Zakharova said that Berlin has not provided evidence of cyber attacks

Photo: Fotolia/ DragonImages Moscow and not Berlin received an official request for the special services to investigate information about possible Russian cyber threat to Germany, said Thursday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Earlier, the head of the Social democratic party (SPD), the second largest faction in the Bundestag, Thomas Oppermann said he believes the overseas propaganda and hacker attacks one of the main threats ahead of the Federal election campaign in Germany. Lately in Germany are increasingly talking about such threats coming from Russia. Also in early January the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) has confirmed that in December 2016 in Germany was attacked the server of the OSCE. According to the head of Department of Hans-Georg Maasen, there are indications that the attack was allegedly made from Russia. “Some Western countries continue to make efforts to create from Russia the image

Zakharova have calculated all of Obama’s sanctions against Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti In 2014, the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama about 35 times imposed and expanded sanctions list against Russia. This statement was made by the official representative of the foreign Ministry of Russia Maria Zakharova. This is reported by the Rambler/news with reference to “Interfax”. As stated in the publication, under the sanctions, Washington has hit 172 Russians and 350 legal entities from Russia. The responsibility for the crisis in relations between Moscow and Washington Zakharova conferred on the outgoing President Barack Obama. In addition, the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry expressed hope for overcoming the crisis with the advent of the administration of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump. A politician from the Republican party won the presidential elections held on 8 November 2016. 20 January 2017 trump will assume the duties of the President.

Sands: the question of sanctions and reductions in nuclear weapons Russia and the United States can hardly be linked

VLADIVOSTOK, January 21. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov sure that it is impossible to link the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions and reduction of nuclear weapons Russia and the United States. “Nuclear disarmament is a conceptual umbrella concept, but it consists of a huge number of nuances; it cannot be disproportionate,” said the representative of the Kremlin in an interview with TV channel “Russia 1”.

Six Tu-22M3 bombers struck terrorist positions in Syria

© Office of the press service and information Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Six long-range bombers Tu-22M3 taking off from the territory of Russia, caused an air strike on the militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor. This was announced by the defense Ministry.

The Russian foreign Ministry has disclosed details of a meeting on Syria in Astana

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the talks on Syria, which will start in Astana on January 23, the Ministerial level is not provided. Her words on Thursday, January 19, leads TASS. “With specific regard to players, while we have in mind the expert level,” the diplomat said, adding that the meeting lasting several days. Specific information on the composition of the participants in the negotiations yet. However, earlier on January 19 it became known that the UN Secretary General, antónio Guterres, asked his special envoy Staffan de Mistura to personally lead the group of representatives of the world organization, which will go to Astana. This is due to the “complexity and importance of the issues to be raised” and the “high level of representation of the initiators of the meeting convocation”. 17 Jan Russia for talks in the capital of Kazakhstan

The foreign Ministry believe the joke the words of the Ambassador of Israel about the transfer of Russian Embassy

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Deputy foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov suggested that the Ambassador of Israel in Russia could make a joke, saying that Moscow has possibilities for the transfer of its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. In December, adviser to trump Kelleen Conway announced the intention of the elected President of the United States to move the American Embassy from tel Aviv to Jerusalem. On Thursday, the Israeli Ambassador to Moscow, Harry Koren has told RIA Novosti that his country will be glad to such step of the new U.S. administration. But at the same time added that “Russia has all the prerequisites to make a bold decision on this issue.” “He’s probably joking way,” — said Bogdanov told reporters. He noted that the previously announced US plans to transfer its Embassy to Jerusalem will be a serious challenge to security in the region. “Came to see me today the

Sands on “the flasher” on the car Sechin: it is not a question of the Kremlin

Photo: Kommersant Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin can’t answer the question about the signal on the car of head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin. This is reported by the Rambler/news citing TASS. During the briefing, journalists asked Peskov, whether Sechin right to “flasher”. “It’s not our issue, I do not have such information, I do not know” – said the press Secretary of the President. Earlier media reported that Sechin drives a car with spetssignalami, although the list of the departments that put the trucks with the “flashing lights”, “Rosneft” no. According to one version, the signal can be resolved Sechin due to the fact that he is under the protection of the FSO after the Yukos affair: the protection and support he could provide to secure from the vengeance of the former shareholders of the company. Press Secretary of “Rosneft” Mikhail Leontyev in

Sands: in the near future Putin will call Trump and congratulations on the inauguration

Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS LONDON, VLADIVOSTOK. 21 Jan. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will soon call the President of the United States Donald Trump and congratulations on taking office. “We expect that in the coming days, President Putin will call the President Trump and congratulate him on assuming the position”, – said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov, the TV channel “Russia 1”. Such a call Peskov, has called “official necessity.” Speaking about the meeting between the two leaders, Peskov said that they will meet one way or another, but “while any agreement, any decision on this point”.

Peskov: decision on granting the United States Snowden accepted the migration authorities of the Russian Federation or Putin

LONDON, January 21. /Offset. TASS Igor Brovarnik, Ilya Dmitriev/. A decision on possible extradition the U.S. a former U.S. intelligence officer Edward Snowden may be accepted by the Russian immigration authorities or the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. About it the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with British TV channel Bi-bi-si.