Candidate for the post of head of the Pentagon has put Russia on a par with ISIS

Photo: REUTERS Russia and Iran benefit from the chaos in Syria, and are on a par with terrorists – this statement was made by the candidate on a post of the head of the Pentagon James Mattis. His words convey the Rambler/news, citing the New York Times. “The brutal civil war in Syria has destabilized the middle East, have contributed to the destabilization of Europe and has become a threat to allies such as Israel, Jordan and Turkey, and that while the “Islamic state” (organization banned in Russia – the Rambler/news), Iran and Russia benefit from this chaos, which does not serve the national interests of America,” said Mattis. His statement to the General of the marine Corps have made during his speech, a speech in the U.S. Senate. Mattis for appointment to the civilian post of head of the Pentagon must obtain special permission of Congress. This rule was

McCain has ruled out U.S. cooperation with Russia

Photo: Ron Sachs / DPA / Us Senator John McCain has ruled out U.S. cooperation with Russia on any issues, including in the fight against the terrorists banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”. He said this in his opening remarks during the approval process a potential defense Secretary James Mattis, video stream available on the website Politico. According to the Senator, the interest of President Vladimir Putin is strengthening Russia and weakening of the United States, and therefore cooperation with Moscow excluded. McCain said that three previous US President, Barack Obama, George Bush and bill Clinton — tried to restore relations with Russia, but failed through the fault of Moscow. The US President-elect Donald trump on 11 January during a press conference said that no plans to restart relations with Moscow. He added that, if the relationship between the two leaders deteriorated, it will be much harder to treat

The defense Ministry criticized international organizations for failing to provide assistance to the people of Aleppo

The official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 14. /TASS/. The Russian defense Ministry surprised by the lack of care for the population of Aleppo from the international organizations, despite the fact that the city for a month as released by the militants. This was stated by the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov.

Zakharova called “information carousel” anti-Russian publications in German media

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, January 14. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called “information carousel” attempts by German media back to the story living in Germany Russian girls Lisa F. on the social network Facebook the Russian diplomat noted it as an attempt to accuse Russia of meddling in the elections in Germany by analogy with the accusations of the American media in Moscow. “As in the case of a “dossier on the trump”, promoted by the American media (CNN and BuzzFeed), the German media once again revived the “business girl Lisa”. Then Berlin will say that Moscow interferes with the election. (This) is called “information carousel”, – Zakharov wrote.

Former President of Finland told about the fate of a living gift from Medvedev

Photo: RIA Novosti Former President of Finland Tarja Halonen showed the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev with a picture of a cat Maggie that he gave her four years ago. On Thursday, January 12, reports TASS. “I would like to tell you a secret — I promised to bring the Prime Minister to the picture of the cat. The cat’s name is Maggie. And I took this photo and told the Prime Minister that my cat does very well,” said with a smile Halonen, speaking at the Gaidar forum in Moscow, which was also attended by Medvedev. She said that the Prime Minister gave her a cat breed Neva masquerade, knowing that one of two cats Halonen died. “Very beautiful, with blue eyes. She grew up and now it is a full cat. It is, when I want, knows how to behave very well,” he listed the advantages of

Lavrov: Russia is ready to take the leaders of Palestine and Israel for negotiations

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. Russia confirms willingness to host the leaders of Israel and Palestine for talks on the middle East, the case for them. This was stated on Friday, the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the meeting with the Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine liberation Organization Saeb by Arikata.

The state Duma about the idea to hold a parade APU on red square, complete nonsense

Photo: TASS In the state Duma has described as “nonsense” the idea to hold a parade of soldiers of the Ukrainian army in Moscow’s red square. This statement was made by first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on nationalities Mikhail Starshinov. His words convey the Rambler/news with reference to “the”. “Unfortunately, there are always people that have a sick imagination. This is nonsense! Russian language, he is rich, capacious. I think it describes someone who says and what says,” said Starshinov. In addition, the MP stressed that he had repeatedly heard such statements about “the victorious Ukrainian army”. A provocative statement saying that the Ukrainian army after the victory over the Russian army will hold a parade on red square, was made Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Teteruk. “Our Ukrainians are strong warriors. I sincerely believe that we will hold the parade on red square. It would

Meadow tied his inclusion in the “Magnitsky list” with the project of online-cinemas

Andrei Lugovoi © Artur Lebedev/TASS MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. State Duma Deputy from LDPR Andrei Lugovoi tied to its recent inclusion in the “Magnitsky list” with a resonant bill, which sets a limit of 20% on foreign ownership of online-cinemas and introduces them to a number of limitations. Today, the lower house of the Russian Parliament is considering the document in the first reading, the liberal Democrat is one of its author.

“This is a debacle”. Zakharova summed up the reign of Obama

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian foreign Ministry praised the foreign policy of the outgoing administration of U.S. President Barack Obama. Official representative of the Department called the foreign policy of the American Chapter “disaster” and “fiasco”. Words Zakharova convey the Rambler/news with reference to “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. “This is a debacle,” said Zakharova at a briefing in Moscow. In addition, the representative of the foreign Ministry expressed hope that the new US President Donald trump will follow international law when advocating for the interests of his country. Zakharov stressed that in recent years Western countries “just bullied” over international law. During a briefing the representative of the Ministry also noted that the Russian side is optimistic about cooperation with the new administration of the White house. 8 Dec 2016 Maria Zakharova wrote in her Facebook account that “no “celebrations of friendship, brotherhood and justice” is not expected” after joining a new