Putin discussed with Lebedev’s current CIS issues

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed current questions of activity of Commonwealth of independent States CIS Executive Secretary Sergei Lebedev, the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “The meeting discussed the current situation in the Commonwealth,” he said, Recalling that at present, Russia holds the CIS presidency. “Putin stressed that the development and strengthening of the CIS continues to be among the priorities of Russia”, — said Peskov. Peskov added that the meeting also discussed preparations for the forthcoming meetings of the Supreme bodies of the CIS.

The Federation Council postponed consideration of the law on brawlers transport

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation Council postponed consideration of the law on the brawlers on transport due to the lack of information about the presence of interior Ministry funds for its execution; this decision was made on Tuesday by the relevant Committee of the chamber of constitutional legislation. March 17, the state Duma adopted in the third reading the law on criminal liability for rowdy on public transport. According to the law introduced criminal responsibility for hooliganism committed on different types of transport: rail, sea, inland water or air transport and any other transport. Also the criminal code is supplemented by a new article establishing liability for committing an act of hooliganism actions that threaten the safe operation of vehicles. We are talking about acts that were committed outside the vehicle and which will be subject to the so-called “train surfers falling” and bullies throwing stones at trains or laser

Austria increases payments voluntarily departing migrants

Austria increases payments voluntarily departing migrants The Austrian authorities have doubled payments to migrants in the country who are ready to voluntarily return to their homeland. As noted in the statement of the Ministry of internal Affairs, the first thousand of migrants ready to leave, you’ll get approximately one thousand dollars. Also the authorities promise to assist with transportation to residents of countries in the Middle East. Thus, the statement, grant can count the inhabitants of the Balkan countries. The Minister of internal Affairs of Austria, Wolfgang Sobotka, commenting on this statement, said that the country by 2019 can leave about 50 thousand workers. Last year Austria left 10.7 thousand asylum-seekers. And of them 5.8 thousand people left voluntarily.

Duterte allowed the Russian Navy to freely enter the ports of the Philippines

Duterte allowed the Russian Navy to freely enter the ports of the Philippines Russian ships will also be able to moor at the shores of the island state, in advance notifying the authorities. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte said that the ships of the Russian Navy can freely enter the territorial waters of his country. He also noted that the vessels can moor off the coast of the island state, in advance having notified authorities about their plans. As reported by Bloomberg, speaking at a briefing in Manila, the Philippine leader made a similar offer to the Chinese side. Earlier, a similar statement Duterte did in January, when the port of Manila came a large anti-submarine ship of the Russian Navy “Admiral Tributs”.

The issue of changing the “channel format” should not, said Gryzlov

Photo: RIA Novosti The issue of changing the “channel format” is not necessary, said Tuesday Russia’s permanent representative in the contact group on Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov. “Nobody thinks of the participants in the “Normandy format” is officially in the agenda of a question on change of this format. The format works, there are meetings of Ministers of foreign Affairs, the meetings of political Directors, security experts, experts on legal issues,” — said Gryzlov, the TV channel “Russia-24”. According to him, there’s a lot of work on the development of the road map, “must be a sequence of steps.” “There’s this new novel, which is a step in security you have to answer immediately step to change the political situation. I mean the laws: the law on the special status, Amnesty, elections, amendments to the Constitution. Then it all would have gotten involved and “road map” would move in that direction”,

Spring offered genomic registration of pedophiles

Irina Yarovaya Photo: RIA Novosti Vice-speaker of the state Duma of Russia Irina Yarovaya declared intention to amend the bill to strengthen the protection of children from sexual abuse by mandatory standard genomic registration (storage of biological material) accused of pedophilia, reports TASS. “In addition, we can include in the bill such suggestions of colleagues, as the introduction of criminal liability for harboring a pedophile … to increase liability for the Commission of sexual offences by persons against minors living with them in one apartment to enter the genome registration of persons accused of crimes against sexual inviolability of minors, to impose a lifetime administrative supervision in respect of the perpetrators of rape and other sexual offences”, – said Yarovaya following the meeting of the working group. Earlier, Yarovaya has offered to create a program of rehabilitation of children – victims of sexual violence. According to Spring, who are victims

The President of Russia noted the stabilization of the situation in South Ossetia

The President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov and Vladimir Putin Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin met in the Kremlin with the South Ossetian counterpart Leonid Tibilov. Transcript of the meeting published on the website of the head of state on Tuesday, March 21. Along with security issues, Putin and Tibilov discussed the socio-economic and political nature. Putin noted that Russia and South Ossetia have established friendly relations. “We are pleased that the situation in your country stabiliziruemost”, — said the Russian President. In addition, he wished good luck to Tibilov, Mr Putin in the upcoming elections of South Ossetia. “I hope that all will take place in the framework of the Constitution in compliance with the laws,” — said Putin. Tibilov was elected President of South Ossetia in 2012. The next presidential elections in the Republic scheduled for 9 April.

The UN Commission approved the extension of the boundaries of the continental shelf of Argentina, another 1633 sq km

The UN Commission approved the extension of the boundaries of the continental shelf of Argentina, another 1633 sq km Last year’s decision of the UN Commission has already increased the area of the territorial waters of the South American Republic by 35% BUENOS AIRES, March 23. /Offset. TASS Elena Kondratieva/. The UN Commission on the limits of the continental shelf approved the extension of the continental shelf of Argentina in extra 1633 sq. km. This was announced on Wednesday by the coordinator of the National Committee on external border of a continental shelf of the foreign Ministry of Argentina Frida Armas Pfirter. “The consideration of all disputed issue is complete. Compared with the proposal which Argentina filed in 2009, the border has changed a bit, but in favor of the Republic. We are talking about approximately 1633 sq km,” she said at a press conference. “We can say that we

CNN learned about the alleged concerted actions of Russia and team trump vs Clinton

CNN learned about the alleged concerted actions of Russia and team trump vs Clinton The FBI has information that associates of the President of the United States Donald trump talked with the persons who are alleged to be Russian agents. They allegedly coordinated the publication of information prejudicial to the democratic candidate in the presidential elections of Hillary Clinton. About this CNN has reported us officials. According to them, the FBI is now analyzing this information, which includes information about people, travels, phone calls and personal meetings The data are the investigators of the Bureau’s suspicions about the fact that coordination could be. While officials warned that the data are not final and that the investigation is ongoing. On Tuesday, March 21, FBI Director James Comey said his Agency began to investigate the alleged coordination between the campaign staff of trump and the alleged Russian agents. According to him, the

The Russians against the monarchy

The Russians against the monarchy The majority of citizens consider the Republic the most appropriate form of government, according to a survey by VTsIOM. The vast majority of citizens are not ready to restore the monarchy in Russia. Strongly against the autocracy as the form of government voted 68% of Russians, according to a survey “polls-Sputnik” (at the disposal of “Izvestia”). Know someone who could become a new Russian monarch, 6% of the population. Another 22% of respondents are “not opposed to monarchy”, but do not see a suitable candidate. The most suitable form of government for Russia citizens called the Republic, according to 88% of respondents “polls-Satellite” According to sociologists, in 2006 against monarchical form of government was expressed by 66% of citizens of Russia, and in 2013-m — 67%. In 2017 a percentage of the opponents of autocracy increased again and amounted to 68%, according to the survey,