The day of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia noted more than 14 thousand inhabitants of Simferopol

Photo: RIA Novosti The number of Simferopol, who came to the city center to mark the third anniversary of the reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia, exceeded 14 thousand people, reported to journalists the Deputy Minister of internal policy, information and communications of the Republic of Crimea Vadim First. Crimea marks the third anniversary of reunification with Russia rallies and concerts in Simferopol and Sevastopol, which came thousands of Crimeans. On Lenin square in Simferopol ended with a concert with participation of creative collectives of the Crimean, military bands, as well as Victoria Tsiganova and Alexander Marshal. The artists congratulated Crimeans with the holiday and sing their most famous song, prompting applause. “In the center of Simferopol celebrated the feast of more than 14 thousand of Simferopol”, — said the First. People in the area were loudly chanting “Crimea is Russia forever!”, “Russia”, “Cheers”. Immediately after the concert to

The Commissioner: Turkey is increasingly moving away from the EU, Ankara has to change its course

The Commissioner: Turkey is increasingly moving away from the EU, Ankara has to change its course BERLIN, March 21. /Offset. TASS Vyacheslav Filippov/. Turkey is increasingly moving away from the European Union, Ankara should change its course, otherwise the EU membership is unrealistic. This was stated by the European Commissioner for neighbourhood policy and negotiations to expand Johannes Hahn in an interview with Bild. “From the very beginning it was clear that it will be negotiations with an open result,’ he said. Turkey is increasingly moving away from the EU. If it soon does not change course, the EU membership will become more and more unrealistic.” At the same time the Commissioner noted that “Turkey is not Erdogan, the accession process always covers the entire community.” At the same time, he said, “it is regrettable that the peaceful and Pro-European Turks currently are unable to words.” The Commissioner also noted

Trump: US troops weren’t supposed to leave Iraq in 2011

Trump: US troops weren’t supposed to leave Iraq in 2011 WASHINGTON, March 20. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. American troops had to leave Iraq in 2011. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump is meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi at the White house. The American leader also praised the efforts of the current authorities of the country in the fight against grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). “Of course, we shouldn’t have to leave. We don’t have to do this. Came the vacuum and we discussed what happened (then),” said trump. “I know you put a lot of effort. (Former) General (Minister of defense James) Mattis, General (assistant to the national security Herbert) and McMaster (Secretary) Rex Tillerson told me that you are doing a good job. This is not a simple matter, it is a tough job. Your soldiers are engaged

The white house: a policy of “strategic patience” toward North Korea over

The white house: a policy of “strategic patience” toward North Korea over WASHINGTON, 20 Mar — RIA Novosti. “Strategic patience” of the U.S. nuclear launches in North Korea has ended, a signal sent as part of the negotiations with its partners in the Asian tour, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, assured Monday the representative of the White house Sean Spicer. “The Secretary of state sent a clear signal to North Korea that the policy of strategic patience ended,” he told reporters at a briefing. And added that “the United States urges China to be more involved in solving the issue of nuclear threats from North Korea.” The DPRK recently conducted a series of missile launches. After the next missile tests, the DPRK the US and South Korea decided to speed up the placement of anti-missile system THAAD on the Korean site. Earlier Friday, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson

Assad commented on the incident between Syria and Israel

Assad commented on the incident between Syria and Israel DAMASCUS, 20 Mar — RIA Novosti. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, commenting on the statement by Israeli defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman about the intention to destroy air defense systems to Syria in the event of attacks on Israeli jets, told Russian journalists that the protection of the boundaries of the SAR is the right and duty of the Syrian authorities. “Protection of our borders is our right and duty. If we’re not going to do as government, that the Syrian people will have to judge us,” said Assad, answering a journalist’s question about whether they will continue on Syria to protect its borders, despite the threat of Lieberman. “So we don’t have to ask this question (to defend or not to defend), regardless of whether the statements of the Israeli authorities or not. We don’t base our policies and decisions on their

The defense Ministry denied the construction of a new base in Syria

The defense Ministry denied the construction of a new base in Syria The defense Ministry has denied foreign media about the construction in the town of Afrin in North-West Syria a new military base, reports “RIA Novosti”. “There are no plans to deploy in Syria, the new Russian military bases there,” — stated in the message of the Ministry of defense. The defense Ministry said that about Afrina will be located branch of the Russian centre of reconciliation in the area of contact between the Kurdish forces and controlled by the Turkish forces of the Syrian free army. The purpose of this office will be the prevention of violations of the cessation of hostilities. Earlier that Russia will build a new base in Syria, reported Reuters, citing a representative of the Kurdish people’s protection Units (YPG) Redur Khalil. The spokesman clarified that the Russian military had already arrived in armored

The COP returned the jury for older men

The COP returned the jury for older men MOSCOW, 20 Mar — RIA Novosti. The constitutional court decided to return the possibility of selecting jury men who have attained the age of 65. The case was considered without a public hearing, and the decision is based on previous legal positions of the court. Thus, the COP listened to the arguments of the resident of Rostov Victor Labusov, convicted of a double murder. Previously, he insisted on trial by jury, but was refused because he committed a crime in 66 years. By law, men 18 to 65 years and women over the age of 18 accused of the same crime under similar conditions not only have the right to consideration of their case by a jury, but may choose either a jury or a panel of three judges. Labusov considered that such a situation is contrary to the constitutional principle of

Kosachev: the transfer of nuclear weapons to Seoul and Tokyo would be a violation of the NPT

Photo: RIA Novosti Possible transfer of nuclear weapons to Seoul and Tokyo from the control of the United States would be a gross violation of the Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, told RIA Novosti on Saturday, head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev. On Saturday, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that does not preclude future decisions that may lead to the appearance of nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan. While Tillerson did not specify whether we are talking about the deployment of American nuclear weapons on the territory of these countries or develop their own weapons. Earlier he had stated that he does not exclude the possibility of further weapons and, in particular, equipment of nuclear facilities, allies in East Asia to deter North Korea. “We need to look at the details and the accuracy of the translation. One thing —

Chancellor for dessert. Pushkov commented on the outcome of the meeting Merkel and trump

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov ironically commented on Twitter the results of yesterday’s meeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and us leader Donald trump. “According to trump, meeting with Merkel was “gorgeous” but not free. After trump offered her to pay for NATO. It to her for dessert”, — Pushkov wrote in the blog. The first meeting of the tramp and Merkel took place on March 17. Some media have described the talks as “difficult”, others noted the lack of understanding between the two leaders. During photo ops in the White house there was an incident — the US President did not shake hands with his German counterpart. The next day, March 18, trump said that his talks with German Chancellor were great, and then reminded that Germany owed the US and NATO huge sums for defense.

Sands of nezamenimyj in Syria: foreign policy determined by the President

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, March 20. /TASS/. The Kremlin believes that to talk about specific parameters for a solution in Syria yet. “Consensus in the negotiations (on Syria) yet, this process is quite difficult, – said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. And in this situation I don’t think we can talk about some options.” He also stated that a configuration a political settlement have been formulated and are on the agenda.