Trump: Germany owes NATO and the United States huge amounts of money for security

Trump: Germany owes NATO and the United States huge amounts of money for security On Friday, the President of the United States reiterated the US commitment to NATO and demanded from the allies allocation at least 2% of GDP on defense. MOSCOW, March 18. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump believes that Germany owed the United States and NATO huge sums for security of the country. About this American leader wrote on Saturday on his page on the microblogging network Twitter on the next day after meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Washington. Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Nevertheless, Germany owes….. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 18, 2017 …vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, the defense it

Scotland intends to abandon nuclear objects on its territory

Scotland intends to abandon nuclear objects on its territory “We wanted it (the army — approx. TASS) served as a humanitarian and not aggressive purposes,” — said the Deputy of the British Parliament from the Scottish national party (SNP) Roger Mullin. ABERDEEN, 18 Mar. /Spec. Q. TASS Igor Brovarnik/. Scotland intends to abandon any nuclear objects on its territory after independence. In an interview with TASS said the Deputy of the British Parliament from the Scottish national party (SNP) Roger Mullin. “We believe that Scotland should not be designated for any nuclear facilities. We are committed to the conclusion (from Scotland — approx. TASS) Trident missile systems. Nuclear weapons the UK is mainly concentrated in Scotland, while we have always advocated the rejection of it,” he said, while recognizing that it “will take time”. “As an independent country, we certainly wish we had our own army, armed with not would

Hayley explained his words about Russia

Photo: EPA The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley commented on previously made statements noting that the United States treat Russia as well as to other countries. “We treat Russia like any other country,” said Haley in a conversation with CNN. She noted that the U.S. is ready to cooperate with Russia on issues such as the fight against ISIS*. Haley stressed that the President of the United States Donald trump criticized her for her previous statements. Haley earlier said that the United States can trust Russia. The official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova said that the distrust is complex, and the feeling of distrust can be overcome through the checkout. * “Islamic state” (ISIS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia.

The media found out the name of another likely successor Churkin

Photo: Anatoly Zhdanov / Kommersant Permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations (UN) may become the Deputy head of Russian foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov, Vasily sebenza. As writes on Friday, March 17, “Kommersant”, citing four sources at the Russian state structures, now seen as the main candidate on this post. Interlocutors of the edition explained that the important role in this matter was the fact that before he came in June 2013 to his current position, nebesa held high posts in the Russian missions to the UN in new York and Geneva. In the foreign Ministry he started in 1983. March 16, the Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Kommersant that the question of appointment of permanent representative to the UN “while no decisions have been taken”. March 14, RIA Novosti, citing a number of sources in the state Duma, said that the main candidate to succeed Churkin is the

Senator named accused him of working for Russia McCain “slightly kooky”

Photo: Jerry Mennenga / / Republican Senator Rand Paul made unflattering remarks about the mental status of his colleague and fellow party member John McCain. He stated this on Thursday, March 16, in an interview with MSNBC. Paul commented on the statement McCain in his address, claimed that he “works in [Russian President] Vladimir Putin.” “I think he gives very good reason to limit the term of office. Apparently, he is no longer in the Prime of life. I guess he may a little crazy,” said Paul about McCain. March 15, McCain did not like the behaviour of the Floor during the discussion of the request of Montenegro for membership in NATO, and he said that “the Senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.” Paul suggested the senators in the absence of objection, approve the application in a simplified manner, but McCain announced that he objects

France announced the final number of candidates for the post of President

France announced the final number of candidates for the post of President PARIS, 18 Mar — RIA Novosti. Eleven candidates will participate in elections of the President of France, announced the Chairman of the constitutional Council of the country, Laurent Fabius. According to the head of the constitutional Council, in accordance with the draw the names of the candidates in the list is now arranged in the following order: Chairman of the party “Wake Up, France” Nicolas DuPont-Aignan, the head of “National front” marine Le Pen, the leader of movement “Forward,” Emmanuel macron, the representative of the “Socialist party” Benoit Hamon, candidate from the extreme left party “working struggle” Nathalie Artaud, the leader of the “New anti-capitalist party,” Philip Harris, the founder of the party “Solidarity and progress” Jacques Cheminade, the Deputy-centrist Jean LaSalle, the representative of the far-left Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the “people’s Republican Union” Francois aselina and

Erdogan urged those living in the EU are citizens of Turkey, have five children

Erdogan urged those living in the EU are citizens of Turkey, have five children During a speech in the province of Eskisehir Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appealed to citizens living in Europe. He urged them to have five children instead of three, as is customary in Turkey. “I appeal to my brothers and sisters in Europe. Give birth to five children, not three”, — quotes its words Hurriyet. “Your homeland is where you live. Stake out the place. Expand your business, send children to the best schools, settle in the best areas and drive the best cars,” urged Mr. Erdogan. “You are the future of Europe”, — said the President of Turkey. Earlier, Turkish Minister for EU Affairs ömer çelik stated that it sees no reason to adhere made in the last year, with EU agreement, refugees Before that, a similar statement was made by Deputy Prime Minister Numan

In social networks joking about how Merkel looked at Ivanka trump

In social networks joking about how Merkel looked at Ivanka trump MOSCOW, 18 Mar — RIA Novosti. Users of social networks noticed the look that Angela Merkel gave the daughter of Donald trump Ivanka at the meeting in Washington. This writes Mashable. “In the framework of the round-table discussions between German and American business leaders, the reality star, businesswoman and seller of jewelry was sitting next to the Chancellor, who has a degree in chemistry and who speaks fluent Russian. Twitter quickly found a common theme in the photos that appeared after the meeting,” writes correspondent Tim Chester. From the point of view of Chester, Merkel clearly believes that Ivanka is not the place for this meeting, and many social media users expressed solidarity with him. “Merkel: what the hell is she doing here?”. Merkel: “what on earth are you doing here?” — Lina Lora Prosser (@linaloraprosser) 17 Mar

Medvedchuk said the demand for the image of Russia-the aggressor from the West

Photo: RIA Novosti The leader of the movement “Ukrainian choice”, the godfather of Russian President Vladimir Putin Viktor Medvedchuk in an interview with RT said that the West demonstrates the demand generated by the image of the Kiev Russia-the aggressor. “There is a saying that today Ukraine produces one competitive product is the formation of Russia’s image of the aggressor. Apparently, there is in the West, the demand and interest is there and in Brussels and Washington,” he said. Medvedchuk noted that this policy is contrary to the interests of the majority of Ukrainians. In his opinion, the image is for policy, for the collection of dividends by Ukrainian authorities to use them at the next election. Earlier, Medvedchuk said that the official Kyiv authorities after the events in the year 2014 has lost the monopoly on force.

EU condemned Russia for providing the inhabitants of the Crimea Russian passports

Photo: RIA Novosti The European Parliament issued a joint resolution on the situation in Crimea and the Ukrainian prisoners in Russia. The document published on the website. It says that on the Peninsula “the situation has deteriorated with human rights, there is a violation of freedom of speech, is the impact on the media and the forced introduction of Russian citizenship”. In the opinion of the European Parliament, all it says is that “fundamental human rights are not guaranteed in Crimea.” The resolution also stresses that “Russia’s decision of 21 March 2014 accession of Crimea is illegal” and “strongly condemns the decision of the Russian authorities to provide all residents of the Crimea Russian passports”. The European Parliament argues that the Crimean Tatars, the indigenous people of the Peninsula, “are the main target for repression.” Earlier, the US state Department said that sanctions against Russia in connection with accession of