The Congress said that it would hurt Trump to cancel sanctions against Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The house of representatives member from the Democratic party, Adam Schiff stated that Donald trump will face opposition from the U.S. Congress, if it decides to withdraw imposed by the Obama administration sanctions against Russia. “We in Congress believe that the measures for the containment of Russia is not enough,” said Schiff in a live transmission on TV channel ABC. According to him, if trump will take steps to lift the sanctions against Russia, strengthening the sanctions regime will insist not only Democrats, but also Republicans, including Senator John McCain. Informed future press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer said he doubts that the new U.S. sanctions over alleged Russian involvement in cyber attacks are a proportionate response. We will remind, on December 29, the US imposed sanctions against nine Russian institutions, companies and individuals, including against the GRU and the FSB. In addition, 35 Russian

The Ministry of justice has included in the registry of NCOs-“registered as foreign agents” centre for the promotion of the education of citizens “Owl”

© Denis Vyshinsky/TASS MOSCOW, December 30. /TASS/. The Ministry of justice of Russia included regional public organization to promote civic education “Information and analytical center “Sova” in the register of noncommercial organizations performing functions of a foreign agent. On Friday reported on the website of the Ministry of justice.

Govorukhin said that the censorship in Russia they say “idiots or crooks”

Photo: 360tv.EN The Chairman of the Duma Committee on culture, film Director Stanislav Govorukhin said that in Russia there is no censorship by the state. He told this in an interview Asked about the controversy surrounding the censorship of art that arose earlier between Konstantin Raikin and the head of the motorcycle club “Night Wolves” Alexander zaldostanov, known as “the Surgeon”, Govorukhin expressed confidence that the state does not interfere in the culture. All the discussions around this question he called “stupid”, “stupid” and “fake”. “You know, Russia is the only country where you can say anything,” — said Govorukhin. Answering the question of whether he personally feels the pressure, which in recent months have so much to say, the filmmaker said: “they Say idiots or crooks! Because in fact nothing of the kind. We have written in the Constitution that any censorship is forbidden”. Thus, in his view,

Vanga predicted Russia the role of Savior of the world in 2017

Photo: Amitel The rest of the country, according to the prophecies of the clairvoyant, will begin to tear each other apart like animals. The coming year will bring a terrible geopolitical and social changes in the world will not be stable and fair. The crisis of the world economy, famine and armed uprisings will lead eventually to a Third world war. Against the background of these gloomy prophecies Wang saw in the Russian government that will give hope to all the world and to bring spiritual revival, even the United States, thanks to its spiritual power and economic power. In addition, a clairvoyant predicted the unification of all Slavs under the wing of Russia. The rest of the world recognizes the superiority of Russia and voluntarily begin to comply with the chain of command in relation to it. Recall that Vanga predictions for 2016 related to the strengthening of extremism.

Kadyrov: Russia above the “children’s issue” of Barack Obama

The Head Of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, December 30. /TASS/. The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov called decent decision not to meet the mirror on the expulsion of Russian diplomats from the United States. He said this on his page in social network Instagram. “The Obama administration was timed to the New year announcement of the document on deportation of diplomats. With great hope in Washington was waiting for the mirror of the response of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Vladimirovich Putin showed that Russia and its leader above the children’s showdown of Barack Obama,” – said Kadyrov.