country Sergei Rumas. He was also appointed Vice-premiers and several Ministers. During the appointment of new members of the Lukashenko government criticized the previous position during the negotiations with international organizations, in particular with the IMF. “Clear to them (IMF — ed.) requirements. The international monetary Fund carries out a certain policy, and then not going anywhere,” he said. However, he continued, not even with the IMF and “feed