The foreign Ministry gave Crimeans the song “Sevastopol-banner”

The Russian foreign Ministry wrote the song-congratulations to the residents of the Crimea, back to back with the anniversary of the return of the Peninsula to Russia. The song is called “Sevastopol — banner.” The author – Vasily Kharitonov, the son of the Creator of the legendary song “Victory Day”. About this Facebook said the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Today, March 18, 2017 in honor of the third anniversary of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, the staff of the Ministry of foreign Affairs gives Crimeans a song written by a member of the Department of information and press Vasily Kharitonov – “Sevastopol – banner” performed by Vladimir Kuklin,” wrote Zakharov. She noted that Vasily Kharitonov – the son of Vladimir Kharitonov, the author of the song “Victory Day”. “Crimeans judge strictly. Like – happiness. Don’t like it, sorry. But written from the heart, from

Russia has prepared a joint project by Japan on the South Kuril Islands

Photo: Yuri Maltsev / Reuters This was stated by Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Igor Morgulov. “A package of proposals covering a wide range relevant for the economic development of the South Kuril Islands areas and is aimed at joint implementation of large-scale and economically important projects. And, of course, we believe that these projects can be implemented only on the conditions of the Russian legislation”, — he said. Morgulov added that during the December summit in Japan has been confirmed “there is no alternative to the expansion of Russian-Japanese practical cooperation to promote bilateral relations and their transition to a qualitatively new level of trust and cooperation”. Earlier it was reported that on the meeting of Deputy foreign Ministers of Russia and Japan, Igor Morgulov and Takeo Akiba, which will be held on March 18, the Japanese side has offered Russia a joint study of the South Kuril Islands

Putin and Nazarbayev have discussed the Syrian settlement

Photo: AR The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev during the telephone conversations discussed the results of the next round of inter-Syrian talks in Astana, said the Kremlin. “When discussing bilateral cooperation in international Affairs, the two leaders exchanged opinions on the outcome of the next round of inter-Syrian talks held in Astana from 14 to 16 March,” — said in the message. The third international meeting on Syria at a high level was held in the capital of Kazakhstan on March 14-15. Syria’s opposition first announced the boycott of negotiations, but on Wednesday morning it became known about the decision to send a group of seven opposition in Astana.

Kucherena called rumors information about exchanging Snowden for bout

Anatoly Kucherena © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, March 20. /TASS/. The lawyer of the former employee of U.S. intelligence Edward Snowden, Anatoly Kucherena called rumors information about the exchange Snowden for serving punishment in the United States of a Russian citizen Viktor bout. “Snowden did not consider himself guilty, he is not in front of anyone and there is no need to make excuses, because everything he did he did in the name of public good. And to say that some kind of pardon, some kind of transfer it somewhere – it’s completely a rumor, which is heated by the same employees of U.S. intelligence – the CIA and the NSA: “And here is the Booth we have, and whether the exchange”. All this is from the evil one”, – he stressed.

The state Duma has proposed to appoint the head wounds of the President of the Russian Federation

The state Duma has proposed to appoint the head wounds of the President of the Russian Federation Scientific Secretary of the RAS reported that the new elections of the head of the Academy in November, will under the new scheme. Moscow. March 20. INTERFAX.RU — New election of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) can take under the new scheme — in the state Duma is preparing amendments to the law on science that will directly affect this procedure, told “Interfax” the scientific Secretary of the RAS Mikhail Paltsev. “You can talk about the analogy with the Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, where leaders are appointed by the President of Russia. Is there enough revolutionary changes are prepared, in any case, the materials, the documents that I saw in April, the law is already supplied to the Committee, not much time left,” said Fingers Agency on Monday.

The court in Warsaw sentenced the accused to Russian espionage to 4 years of prison

The court in Warsaw sentenced the accused to Russian espionage to 4 years of prison WARSAW, 20 Mar — RIA Novosti. The district court in Warsaw on Monday sentenced a Russian citizen to four years in prison on charges of espionage, reports the news Agency PAP. “Four years in prison for lawyer Stanislav sh., accused in espionage in favor of Russia,” the court ruled. The prosecution asked to sentence the first Russian to 10 years in prison, but then reduced the requirement to 6 years. The defence argued for acquittal. Lawyer Stanislav S. (according to Polish law, the name of the defendant is not disclosed) was arrested in October 2014 on suspicion of espionage in favor of Russia. The defendant, who has Polish and Russian citizenship, classified, the trial was held behind closed doors. Parents Stanislaus, said earlier that the case relies on the testimony of an undercover agent —

In the European Parliament is concerned about the growth of Russian influence in Serbia

In the European Parliament is concerned about the growth of Russian influence in Serbia Moscow. March 20. INTERFAX.RU — the strengthening of Russian influence in Serbia is a serious concern, said the Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on foreign policy, German politician David McAllister. “Russia is deliberately pursuing in Serbia the strategy of tension. It is a cause for serious concern,” said McAllister in an interview with Die Welt newspaper published on Monday. According to the MP representing the party of the Christian democratic Union (CDU), Moscow is trying to exert a massive influence on the media, some politicians, and civil society in Serbia Despite the fact that the EU is the largest investor in Serbia intends to 2020 to allocate Serbia 1.5 billion euros of financial assistance for the implementation of the reform and development of the economy, “Russia is perceived by Serbian society as the most important

Russia and China blocked a UN security Council statement on the situation in Myanmar

Photo: Visarut Sankham / Globallookpress Russia and China blocked a security Council statement of the United Nations for the resumption of fighting in Myanmar, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the statement of the British representative to the UN Matthew Rycroft. “We really introduced the application of pressure, but we failed to reach consensus,” said Raycroft. According to the Agency, the document said that the organization is concerned about the resumption of fighting in some regions of Myanmar and highlights the necessity of access of humanitarian aid to the affected areas. In the country, the conflict began due to the fact that as far as gangs from the ethnic Rohingya in the fall of 2016 has committed armed attacks on border posts and military units of Rakhine state, in this connection, the government conducted sweeps of settlements. Killing and wounding civilians in the state. Representatives of human rights organizations and

Crimea will meet the third anniversary of reunification with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Crimea will meet the third anniversary of reunification with Russia concerts, rally and fireworks. Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol on March 18 celebrated the third anniversary of reunification with Russia, which became possible thanks to holding the all-Crimean referendum in which 96.77% of Crimeans and 95.6% of Sevastopol voted for joining Russian Federation. Crimean authorities held a referendum after a coup in Ukraine in February 2014. Ukraine still considers Crimea its but temporarily occupied territory. The Russian leadership has repeatedly stated that the inhabitants of Crimea democratically in full compliance with international law and the UN Charter voted for reunification with Russia. According to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the Crimea issue “is closed permanently.” In Simferopol on the occasion of the third anniversary of the Crimean will be concerts of creative collectives. To congratulate Crimeans will also visit the artists of the Russian

The CEC started preparations for the elections of the President of Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti After a year in Russia’s presidential elections, the official campaign will begin at the end of the current year, and therefore the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation has already begun the organizational preparations for the election day. To predict the nature of the upcoming campaign, experts say, it’s still early, but already offer their solutions to one of the key problems of achieving a good turnout. To achieve the target of 70%, according to them, as to avoid the risk of administrative mobilization, is quite problematic, but possible. Analysts do not rule out the emergence of candidates-newcomers and even participate in the elections former Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin, but still a favorite think the current head of state Vladimir Putin, who, they believe, is sure to be nominated for the 2018 elections. Preparations are already underway By law, presidential elections are held on the