The head of Komi proposed Samoilova sing in Ukhta

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Komi Sergei Gaplikov has proposed for the Motherland Yulia Samoilova in Ukhta WorldVision song contest. On Wednesday, March 22, reports Flashnord. Thus he commented on the Kiev’s decision to deny entry into Ukraine to Russia’s representative at “Eurovision-2017”. “The SBU [Ukrainian security Service] indicates who is to sing at Eurovision, Europe is silent? Offer in Ukhta, the home of Yulia Samoilova, spend Worldvision connecting hearts,” said Gaplikov. Earlier Wednesday, the SBU refused to allow the performer to the contest, forbidding her entry for three years. “The decision was made on the basis of the data on violation of legislation of Ukraine”, — explained in Department. The Russian foreign Ministry called the decision “cynical and inhuman”. Prior to this it was noted that the Ukrainian intelligence Agency checks the information about the performance of the Russians in June 2015 in the Crimea — the

Deputy Minister of culture called the shame of the participation in “Eurovision”

Photo: RIA Novosti The organizers of the musical contest “Eurovision” promote alien to Russian values, said first Deputy culture Minister Vladimir Aristarkhov. He commented on the prohibition of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) on the entry of the singer Yulia Samoilova, reports TASS on Wednesday, March 22. “The Ministry of culture had, has and will have no relation to the Eurovision song contest, his organization, and so on. My personal opinion is a very politicized event, promoting a completely alien values, or rather, their absence,” he said. “Participation is more of a minus than a plus. Nothing to be ashamed of” — said Arseny. Earlier on Wednesday it became known that the SBU closed the entrance Samoilova on the territory of Ukraine. This means that the performer declared to be a participant of “Eurovision-2017” from Russia will not be able to visit a music competition in Kiev. The Ministry

Putin aide: Russia is not afraid to deliver s-400 to Turkey, despite its NATO membership

Anti-aircraft missile system s-400 © Vitaly Nevar/TASS MOSCOW, March 23. /TASS/. Russia is not afraid to deliver s-400 to Turkey, although it is a NATO country. This was stated on Thursday, the Russian presidential aide on military-technical cooperation Vladimir Kozhin. He reminded that Turkey is very interested in these air defense systems, there are negotiations. “Yes, Turkey is a NATO member… We are not afraid. Why are we not afraid? Well, first, I said that before to put something, we always have very tight regulations for the results of intellectual activity, and each country undertakes that it has the right to do with the gun buying and what is not” – said Kozhin.

Wikileaks has published the second part of the “hacker archive” CIA

Wikileaks has published the second part of the “hacker archive” CIA Wikileaks today published the second part of the leak of documents about the activities kiberrazvedki CIA “box 7” called Dark Matter (Dark matter). From the documents that the CIA could physically infect Apple devices including the iPhone, to their sale, as well as to access data bypassing the built-in password protection and especially the operating system. All the projects in question, developed in the Department of embedded systems (EDB) of the CIA, says Wikileaks. So, the malicious code Sonic Screwdriver [“Sonic screwdriver, universal tool of Doctor Who from the same series] hidden in the firmware of the adapter Thunderbolt-Ethernet for Apple Mac laptops. It allows “code to run on the peripheral devices during the computer’s boot”, which gives the possibility to infect the computer-the purpose, for example, from a USB drive to bypass the firmware password. Thus, the program

The ex-President of Argentina will stand trial in the case of fraud

The ex-President of Argentina will stand trial in the case of fraud BUENOS AIRES, March 23. /Offset. TASS Elena Kondratieva/. Federal judge Claudio Bonadio Thursday decided to proceed with hearings on fraud at the Central Bank of Argentina, accused on which passes eks-the President of the country Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. A Federal judge confirmed that the defendants in this case are the former head of the Central Bank Alejandro Vanoli, former Minister of economy and Finance, Axel Kicillof. I hereby order you to declare a completed phase of the judicial investigation and to proceed to the stage of court hearings.Claudio Beatifically judge Argentina Bonadio, filed a case against fernández de Kirchner in may of last year. The basis for the beginning of the investigation was the statement by two opposition MPs who accused the leadership of the Central Bank in intentional sale of currency futures at below market price.

Kosachev seen in the actions of Kyiv repeat the mistakes of the Russian authorities

Photo: RIA Novosti The Ukrainian authorities are committing the same mistakes as Russia during the Chechen conflict, said the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. His words leads RIA Novosti on Wednesday, March 22. “We in Russia tried to preserve our territorial integrity, using military force, I mean the Chechen conflict,” the Senator said at the meeting with the Chairman of the defense Committee of the Finnish candidate for the post of Secretary General of the OSCE Ilkka Kanerva. “Now repeat our mistake of the Ukrainian authorities, they are exactly the same way,” he said. Kosachev said that Moscow was able to resolve the conflict only after the authorities have stopped “counting the inhabitants of the Chechen terrorists and separatists, and began to talk to them”. If Kiev will go on this way, Ukraine’s territorial integrity will be restored, said the MP. “Russia would be

Putin proposed to leave the Governor for a second term

Photo: RIA Novosti The candidacy of Elvira Nabiullina will be submitted to the state Duma to extend its powers on a post of the Chairman of the Central Bank. On Wednesday, March 22, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the head of the Central Bank, reports TASS. “I intend to submit your candidacy to the State Duma for the next term as President of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” — leads the Agency of his word. The head of state expects that the Bank of Russia under the leadership of Nabiullina will “act as well independently, confidently will behave”. According to him, Central Bank actions always cause a reaction and expert circles, and society. “Opinion is always at odds about what and how does the Central Bank. However, quite obvious is the fact that the Central Bank, under your leadership, has done much to stabilize

Source: Voronenkov has not refused Russian citizenship

Law enforcement officers at the scene of the murder of the former Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov, Kiev, March 23 © Peter Sivkov/TASS MOSCOW, March 23. /TASS/. The former Deputy of the state Duma Denis Voronenkov, who was killed in Kiev, was not refused Russian citizenship, despite obtaining citizenship of Ukraine. About TASS reported in the Russian law enforcement bodies.

Pamfilova refused to learn democracy from the West

Pamfilova refused to learn democracy from the West The Chairman of the CEC of Russia, Ella Pamfilova said that she is disappointed by the democratic example of Western countries. Her words leads RIA Novosti on Thursday, March 23. According to her, the electoral system in Russia more transparent than, for example, in the United States. “Such openness and such approach to formation of system data and presentation to the public in many Western countries even have”, — said the CEC head. On 20 March, the Federation Council speaker Valentina Matviyenko said that the resolution on the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the universal Declaration of democracy should be spelled out that democracy is not a concept exclusively of Western origin. The document will be approved at the 137th session of the inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which will be held in St. Petersburg in October. 1 December 2016 during the annual