Media: Japan’s defense Minister expressed his protest against the deployment of troops in the Kuril Islands

Media: Japan’s defense Minister expressed his protest against the deployment of troops in the Kuril Islands According to Kyodo, Tomomi Inada protested against the deployment of Russian divisions on the southern Kuril Islands and the stationing there of rockets of a class “earth — ship”. TOKYO, March 20. /Offset. TASS Vasily Golovnin/. The Minister of defense of Japan Tomomi Inada protested against the deployment of Russian divisions on the southern Kuril Islands and the stationing there of rockets of a class “earth — ship”. According to the news Agency Kyodo, she said this at a bilateral meeting in Tokyo with defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. In 2016 on the South Kuril Islands Iturup and Kunashir have been placed coastal missile complexes “Bastion” and “Ball”. In 2015, there were put on combat duty anti-aircraft missile systems “tor-M2U”. Now the possibility of creating a Pacific fleet’s base on the Islands of the Great

Moldovan President invited Putin to discuss the “unfortunate case of diplomatic demarche”

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Moldova Igor Dodon invited Russian leader Vladimir Putin during the talks to discuss the recent “unfortunate incident diplomatic demarche”. “(I propose to discuss. — RT) Unfortunate case of the diplomatic demarche of the government and Parliament last week. We are against such steps”, — quotes TASS of Dodona. March 17, the heads of Russia and Moldova conduct negotiations in Moscow. Dodon is located in Moscow at the invitation of the Russian public organization “Business Russia” for participation in the business forum “Russia-Moldova: a new growth point.

Shoigu noted progress in Russian-Japanese relations

Shoigu noted progress in Russian-Japanese relations The defense Minister called for further strengthening of ties between the two countries in the military sphere. TOKYO, 20 Mar — RIA Novosti. The Russian defense Minister, army General Sergei Shoigu noted progress in Russian-Japanese relations, noting that the strengthening of defence ties between the two countries should not lag behind the dynamics of political contacts. “Despite the difficulties, the cooperation between our countries is developing consistently,” — said Shoigu on Monday during a meeting with Japan’s defense Minister Tomomi Indoi. According to the head of the Russian military Department, “in 2016, the bilateral relations have intensified”. “It is important that we managed to secure the progressive nature of their development”, — said Shoigu. He recalled that at the end of last year was the official visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan. “According to the results there was signed a large number

Deputies of Petersburg asking the SC to initiate proceedings for the transfer of Isaac ROC

Photo: RIA Novosti Members of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg asked the SC to launch an investigation into the legality of the Saint Isaac’s Cathedral in the use of the Russian Orthodox Church, reports “Interfax”. This was announced by the Deputy Oksana Dmitriev. According to the parliamentarians, the beginning of the transmission of the Cathedral authorities of the city to the official address of the Church can be an abuse of power by officials. At the meeting on 16 March, the representative of the state Museum “St. Isaac’s Cathedral” also reported that the Museum withdrew its waiver operational management of the building in connection with the proposed transfer it for the use of the Russian Orthodox Church. Earlier it was reported that the smolninskiy district court of St. Petersburg discontinued the proceedings in an administrative lawsuit to the city Committee of property relations of recognition illegal orders of this

The Communists refused to show unity with the “United Russia”

Photo: RIA Novosti The Communist party does not plan on 18 March to participate in the rally on the Sparrow hills, on the three year anniversary of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, as the faction is not willing to show unity with the government. This was announced by the leader of Communists Gennady Zyuganov, reports TASS on Friday, March 17. He explained that deputies from the Communist party regularly submit to the Duma draft laws that improve the lives of citizens, but they constantly reject the representatives of the parliamentary majority deputies from “United Russia”. “We made a proposal to fill the budget, the party in power refuses. We propose to support the children of war — they refuse,” he listed Communist. The presence of Communists at the event, according to Zyuganov, will become a manifestation of the fact that under the leadership of the EP is “stand

Lavrov: Moscow and Tokyo it is important to develop common positions on international issues

© AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin, archive TOKYO, March 20. /TASS/. Developing common positions on international and regional security issues important for Moscow and Tokyo. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, opening negotiations with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida. “It is very important that we provide the regularity and intensity of contacts, the content, the Minister said. It is important to keep under personal control the implementation of the agreements reached during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Tokyo in December 2016.”

Kishida and Lavrov discussed issues of cooperation between Russia and Japan

Kishida and Lavrov discussed issues of cooperation between Russia and Japan TOKYO, 20 Mar — RIA Novosti. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov holds on Monday a bilateral meeting with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida. As expected, the Ministers will discuss the outcome of the first meeting zamglavy the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Japan about the possibilities of joint economic activities on southern Kuriles. In these negotiations, which took place on Saturday in Tokyo, the governments of Russia and Japan, have introduced specific plans of cooperation projects in the field of fisheries, tourism and healthcare. The talks Lavrov and Kishida held in the eve of Russian-Japanese consultations of the heads of foreign and defense Ministers of the two countries in the format of “2+2”, which will be held on Monday in Tokyo.

Media: the Ministry of justice to draft amendments to the criminal code on violations at rallies

Media: the Ministry of justice to draft amendments to the criminal code on violations at rallies MOSCOW, 20 Mar — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of justice is preparing amendments to the criminal code article on which the condemned Ildar Dading, the article provides for the punishment for repeated violations at rallies, the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to the Deputy Minister Dmitry Aristov. “The Russian government instructed the Ministry of justice to study the question of possible adjustments to article 212.1 of the Criminal code, providing punishment for repeated violations at rallies”, — the newspaper writes. According to the publication, at this stage, we conducted a study of the decisions of the COP, “deadline for proposals will be prepared”. The newspaper notes that their development will take about three months. Specifies that the result should be the decision on the amendment of the criminal rules, and also what can be possible

Zyuganov was invited Venediktov to a joint training session

Photo: Lenta.EN Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov suggested that the chief editor of radio station “Echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov to be convinced personally that he had no heart problems. It is reported RIA Novosti on Friday, March 17. “I invite the Venediktova, or journalist of their training”, — the politician said, adding that he will ask the journalist to perform a set of exercises that he regularly uses. Chairman of the Communist party stated that the information about his failing health not true. “This is nonsense, that again spread and nothing behind it other than trying to remove a leader from the upcoming powerful advocacy of electoral battles”, — he explained. Earlier on Friday, the state Duma, the press Secretary Zyuganov Alexander Yushchenko called the rumors about the illness of the leader of the Communist party “blatant provocation”. March 17, Venediktov wrote in his Twitter that the leader of

Trump said “very bad behavior”, Kim Jong-UN

Trump said “very bad behavior”, Kim Jong-UN The President of the United States Donald trump in the aftermath of the Florida meetings with members of his administration, in which politics in particular discussed the DPRK criticized the actions of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, reports Reuters. “He [Kim Jong UN] is behaving very, very badly”, — quotes words of the head of the US Agency. About “the bad behavior of North Korea,” trump said in the past. So, on March 17 in his Twitter, the us President accused the DPRK that the Korean people’s Democratic Republic “play” with US for years.” North Korea is behaving very badly. They have been “playing” the United States for years. China has done little to help! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2017 On the same day, us Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that the policy of “strategic tolerance” of the United