Kosachev: the Arab parliamentarians will be invited to a conference on terrorism in March

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. Inter-parliamentary Assembly (IPA) of the CIS jointly with the OSCE PA will hold in late March an international conference on combating terrorism, the invitation to the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament. This was reported TASS the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

In Grozny to protest against ISIS burned portraits of al-Baghdadi

Photo: RIA Novosti In the Central square of Grozny held mass protest against the terrorist group “Islamic state”, reports TASS with reference to the press service of the city administration. “Rally, initiated by parents whose children have been recruited by the radicals of ISIS, took place on the square in front of the mosque “Heart of Chechnya”, – said the press service. In the city hall added that in his speeches the Chechen community have expressed indignation at the actions of IGI its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. “The participants urged the youth of Chechnya not to succumb to the propaganda of extremists and often listen to his family and friends”, – noted in press service. The event lasted several hours, at the end of the action, the protesters burned banners with the symbols of ISIS and portraits of al-Baghdadi. In December 2016, in Grozny there was an attack on police

In the state Duma opens spring session

© Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. The state Duma of the seventh convocation without any delay after the Christmas holiday starts spring session. This week will be held Duma Council, which will determine the agenda of the forthcoming 11 and 13 January plenary meetings, scheduled Committee meetings, and round tables.

Putin instructed the Central Bank to lower interest rates on loans to regions

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin recommended the Central Bank to take measures to reduce interest rates for the regions. This was reported on the Kremlin website. “To recommend to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to analyze the formation of interest rates on loans provided to subjects of the Russian Federation credit institutions, and take measures to reduce them”, — stated in the document issued on 4 January. The period of performance of the assignment until March 1, 2017, responsible appointed head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina. In addition, the President instructed the government to hold until December 1, 2017, the assessment of potential tax and non-tax revenues of regional budgets, and to develop new mechanism to provide financial assistance on a non-reimbursable loan basis. The latter is necessary for “financing the expenditure and debt obligations without increasing public debt”. Until November 1, 2017 (and then

Among the dead and injured in the terrorist attack in Jerusalem, citizens of the Russian Federation no

© EPA/JIM HOLLANDER TEL AVIV, January 8. /Offset. TASS Andrey Shirokov/. Russian citizens among the dead and wounded as a result of a collision of a truck into pedestrians in Jerusalem there. This was reported to TASS by telephone, the press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Israel, Evgeny Piskunov. “Among the dead and injured in Jerusalem of citizens of Russia”, – he said.

From 1 January in Russia, allowed cell therapy

Photo: YSIA In Russia from 1 January 2017 officially entered into force a law allowing to use cells grown in the laboratory to treatment of patients. The document in June last year, was signed by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. According to the law, the donor at the time of biopsy take a few millimeters cellular material. Cells grown in the laboratory for future use. Experts believe that this method is more effective than transplantation. The risk of rejection is virtually eliminated. According to scientists, the impressive results of cell therapy in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, diabetes and the cardiovascular system.

Putin will be celebrating Christmas in an ancient monastery in the Novgorod region

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrates Christmas at Holy Yuriev monastery in Novgorod region. This was announced on Friday, January 6, “the Tape.ru” informed the source. The head of state, according to the Agency Flash Nord, has already arrived in the monastery, which was founded in XII century on Bank of the Volkhov river and is one of the oldest in Russia. After the solemn Liturgy Putin, according to the interlocutor “of the Tape.ru”, talk with the local fishermen, with whom he had met in September during the visit to Novgorod oblast, along with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Then the first persons of the state visited the island of Lipno in the Delta of the river Msta, where he visited the Orthodox Church of late thirteenth century – the Church of St. Nicholas in Lipno, but also made a boat trip on the lake Ilmen went on Board

Lebanon hopes for the revitalization of the project of supply of weapons from Russia

Photo: RIA “Vladim” The Lebanese authorities are counting on the revitalization of the project of deliveries of tanks and rocket launchers from Russia for the sum more than $ 500 million, said Minister of state for presidential Affairs of the country Pierre Raffoul. Previously this was reported by the Lebanese Ambassador to Russia Shawki Bou Nassar. In particular, Beirut interested in supplying anti-tank missile complexes “cornet”, guns and T-72 tanks. “There are projects worth more than half a billion dollars to strengthen the power of the Lebanese army at the expense of Russian weapons, including tanks, missiles and installation. We hope this issue to intensify in terms of the positive atmosphere prevailing now,” said Raffoul, reports RIA Novosti. According to the Minister, Beirut and Moscow have common strategic task — the fight against terrorism.