The interior Ministry equated the passports of citizens of DPR and LPR by the Ukrainian documents

The interior Ministry equated the passports of citizens of DPR and LPR by the Ukrainian documents The Russian authorities did not give the inhabitants of the DNI and LC simplified procedure of stay on the territory of the country. As confirmed by RBC in the Duma and the interior Ministry, the people with these passports are equated to citizens of Ukraine and every 90 days are obliged to leave Russia. The rights of Ukrainians For citizens who received passports of the unrecognized Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics (DPR and LPR), are subject to the same migration rules for Ukrainian citizens. They can stay in Russia without a residence permit, not more than 90 consecutive days, and then have 90 days to leave the country. About it RBC was told by two of the interlocutor in the state Duma and confirmed by a representative of the migration office of the Ministry

Ukraine returned prisoners from the Crimean colonies

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian side handed over to the Kiev authorities sentenced 12 citizens of Ukraine, serving a sentence in the Crimea. It is reported TASS with reference to Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN). All convicted at the time of reunification of the Peninsula with Russia was in the Crimean prisons. The prisoners were transferred to the Belgorod region, the transfer was attended by the Commissioner for human rights in Russia Tatiana Moskalkova. On 6 March, the Ukrainian side has prepared a list of 400 Russian citizens in the territory of Ukraine. According to Moskalkova, thanks to the efforts of all departments and the Ukrainian Ombudsman Valeria Lutkovska was “built up a humanitarian corridor, which gave a positive result.” In the Crimea there were two colonies, one prison and one detention centre. Just on the Peninsula contained three thousand prisoners, but most of them were residents of

The defense Ministry demanded that the US explain the attack on the Syrian village

Photo: RIA Novosti Defence Ministry awaiting a review of the international coalition led by the United States, about the air attack Syrian village of al-juna. This is stated in the report of the representative of the military Department Igor Konashenkov, arrived in edition “”. According to him,discovered in the wreckage of the attack guided missile AGM-114 Hellfire “is not left to the West likely to remain silent”. Konashenkov said that the first reports of the deaths of people in the village by aerial attack published “the Syrian network for human rights”. “And this news already hints at the involvement of the Russian or Syrian aircraft quickly picked up by prominent media outlets (Bild and Euronews)”, — he said. We are talking about the reports of mass casualties one of the Syrian villages near El Ataribe (province of Aleppo). According to “the Syrian network for human rights” from the place, because

The national Bank of Ukraine announced negotiations for the sale of banks with Russian capital

The national Bank of Ukraine announced negotiations for the sale of banks with Russian capital Moscow. March 19. INTERFAX.RU — the national Bank of Ukraine (NBU) said that all Ukrainian banks with Russian state capital in Ukraine are in negotiations about selling. “We know perfectly well that all state banks with Russian capital that operate in Ukraine today, are in talks about a potential sale,” — said the Deputy head of the NBU Ekaterina Rozhkova, the TV channel “inter” on Sunday. According to her, the NBU believes a sale the best way to leave the Ukrainian market, because “in today’s environment, unfortunately, some further development of these banks on the territory of Ukraine to speak, of course, impossible”. E. Rozhkova said that a possible sale of banks will not affect their clients. She added that the sanctioned banks are liquid and can meet its obligations to customers. As reported, on

In the U.S. Congress, found no evidence of “collusion” team trump with Russia

In the U.S. Congress, found no evidence of “collusion” team trump with Russia The head of the intelligence Committee of the U.S. house of representatives Devin Nunes said that he sees no evidence of “collusion” of the election headquarters of Donald trump and Russia. It is reported The Hill. “I’ll give you a very simple answer: No,” said Nunes in response to the question about the existence of evidence linking the environment trump and Russia during the election campaign in 2016. Nunez also asked whether, in his opinion, the FBI people who “merge” information in order to undermine the authority of the President of the United States. “It’s pretty obvious what is happening,” — said the head of the intelligence Committee of the house of representatives.

The head of audit chamber of the Russian Federation proposed to reduce the number of Ministerial staff

The head of audit chamber of the Russian Federation proposed to reduce the number of Ministerial staff According to Tatyana Golikova, “the number of public service is extremely large”. VLADIVOSTOK, March 19. /TASS/. The number of Russian ministries can be reduced, the head of the accounts chamber Tatyana Golikova. “Now, when I’m working in the chamber, it seems to me that the number of public service is extremely large. It could reduce many of the Ministry through more effective work”, — Golikova said in the program “Sunday evening” on TV channel “Russia 1”. According to her, the chamber has 800 inspectors. They assess the performance of Federal and regional budgets is carried out in year about 320 inspections that cover more than 2.5 thousand objects. “Much of what we identify, we identify exclusively the part which I said,” — said the head of the audit chamber. In this case, said

Zyuganov called nonsense information about his poor health

Photo: RIA Novosti Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov called nonsense information about his poor health. Previously the chief editor of radio station “Echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov wrote on Twitter that Zyuganov is “under constant medical supervision” because of heart problems. “This is nonsense, that again spread and nothing behind it other than trying to remove a leader from the upcoming, powerful information and advocacy elective fights,” said Zyuganov at a press conference in Moscow. “I invite Fedenistova, or journalist in your workout. And asked Venediktov, if he will perform the same set of exercises that I routinely do, then we will know what he Venediktov,” he said.

Well, the resort “Arkhyz” commented on the information about the alleged Russia Medvedev

Photo: RIA Novosti The resort “Arkhyz”, which is located in the Zelenchuk district of Karachay-Cherkess Republic, 210 km from the international airport Mineral Water, commented to the media photographs of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, where the head of government is supposedly resting at a local coffee shop, undergoing treatment at the resort, RIA “Novosti”. “The Prime Minister was on an official visit at the resort “Arkhyz” 10 Mar, photo was taken on this day”, – explained in administration. In turn, the owner of the coffehouse CoffeeBarberry Kristina Bondarenko also confirmed that this photo was taken on March 10. “This picture I posted a few days ago, on their personal pages in social networks after the visit of the Prime Minister, and why all mangled, I don’t understand,” she said, adding that he plans again to upload the photo and provide a caption with the exact date. Earlier the President of

Volodin: the main merit in reunification of Crimea with Russia it belongs to the people

Photo: RIA Novosti Crimea today is an integral part of Russia, and the main merit in it belongs to the residents who expressed their decision in a referendum on 16 March 2014. This was stated by the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin opened in the lower house of Parliament photo exhibition “Crimean spring”. “What is now the Crimea is part of Russia, it’s very good, that’s great, and most importantly, the people made their choice because one history, one country had been divided unfairly,” said the speaker. “People were waiting for it, and that expectation culminated in the referendum”, – said Volodin, thanking the deputies of the state Duma of the Crimea Natalia Polonskaya and Ruslan Balbec for active participation in the events of March 2014. “Let’s tell them thank you,” he called. “All people who live in Crimea voted for reunification with Russia. It was their choice,

Schultz headed the party of the SPD and became a candidate for Chancellor of Germany

Schultz headed the party of the SPD and became a candidate for Chancellor of Germany BERLIN, March 19 — RIA Novosti, angelina Timofeeva. Former European Parliament President, Martin Schulz, was approved at the extraordinary Congress by the Chairman of the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD) and candidate for Chancellor of Germany, to 100% of the votes. Parliamentary elections in Germany will take place on September 24. For Schultz voted 605 of 608 delegates and permitted to vote Three ballots were declared invalid. An extraordinary Congress of the SPD takes place on Sunday in Berlin, it involved about 3 thousand visitors and 500 journalists. Schulz succeeded as leader of the party of the current foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel. Portrait for Gabriel As a parting gift, Schultz was awarded to the former head of the SPD portrait of the founder of the party of August Bebel. According to Schultz,