Levin: the Committee of the state Duma is ready to “smoothing the corners” in the legislation on the “Spring package”

The Chairman of the state Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications Leonid Levin © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. The state Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications is ready to work on elimination of shortcomings in the legislation related to implementation of a package of anti-terrorist laws (the so-called Spring package). This was stated on Thursday, TASS Chairman of the Duma Committee Leonid Levin, commenting on the consideration of public petitions for cancellation of the package.

The materials of the case of prohibited methods of war in Donbass there are already 5 thousand volumes

Break the shell in the skies over Donetsk, 2015 © Alexander Sidorov/TASS MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. The materials of the criminal case about the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare in the South-East of Ukraine are already more than 5 thousand volumes. This was announced by the representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko.

Medvedev called the error of Obama’s destruction of relations with Russia and expressed hope for their improvement

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev © Dmitry Astakhov/TASS MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. The US authorities when 44th President Barack Obama, whose powers on a post of the head of state expires on January 20, destroyed the bilateral relations with Russia and this error will remain in the history. Moscow hopes that the reasonable actions of the new administration of the White house and are willing to contribute to the improvement of bilateral relations. This was stated by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev published on his page on Facebook on the occasion of the completion of the activities of the Obama administration. The head of the Cabinet of Ministers decided “to give some estimates of Russian-American relations in this period (under Obama)” as himself “was a direct participant in many events”.

NATO: while trump’s policy towards Ukraine will remain the same

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the NATO Military Committee, General Petr Pavel said that he sees no reason to expect a change in the attitude of the Alliance towards Ukraine after the change of administration in the United States; NATO will continue to assist in strengthening the country’s defense. “No reason to believe that the position in respect of Ukraine will be changed. We work with local partners, strengthening their defenses through educational programs, (our) team liaison support package of Ukraine”, — said Paul to reporters, answering the question of whether to expect changes to Ukraine’s NATO policy during the administration of Donald trump. He noted that NATO will “continue this process” assistance.

The defense Ministry calls the new civil

Photo: Vasily Maximov / Kommersant As it became known “Kommersant”, the Ministry of defence is considering the decommissioning of Tu-154, Tu-134 and Il-62M used in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Replacing them can become the new Tu-214 and SSJ 100. For the industry-the company “Tupolev” and “Civil planes Dry” — the order is extremely beneficial because it ensures capacity utilization at the plants in Kazan, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, respectively. Prospects Balk at the financial question: the Minister instructed to study it so that the military did not have to seek additional funds. That Sergei Shoigu instructed to study the possibility of replacing the passenger aircraft Tu-154, Tu-134 and Il-62M on new Russian counterparts, “b” told the sources close to the defense Ministry, as well as several top managers of aviation enterprises. According to them, this issue was raised by the Minister during one of the departmental meetings at the beginning

“Bi-bi-si”: Peskov said that the presence of competition, Putin would benefit Russia

MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov is confident that Russia could use the presence of serious opposition, which could compete with the current head of state Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of 2018. A fragment from an interview Peskov channel “bi-Bi-si”, which will be released on January 21, issued today the Russian service “bi-Bi-si”. Speaking about the possible nomination of opposition leader Alexei Navalny for the upcoming presidential election, Peskov said: “I think that Russia would benefit if we had a serious opposition with a serious approach, experienced professionals, and politicians who could compete with the current government in the person of President Putin, who supports 90% of the population.”

Matviyenko confirmed the possibility of the abolition of the “law Dima Yakovlev”

Photo: RIA Novosti The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko said that Russia is ready to dialogue with the U.S. on the “law of Dima Yakovlev”. This is reported by the Rambler/news with reference to “Interfax”. Matvienko assured that this law is not Russia’s goal. According to her, it will be cancelled, if the state will guarantee protection of life, health and rights of Russian children, as well as cooperate with Russian diplomats and representatives of the services who will monitor the conditions in which children live. Also, the speaker of the Federation Council, said that the ECHR decision on the claim of the Americans who fell under the “law of Dima Yakovlev” is not legitimate. Matvienko has reminded that the USA are not part of the European Convention: the States have signed the UN Convention on the protection of children, but has not ratified it. Earlier, the European

“Bi-bi-si”: Peskov said about the regular reflection of Russian cyberattacks from the US, UK and Germany

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © AP Photo/Seth Wenig MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the Russian daily reflect hundreds coming from Western countries of cyber-attacks. A fragment from an interview Peskov channel “bi-Bi-si”, which will be released on January 21, spreaded the Russian service “bi-Bi-si”.

Feldman: the position of Le Pen in the Crimea — “wise and visionary”

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Crimea called the statement of the leader of “National front” marine Le Pen on the recognition of Russian Crimea in case of its victory in the presidential elections in France, a visionary. Earlier, Le Pen in an interview to the newspaper “Izvestia” said that in case of her election victory France recognize Crimea as part of Russia. She also noted that in case of victory will restore normal relations between France and Russia, in particular, will act for the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions. The Ukrainian foreign Ministry has expressed indignation at the statement of marine Le Pen. “This wise and far-sighted position, leading policy worthy of a great country. Unlike many of their European colleagues, to carry out orders from Washington and Brussels or blinded by Russophobia, MS Le Pen to objectively assess reality and puts in the forefront, first and foremost, the