In Tokyo are going to “persevere” in negotiations with Russia on the South Kuril Islands

Photo: Kommersant Tokyo will be hard to continue talks with Russia about four Islands the southern Kurils and the conclusion of a peace Treaty, said foreign Minister Fumio Kishida. “Based on the new approach, we will persistently continue negotiations on the ownership of the four Northern island, (as in Japan called the Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan and Habomai – ed.) and the conclusion of a peace Treaty,” said the Minister, speaking at the opening session of Parliament. He noted that an important step for the conclusion of a peace Treaty with Russia was the visit to Japan of the Russian President, held in December last year. He stressed that Tokyo intends to continue to promote political dialogue and to develop Russian-Japanese relations. Kishida recalled that at the meeting in December an agreement was reached to start negotiations on joint economic activities on the Islands of the South Kuril Islands and on

The leaders of Russia, USA and China offered to meet in Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti The Crimea may become a platform for the development of the foundations of a new world order with the participation of the leaders of the three leading countries: Russia, USA and China, reads the statement of Crimean-Chinese cooperation “Crimea-Zhongguo”. Social activists concluded that the principles of world order laid down by the heads of the allied powers in 1945 at the conference in Yalta, now lost relevance. In a world with emerging new centers of power and revised sphere of influence. “Following a well-established, but outdated dogmas and stereotypes, leads to a growing mutual understanding, strengthening of international tension, the emergence and extension of conflicts. The system of the local units becomes inoperative. It’s time for global agreements. We see the inevitability of the meeting of the leaders of the countries that affect the world. We believe it is possible, necessary and justified organization of the conference

In the state Duma suggest to toughen punishment for manufacturing of counterfeit alcohol

Photo: Kommersant In the state Duma has drafted amendments to the criminal code, according to which it is proposed to toughen punishment for illegal production and turnover of alcoholic beverages. The draft amendments were developed by the Deputy Vladimir Sysoyev, who offers to make this article “particularly serious”. According to the project for the production, storage, transportation to or sale of counterfeit alcohol, which entailed consequences, is punishable with a fine up to 10 million rubles. In the case of a group of persons, in addition to fines could face up to 20 years in prison.

Medvedev has called “United Russia” the main resource of the President

© Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. The Prime Minister, the Chairman of “United Russia” Dmitry Medvedev believes that the party is rightly called the ruling. “Today, it is at the “United Russia” lies the whole responsibility. We not only make decisions at the legislative level, but also keep on party control, the implementation of these decisions”, – said Medvedev at a Congress of the party. In his opinion, “it is our party – not just the party a constitutional majority, and without exaggeration – the ruling party, the main political resource of the President.”

Abe’s reported visit to Russia in the shortest possible time

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he will visit Russia in the shortest possible time to promote a peace Treaty. This is reported by the Rambler/news citing TASS. Abe noted that the improvement of relations with Russia is very important “to maintain security in northeast Asia”. “However, 70 years after the end of the Second world war between the two countries signed a peace Treaty. This is an abnormal situation,” – said the Prime Minister. He recalled that during the recent visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan, the parties expressed their “sincere desire to resolve the problem.” Putin held talks with Abe in December last year. Politicians, in particular, have agreed on a joint business activity in the Kuril Islands, which would relate to fisheries, medicine, tourism and ecology.

“As a citizen of hope”: Peskov told about the new term of Putin

Press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov in an interview with BBC expressed hope that Vladimir Putin will take part in the elections of 2018, according to the Rambler/news. “Even during our first interview in 2004, I told you that as a citizen of the Russian Federation I hope he makes the decision to go for a new term,” – said Peskov. In December, during a press conference, Putin said that he would take the decision to participate in the elections, “based on what is happening in the country and the world, and what has been done and what can be done”. The first round of presidential elections must go on 11 March 2018. If none of the candidates receive an absolute majority of votes (50% plus one vote), in three weeks the second round.

Russia has proposed to introduce punishment for denial of the October revolution

Photo: RIA Novosti “Communists of Russia” suggest to adopt the law “On administrative liability for denial of historical facts and distortion of the nature of the events concerning the October revolution of 1917, its proposals the party sent to the Chairman of the Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, said on Friday, RIA Novosti Deputy Chairman of the party Sergey Malinkovich. In 2017 we will celebrate 100 years of revolution in Russia. In the February-March days of 1917, the autocracy fell, and power was in the hands of the Provisional government, and on 25 October 1917 it was overthrown by the Bolsheviks in Petrograd. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov in early January noted that the non-systemic opposition attempts to split the society in the election in 2017, which will mark the 100th anniversary of the October revolution, and will try to use these historical events

Sands on the normalization of relations with the United States: it takes two to tango

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow is committed to normalize relations the United States to solve some of the problems in the world and regions, but “it takes two to tango”, reports “Bi-bi-si”. “Unfortunately, we can’t believe. We can only Express our hope,” he explained Moscow’s position to the claims that since coming to power in the United States Donald trump is going to happen fundamental changes in the relations between Russia and the United States. The press Secretary stressed that Russia seeks U.S. cooperation on a number of issues. “We want to have good relations with America. We believe that we cannot solve many problems in this world and in our region that endanger our country, without the cooperation with the Americans. That’s why we desperately need good relations with Washington, but, as they say, it takes two to tango.

Peskov: Russia could use the presence of serious opposition

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that there is a strong opposition that is able to engage in a political rivalry with the Kremlin and President Vladimir Putin, would benefit Russia, reports “Bi-bi-si”. “I think that Russia would benefit if we had a serious opposition with a serious approach, experienced professionals, and politicians who could compete with the current government in the person of President Putin, who supports 90% of the population,” he said. The press Secretary also expressed the hope that Putin will take part in the Russian presidential election in 2018. Informed of Russia Dmitry Peskov denied that Putin and the Russian government is allegedly involved in the cyber attacks on the resources of political organizations USA