Perm Governor formed a new government

Photo: RIA Novosti The Governor of Perm region Viktor Basargin, who in December 2016 as part of a major administrative reform, dismissed the government on Friday formed a new Cabinet of Ministers, told RIA Novosti the representative of the press service of the head of the region. “Formed a new Cabinet. Thus, in the region completed the first stage of administrative reform. Government was headed by the Governor of Perm region Viktor Basargin, taking the powers of the Chairman of the government itself in accordance with the Charter of the Perm Kari”, — stated in the message. The first meeting of the government scheduled for January 26. “The government of the territory of the previously existing Vice-presidents included Vladimir Rybakin, Irina Ivensky, Roman Koksharov, Abuzyarova Elena. His Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of industry, enterprise and trade have kept Alexei Chibisov,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He noted that the new

The foreign Ministry told about the possible contacts Lavrov and new U.S. Secretary of state

Photo: RIA Novosti Talking about possible contacts of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and new US Secretary of state after approval of the new American administration, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “I think that as soon as his appointment, then the logic will be some first outlines of the contacts of the new Secretary of state with his foreign colleagues”, — said Zakharov, the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, answering the question whether there is any schedule of meetings of Sergey Lavrov with the new U.S. Secretary of state.

Senator Elena leaves the party “Fair Russia”

Elena Mizulina © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. The Senator from the Omsk region Elena Mizulina wrote a statement of withdrawal from the party “Fair Russia”. This was reported by the press service of the politician. “The corresponding statement in regional branch of party “Fair Russia” in the Omsk region was targeted. In the party the Senator was in 2007″, – noted in press service. Elena Mizulina. Biography

The Communist party opposed the punishment of denial of the events of 1917

Photo: RIA Novosti The introduction of administrative penalties for the denial of the events of the October revolution is an excessive measure, said the Deputy of the state Duma from the Communist party Yuri sinelschikov. This opinion was expressed to RIA Novosti on Friday, January 20. “I, of course, cause horror are those people who deny it. But it seems to me that this is not something for which it is necessary to establish criminal liability, even administrative. (…) Here, this will be called the forced indoctrination,” said the MP. He also noted that he did not quite understand the danger of such statements. In his opinion, a distortion of history must be combated, developing the science of history. Then, says Shiyan, fewer people will deny events such as “Winter storm, shot of the cruiser “Aurora” Winter”. Earlier on Friday the party “Communists of Russia” proposed to introduce administrative liability

Zakharova said the lack of Pro-Russian candidate at the election of the President of the United States

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that at the election of the President of the United States was not Pro-Russian candidate, but was anti-Russian, RIA Novosti reported. “There was no Pro-Russian candidate, is, in my opinion, obviously… But there was a candidate with such a pronounced Russophobic attitude. Don’t like the “Russophobic” — let’s say “anti-Russian” stance. Here was a different story. The story is that one candidate clearly expressed anti-Russian views and, perhaps, against this background, many felt that the second candidate will be Pro-Russian. This was not” — said Zakharov, the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. She also noted that the US President-elect Donald trump did not enjoy the support of Moscow. “We never said we supported Donald trump, or not support him, this has never happened before”, — said Zakharov. Victory in the US presidential election November 8, 2016, was

The foreign Ministry of Russia announced the implementation of the “color script” in Venezuela

Photo: RIA Novosti The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia said that in Venezuela implemented a “color script”. This is stated in a statement posted on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. The foreign Ministry said that the situation in Venezuela continues to deteriorate. “The radical wing of the anti-government camp, who stood at the helm of the national Parliament, increased aggressive rhetoric and took a course on “civil disobedience”, – said the Agency. In the country there is a preparation of demonstrations that are planned for the coming days. The foreign Ministry added that the demonstration is fraught with clashes with the police and provoke violence and victims. “Like this “color” scenario, unfortunately, is not new. Its course and consequences it is easy to calculate, if you remember the events that took place in recent years in several other countries. Their experience is usually sad,” said the Ministry.

Correction of the “Spring package” will reduce the cost of its execution 50 times

Photo: Kommersant Correction of the anti-terrorism package of laws (the so-called “Spring package”) will reduce the cost of its performance in 50 times, the message of the Ministry of communications. “Without a revision of the law – with the obligatory saving of the entire traffic cost could be up to 5 trillion rubles,” – said in the message. The cost of Telecom operators on the implementation of “Spring package” with reduced storage traffic can reach 100 billion rubles, said earlier the Deputy head of the Ministry of communications of Russia Alexey Volin at the meeting of the expert working group on the abolition of the “Spring package”. Wolin also said that the Ministry of communications has agreed with law enforcement agencies about reducing 10 times the amount of traffic that must be stored according to the “Spring package”. In particular, it is proposed to cancel storing “redundant information” – Internet

Aksenov reminded of the first step of the Crimea to return to Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that the first step of the Peninsula on joining Russia was a referendum in 1991. His words convey the Rambler/news citing TASS. “The January referendum (1991 – approx. The Rambler/news) and the proclamation of the Republic became the starting point of the modern Crimean history. In fact it was the first step towards the return of the Crimea to Russia”, – said Aksenov. His statement he made on the occasion of Republic Day. In the 1991 referendum, 93% of the inhabitants of the Peninsula voted for the restoration of the Crimean autonomy within the Soviet Union. According to Aksenov, Crimeans, for the first time then had a “peaceful and organized” resistance “to the treacherous policy of the ruling elite”. “This policy has laid the basis for future conflict, which fire spread in the XXI century”, — added Aksenov. The

Peskov called predictions about the possible change of government, traditional fun

Photo: RIA Novosti The Kremlin has called “traditional fun” forecasts of analysts about a possible change of the Russian government, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “You know this is our traditional fun — to predict a change of government next Monday, next month or next half year. I am not inclined to indulge in this pastime”, — said Peskov told reporters, commenting on the possible resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation, which predicts a number of political scientists.

Lavrov will discuss with the foreign Minister of Hungary issues of bilateral agenda

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and Minister of foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Siarto © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov will hold on Monday in Moscow the negotiations with his Hungarian counterpart Peter Siarto. As reported in the foreign Ministry, the Ministers will discuss practical issues in Russian-Hungarian agenda, as well as international issues.