In the Kremlin to discuss Russia’s return to the G8 format

Photo: EPA Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that Russia is not going to return to the G8 format. He noted that this topic is not even discussed, according to the Rambler/news citing RIA Novosti. “We never heard the statements of the heads of state who continue to gather in the format of “seven”, any statement which would izyaslavs intention to invite Russia or other countries,” Peskov said. According to him, the priority in the format of “twenty”. “Regardless of any eventual proposals and invitations for Russia, the priority is the participation in the format of “twenty”, it has repeatedly been said by the President of the Russian Federation”, — said the representative of the Kremlin. January 12, Minister of foreign Affairs of Italy Angelino Alfano did not rule out recovery of the G8 summit in late may in Taormina (Sicily). According to him, Russia’s participation at

Crimean authorities have prepared a draft resolution in the UN about violations in the Ukrainian period

© REUTERS/Jon Nazca SIMFEROPOL, January 16. /Offset. TASS Tatyana Kuznetsova/. Crimean authorities have prepared a draft resolution on human rights violations in the Republic in the period when the Peninsula was part of Ukraine. This was reported on Monday TASS the Chairman of the state Committee on the Affairs of interethnic relations and deported citizens Zaur Smirnov.

The Committee of the state Duma has created a Commission to study the report of McLaren

Photo: The state Duma Committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and youth Affairs established an independent expert Commission to examine and analysis report on doping in Russian sport, prepared by the Commission of the world anti-doping Agency (WADA) led by Richard McLaren. About this TASS said the Chairman of the Committee Mikhail Degtyarev. “The attack on the Russian activities continue. They are all based on doklade McLaren. Documents that this gentleman posted on the Internet, more than thousands, they need to study well”, — said Degtyarev. He also added that after about a month the Commission will be ready to present the results of their work. The second part of the report, McLaren was presented on 9 December. It is reported that tampering with doping samples detected at the two Russians, who won four gold medals of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. In addition, employees of the Moscow anti-doping

Kudrin outlined the main challenges for the Russian economy

Photo: RIA Novosti Former Finance Minister of Russia, head of Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin cited the low quality of governance and lack of investment one of the main challenges for Russia. It will inform the correspondent of “Газеты.Ru”. “We are facing very serious challenges, which are objectively constrain our economic growth. The steps that should be taken by the country, the government, the President – they are extraordinary, they are quite serious. First of all, this demographic challenges, lack of investment, including the issue of sanctions, our distancing from the world’s financial markets, low quality of public administration”, – Kudrin said at the Gaidar forum. He also added that the old model of the Russian economy have not worked. Kudrin stressed that the government is not taking decisive measures that will enable us to launch new economic model. Earlier, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that there

Russian and Chinese diplomats in Moscow hold a closed meeting on ATS

Photo: RIA Novosti Diplomats of Russia and China on Friday conducted a meeting dedicated to the issues of the Syrian settlement, the correspondent of RIA Novosti from the event. The Russian side in these negotiations is the Director of the Department of Middle East and North Africa Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Vershinin. From China — the special representative of China on Syria Xie Xiaoyan. The meeting was held in the building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation in a closed format. It is expected that by the end of the talks, the diplomats will make a joint statement to the press. The UN Security Council on 31 December unanimously adopted the proposed Russian-Turkish resolution in support of a ceasefire in Syria. A number of members of the security Council in their statements said that they are ready to adopt a resolution with certain

Regiment of s-400 to intercede on combat duty in the Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti Press service of the southern military district said that on Saturday, January 14, on combat duty in the Crimea will be put anti-aircraft missile regiment of s-400 “Triumph”, according to the Rambler/news citing TASS. Formation of the group was completed in 2016. In August was carried out training missile launches. “Anti-aircraft missile regiment of the 4th army of air forces and air defense of the southern military district, stationed in the Crimea, January 14 will be held the ritual of intercession on combat duty command post and a division of s-400 “Triumph”, — told the press service. It is noted that each unit of s-400 can simultaneously fire 36. The shells of Triumph strike cruise missiles, helicopters, aircraft and ballistic targets moving at a speed of 4.8 km/h at altitude from a few meters to several tens of kilometers. Earlier it was reported that on Wednesday, January

Sands: the differences between the US intelligence and trump doesn’t evoke laughter in the Kremlin

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS NEW YORK, January 15. /Offset. TASS Igor Borisenko, Alexey Kachalin/. The differences between US intelligence agencies and the President-elect Donald trump to be an internal affair of America and, contrary to the idle notions of the Western media, do not cause joy at the Kremlin. This was stated in an interview released by NBC TV, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “No, we’re not laughing. It is your internal affair,” – said Peskov.

More than 155 thousand people were opposed to the St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Russian Orthodox Church

Photo: RIA Novosti More than 155 thousand people signed a petition against the St. Isaac’s Cathedral to the gratuitous use of the Russian Orthodox Church; from Tuesday evening when it became known about the initiative at the present time, an opinion expressed about 62 thousand Internet users, the materials on the portal The petition was created on the Internet in 2015. Then city officials denied the St. Petersburg diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Church was transferred to the gratuitous use. Last Tuesday, press Secretary of the Governor of St. Petersburg Andrei Kibito said that this issue has been resolved in favor of the Church. According to the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Mokretsov, the legal status of the building of St. Isaac’s Cathedral will not change after its transfer to the gratuitous use of the Russian Orthodox Church, which can take less than three years. The