Deputies of the state Duma and PACE representatives met in Damascus with Assad

Photo: RIA Novosti The delegation of deputies of the state Duma together with representatives of the PACE met in Damascus with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. As reported RIA Novosti, the meeting lasted about three hours. Earlier it was reported that deputies of the state Duma and members of the PACE Chairman Pedro Agramunt have arrived in Syria. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky, who also arrived in Damascus, said that on the European side, the delegation included about ten parliamentarians from Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Serbia and Belgium.

In case of victory in the presidential election Zhirinovsky rename Volgograd to Stalingrad

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, March 22. /TASS/. The leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky supports the renaming of Volgograd in Stalingrad, to preserve the memory of the battle of Stalingrad. “The General election is a year… We will return Volgograd name Stalingrad, because it was the greatest battle. In memory of the battle. Memory will leave on the city, where the great battle took place,” he told reporters. According to the politician, he renamed Volgograd in case of victory in the presidential elections in 2018. The battle of Stalingrad (July 1942 – February 1943) fundamentally altered the course of the great Patriotic war (world war II) and world war II. Historians call the battle of Stalingrad the bloodiest battle in human history: the losses of both sides in this battle exceeded 2 million people. The battle of Moscow

Peskov denied the organization Fillon paid meetings with Vladimir Putin

Peskov denied the organization Fillon paid meetings with Vladimir Putin He called fake media that the presidential candidate of France received for mediation is $50 thousand. Moscow. March 22. INTERFAX.RU Messages that the candidate in presidents of France Francois Fillon reward organized for Lebanese billionaire Fouad Makhzoumi and Director General of Total Patrick Pouyanne meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, is untrue, said on Wednesday the press-Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. We have seen these media reports. To be honest, they look like regular fake, what we call in English fake newsДмитрий Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation “As for the President’s meetings, they are organised by the Protocol of the President, and here, too, excluded the role of any intermediaries,” added the spokesman. Speaking about the Total company, the press Secretary of the President said that she has long been working in Russia, Russian President

The state Duma adopted the bill on tax exemption sanctioned citizens

The state Duma adopted the bill on tax exemption sanctioned citizens The state Duma adopted in the third and final reading a bill that would allow sanctioned citizens to abandon the Russian tax residency. The parliamentary opposition did not support the bill. Voted 322 deputies, against — 85, one abstained. According to the approved amendment to the tax law individuals targeted by the sanctions starting in 2014, will not be able to pay taxes in Russia, regardless of length of stay in the country if it is confirmed that in the same tax period was a resident of a foreign country. By law, Russian tax residents are citizens on the state for more than 183 days in a year. Of fraction of LDPR, CPRF and “Fair Russia” did not support the bill. We will support the adoption of the law in the third reading, because this law is intended to

In the state Duma proposed to introduce the concept of “dangerous dog breeds”

In the state Duma proposed to introduce the concept of “dangerous dog breeds” In the state Duma proposed to introduce the concept of “dangerous dog breeds”, as well as to require animal shelters to adopt Pets from the citizens and give the public the right to check conditions of animals, reports RT. Such measures are provided by the bill “About responsible treatment of animals”, which is being prepared for consideration by the State Duma in the second reading. One of the key provisions of the document — a clear definition of “cruelty to animals”. This action (or inaction) on the part of man, expressed in the systematic torture of animals, including violation of the rules and the conditions of their detention, beatings, mutilations, injuries, and causing no harm to animals. Earlier, the special representative of the President of Russia on environmental issues, ecology and transport Sergei Ivanov at a meeting

Murmansk oblast and the Chuvash Republic will work together to develop the economy, science and culture

Photo: MURMANSK, March 20. /TASS/. Murmansk oblast and the Chuvash Republic will cooperate in the spheres of economy, science, technology and culture in the framework of the signed on 20 March in Murmansk agreement. This was announced by the government of the polar region according to the results of the working meeting of Vice – Governor of Murmansk region Alexei Tukavin with head of Chuvashia Mikhail Ignatyev. “During the meeting the participants discussed the socio – economic development of regions and prospects for further cooperation. The culmination of the working meeting was the signing of the agreement on trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation”, – said in the government. The agreement is a framework. It includes a number of measures to help the authorities of the two regions to interact. So, the document provides for holding joint exhibitions to promote local producers, exchange of experience of development of territories, information about

The media learned about getting Fillon $50 thousand for the organization of the meeting with Putin

The media learned about getting Fillon $50 thousand for the organization of the meeting with Putin François Fillon was suspected of receiving $50 million for organizing the meeting, the Lebanese billionaire c Vladimir Putin. According to Le Canard enchaîné, the meeting was held within the St. Petersburg international economic forum. The candidate in presidents of France from the party “the Republicans” Francois Fillon, using his previous experience as Prime Minister of the country, for money, met a Lebanese billionaire with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Total CEO Patrick Pouyanne. It is reported BFMTV with reference to the weekly Le Canard enchaîné. According to the publication, both meetings took place in St. Petersburg during the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF) in June 2015 According to the newspaper, owned by Fillon consulting company 2 °F Conseil in the beginning of 2015, signed a contract with the Future Pipe Industries — pipeline

North Korea conducted a failed rocket launch

North Korea conducted a failed rocket launch TOKYO, March 22 — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. North Korea conducted a missile launch from the East coast near the city of Wonsan, said the Agency Kyodo, citing government sources. The type of missiles is unknown. Presumably, the launch was a failure. “Apparently, a rocket exploded a few seconds after start-up,” — Reuters quoted the representative of the Pacific command of the United States, which also recorded the start. In early March, North Korea conducted four launches, one of which fell just 200 kilometers from Akita Prefecture (in the North-West of the main Japanese island of Honshu), the other three 300-500 kilometers away from the Prefecture. The rockets fell at intervals of approximately 80 kilometers, which indicate the potential of attacking multiple targets simultaneously with missiles fired from a single point. Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe has called the launches a “new

The Jews called for the return of taken away in the years of Soviet religious property

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation of Jewish communities of Russia (FJC) in favor of a return taken away in the years of Soviet power, religious property, calling on governments – especially regional – actively seized of the matter, said in an interview with RIA Novosti the head of the FJC Rabbi Alexander Boroda. “There is a state law № 327-FZ “On transfer to religious organizations property of religious significance owned by the state or municipal ownership”, which we certainly support. But we also like to see the authorities, especially regional ones, more actively involved in restitution,” said he. Today, as reported by the Beard, the FJC gave the historic buildings of the synagogues in Kaluga and Rybinsk, in a number of cities in negotiations. The head of the FJC described them as “quite complex and time-consuming process.” However, the Jewish community in favor of active interaction with the authorities on

The rating of the government Shinzo Abe fell because of the scandal surrounding private schools

The rating of the government Shinzo Abe fell because of the scandal surrounding private schools TOKYO, March 22 — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. The rating of the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has fallen by 10 percentage points, which was the largest decline in the popularity of the government in 2012, when the Cabinet led by Shinzo Abe, according to a survey conducted by the newspaper “Yomiuri” on March 18-19. According to these data, the rating of the government fell from 66% to 56% on the background of the scandal around the private educational institution “Moritomo Gakuen”. The newspaper reminds that during the first Abe Cabinet in 2006-2007, his approval rating from 70% in the early fell to 20% in less than a year amid corruption scandals. As a result, after 366 days after the formation of Prime Minister Abe and his government resigned. About a month ago, appeared