The outgoing Pentagon chief complained to Putin

Photo: RIA Novosti Preparing to leave his post as Pentagon chief Ashton Carter said that the United States cannot normalize relations with Russia because of President Vladimir Putin. He stated this in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. According to the politician, Putin determines the success of its policy on the “degree of discomfort” supposedly created by “the rest of the world”. “Because we are looking so hard to build bridges with Russian leaders,” complains the head of the Pentagon, whose powers come to an end after the inauguration of Donald trump. He separately criticized Moscow for its intervention in Syria. In Syria, according to Carter, Russia did nothing to combat the “Islamic state” (a group banned in Russia — ed.). “They are fighting against the moderate opposition and Syrian government,” he said. Carter also noted that he had urged the new Congress and new presidential administration to continue

American children are taught to recognize the Russian Crimea

Photo: TC “Star” American baby educational Kids Learning Tube channel published a video in which the Crimea is included in structure of the Russian Federation. The video, designed to explain to children the Federal device of Russia, animated 85 subjects of the Russian Federation are singing that they are part of a large country. 11 Mar 2014 amid the change of power in Ukraine, the Supreme Council of Crimea and Sevastopol city Council adopted the Declaration on independence of Autonomous Republic of Crimea. On 16 March with a turnout of over 80%, a referendum was held, the results of which for the reunification with Russia voted 96,77% of voters of the Republic of Crimea and 95.6% of voters of Sevastopol. The U.S. government does not recognize this vote.

A U.S. intelligence report in the state Duma called an insult to American public opinion

Photo: RIA “Vladim” The head of the Duma Committee on information policy, Leonid Levin believes a direct insult to the American public opinion statements N. I. saying that the Russian media could seriously affect the outcome of the presidential election. Recall, on the eve was published the report of US intelligence about the “Russian interference” in the elections, the majority of which is devoted to Sputnik and RT. The evidence, as usual, is not given, although Moscow has repeatedly denied such allegations and asked for confirmation. “Allegations that the Russian information resources could seriously affect the opinion of the American voter, are a direct insult to the American public opinion. Even more humiliating for the entire American political system the actual statement that the publication of a few facts about one of the parties has become a threat to the bicentennial of the American state,” said Levin, RIA Novosti reported.

In the state Duma intend to oblige the ex-officials to report about the incomes

Photo: Arguments and Facts In the state Duma together with the Prosecutor General’s office to develop a mechanism to monitor the income and expenses of the former officials. Before authors is the task of register obligation to declare the income of officials and pensioners and ex-officials. “Suppose we prescribe a duty to report, and he (ex-official) refused to submit a Declaration — how it can be made to do this? While we think over the mechanism of how to do it” — quoted by TASS first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on security Ernest Valeeva (“United Russia”). On the duty of Declaration ex-officials insists the Genprokurate, earlier media reported about the introduction of the possibility of forfeiture to the state the monetary equivalent of the property acquired on unconfirmed incomes.

Lavrov discussed with Ayrault Ukrainian crisis

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, 6 Jan – RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault discussed by telephone on Friday, the Ukrainian crisis, reiterating the need to respect the Minsk agreements, the Russian foreign Ministry. “An exchange of views on resolving the Ukrainian crisis. The Ministers reaffirmed the unambiguousness of the full implementation of the Minsk agreements”, — stated in the message on the website of the foreign Ministry.

Kosachev: the Russian side will try to do the 137th session of the IPU historic event

Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 6. /TASS/. Forthcoming in October of this year 137-I Assembly of the inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) will be a historical event for the Russian side has prepared a number of initiatives. About this TASS said the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs, Vice-President of the IPU Konstantin Kosachev. “We are working with colleagues from the State Duma are now intensively work on the organizational and the content side of this Assembly” – he said, stressing that although the content of the work of MPs is determined not only by the host country, it much depends. “We will make every effort to ensure that this Assembly make history”, the Senator said. – And there are already a few ideas”.

The General staff of the armed forces: the liberation of Aleppo will be the basis for settlement of the conflict in Syria

© EPA/STR MOSCOW, January 6. /TASS/. The liberation of Aleppo could be the basis for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Syria. This was stated by chief of the General staff of the armed forces, army General Valery Gerasimov. “The successes of the Syrian armed forces for the liberation of Aleppo has created the necessary conditions for peaceful resolution of the conflict. Striking confirmation of this was the achievement of agreement on the introduction into Syria of the cease of hostilities,” he said. “I am confident that it will become the basis for a political settlement of the conflict”, – said the chief of the General staff of the armed forces.

Presidents of Transnistria and Moldova will link Russia

Photo: Kommersant Vadim Krasnoselsky and Igor Dodon was ready to resume talks The President of the unrecognized Transnistria Vadim Krasnoselsky yesterday during a visit to Moscow held talks with Russian officials. In January the Russian capital can visit and the leader of Moldova Igor Dodon. Experts in Chisinau and Tiraspol noted that the change of leaders on both banks of the Dniester can encourage negotiations to resolve the frozen conflict, which skidded all of 2016. Details from Chisinau-the correspondent of “Kommersant” VLADIMIR SOLOVYOV. Vadim Krasnoselsky, elected Transnistrian President on 11 December and 16 December, came into office, spent yesterday in Moscow a series of meetings. He visited Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, held talks with Deputy foreign Minister Grigory Karasin, met with the Ambassador of the foreign Ministry’s special envoy Sergei Gubarev, who represents Moscow in the negotiation format “5+2” (Moldova and Transnistria-parties to the conflict; the OSCE, Russia and