Peskov told about the attitude of Putin to the anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea

Peskov told about the attitude of Putin to the anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea The day of joining of Crimea to Russia is extremely important for the country’s President Vladimir Putin, including emotionally. On Sunday, March 19, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with RBC. “He (Putin — approx. “Of the”), took responsibility, showed that the courage of the political, geopolitical and, perhaps, better than others aware of all the consequences that will inevitably come for this decision. So clearly for him it’s a big day, an important day,” said Sands. He also said that after the Crimea became part of Russia, the President had the situation under “manual” control, as was not always happy with the way the integration process At the same time, according to Peskov, Putin has no regrets about any of your decisions on this issue. “If

Israel has threatened to destroy Syria’s air defense systems during an attack on their aircraft

Israel has threatened to destroy Syria’s air defense systems during an attack on their aircraft Moscow. March 19. INTERFAX.RU defense Minister of Israel Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday that Syria’s air defense systems will be destroyed, if you open fire on Israeli planes. “Next time, when the Syrians used their air defense system against our planes, we without hesitation will destroy them” — quoted by the Western media of Lieberman. According to the press service of the defense army of Israel, in the night of Friday, March 17, Israeli aircraft struck several targets in Syria. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later said that the aim of the operation was the destruction of weapons intended for the Lebanese radical grouping “Hezbollah” which in Israel consider a terrorist. It was reported that when the aircraft have already returned to Israel, it from Syrian territory was released a few air defense missiles, one

Putin left Saratov Governor acting head of the region before the election

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed the current Governor of the Saratov region Valery Radaev, at which expired a term of office acting head of the region until new elections. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. According to him, the meeting with the head of state Radaev reported that soon coming time of the completion of his gubernatorial authority, “and requested the President to take an appropriate decision on the subject of who will serve until the election.” “Given the positive results of the work of the head of region the President has decided to appoint Radaeva acting (Governor) before the elections,” – said Peskov.

Putin discussed with members of the security Council the situation in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the permanent members of the security Council the situation in Syria and prospects of negotiations on settlement of the Syrian conflict. This was stated press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov, reports RIA “Novosti”. “They discussed the situation of Syrian settlement, taking into account of the meeting in Astana. They exchanged opinions on further prospects of the Astana process and the Geneva process, as a whole,” he said. According to Peskov, the meeting “expressed concern over the difficult humanitarian situation in some areas of Syria.” “As you know, Russian planes are taking an active part in the delivery of humanitarian aid,” he added. Earlier Vladimir Putin at the operational meeting with members of the Russian security Council discussed the Syrian settlement is subject to negotiations with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Yavlinsky promised to distribute land to citizens in case of a victory on elections

Grigory Yavlinsky © Press-service of “Yabloko”party/TASS MOSCOW, March 19. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Federal political Committee of “Yabloko” Grigory Yavlinsky promises to give citizens the land plots in case of his election as Russian President in 2018. This is stated in the press service of “Apple” of the meeting of the political Council of the party. “Man must feel that he is not dust in the wind. If a person has no property, he is dependent, dependent, and in the country there can be no stability”, – quotes the press-service of the word Yavlinsky.

The white house explained why trump does not shake hands with Merkel

The white house explained why trump does not shake hands with Merkel MOSCOW, 19 Mar — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer explained why Donald trump does not shake hands with Angela Merkel, despite her willingness to do so at the request of journalists. His words are quoted by Spiegel. “I don’t think he heard the question,” said Spicer, noting that the whole situation occurred because of “misunderstandings”. During a photo shoot at the White house reporters asked the American President and the Federal Chancellor of Germany shake hands. “Mr. President, can we shake hands?”, asked Merkel to Trump, but he did not respond to her question. Many media came to the conclusion that trump is deliberately ignored Federal Chancellor, and the President was subjected to harsh criticism. Spiegel, in turn, noted that the White house, commenting on the situation, for the first time trying to

Ex-Bulgarian President has accused Russia of funding local parties

Ex-Bulgarian President has accused Russia of funding local parties Rosen Plevneliev also noted that there are sufficient grounds to believe that the Bulgarian parties are financed by Turkey. SOFIA, March 19. /Offset. TASS Igor Lenkin/. Former Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev claims that Russia is financing political parties and interfere in the internal Affairs of Bulgaria. “There are reasonable grounds to believe that the Bulgarian parties are financed by Turkey, but there are a lot of them (parties), financed by Russia. At that time, as we are talking about the fact that Turkey is interfering in our internal Affairs, let’s not forget that other States do it,” said Plevneliev in an interview for the TV channel BTV. “It is not only about Turkey, there is the question about Russia, I would be happy if Bulgarian President (rumen Radev) would indicate this. For me it is more than clear that Russia is

Sand: sooner or later, Kiev will take the decision of the Crimean reunification with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti In the Kremlin expect that sooner or later Kiev will respect the decision of millions of Crimeans voted for joining the Crimea to Russia in a referendum three years ago, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Answering a question of journalists that Ukraine does not intend to recognize the occurrence of Crimea to Russia, Peskov said that Kiev should take a look at those days, “when the Crimean people clearly made their will in the referendum.” “Looked at a situation where legitimate Crimean authority, which was at the time, was created on the basis of the current legislation of Ukraine, adopted a decision on holding such a referendum and when the referendum was held”, — said Peskov. “We hope that sooner or later Kiev will respect the will of several million people in Crimea and will take the results of that vote, which was in

The state Duma has introduced criminal penalties for the transport of bullies

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma meeting on Friday adopted in the third reading the law on criminal responsibility for the brawlers on public transport. According to the law introduced criminal responsibility for hooliganism committed on different types of transport: rail, sea, inland water or air transport and any other transport. Under the hooliganism in this calculation is a gross violation of public order expressing clear disrespect for society. The punishment for such an act provides till five years of imprisonment. If the act is committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group or with resistance to representative of authority or to another person acting for public order protection or a person preventing breach of public order, the maximum penalty is imprisonment for seven years. If the bullying committed by use of explosives or explosive devices, faces up to 8 years of imprisonment. Also