The media learned about the plans of Korea to soon conduct a nuclear weapons test

The media learned about the plans of Korea to soon conduct a nuclear weapons test North Korea is in the final stage of preparing for another nuclear test. The launch could take place within a few days. Foxnews reported citing anonymous us officials who have intelligence in the region. “The tests may take place at the end of the month,” said one of the interlocutors edition. According to the source Foxnews, the Pentagon has evidence that North Korea has finished constructing the new tunnels around the largest test site in the country, Pungere. However, North Koreans still need to get to the site the equipment for possible launch. In March, North Korea conducted several missile launches. So, on Wednesday, March 22, North Korea carried out rocket launch, which was unsuccessful. The missile was fired from the East coast near the city of Wonsan and presumably exploded a few seconds after

Poroshenko asks NATO assistance for elimination of consequences of state of emergency in Kharkov

Poroshenko asks NATO assistance for elimination of consequences of state of emergency in Kharkov The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko intends to raise the country’s NATO for liquidation of consequences of explosions accompanied by a major fire at an ammunition depot in Kharkiv region. “I gave Express instructions to the foreign Ministry, the defense Ministry and the state service for emergency situations to involve NATO for humanitarian demining in Balakliya”, — wrote Poroshenko in his Twitter. Giving terminowe doruchennya FHI Minoboroni the DSNS salacity relief for NATO humantrope rosmunda in Balakl — Petro Poroshenko (@Poroshenko) on 23 March 2017 The fire occurred on the night of March 23 in the territory of a military warehouse of the Ministry of defense, which is located at Blakley. The fire led to the detonation of ammunition. Bombings continue today. The dead and injured there. In addition to the storage shells, the burning houses.

Putin submitted to the state Duma the candidacy of Nabiullina for appointment to the post of head of the Central Bank

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin has nominated Elvira Nabiullina for appointment to the post of head of the Central Bank since June 24 of this year. This was reported on the Kremlin website. “The President introduced to the State Duma the candidacy of Elvira Nabiullina for appointment to the post of Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from 24 June 2017”, – stated in the message. Earlier, Putin held a meeting with Nabiullina, during which were discussed the policy of the Central Bank.

Putin and Vucic will discuss economic and military – technical cooperation

Photo: / press-service of the President of the Russian Federation The main theme of the upcoming meeting of the Prime Minister of Serbia Vucic Aleksandar with Russian President Vladimir Putin will become the economic and military-technical cooperation, reports TASS. This was stated in the Cabinet of Serbia after the meeting with Vucic, the Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander by Chepurina. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov confirmed that such a meeting is prepared in chart of the President.

Putin expressed his condolences to the Mae in connection with the terrorist attack in London

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, March 23. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may in connection with the tragic consequences of the terrorist attack in Central London. About it reported in a press-service of the Kremlin. “It is obvious that to counter the terrorist threat requires real unification of the efforts of all members of the world community”, – the Russian leader said in the telegram of condolences.

Turkey will reconsider its political relations with the EU after the referendum

Turkey will reconsider its political relations with the EU after the referendum Recep Tayyip Erdogan also said that the current problems in the relations between Turkey and the EU “do not come from Ankara and from the part of the countries of the Union.” ANKARA, March 23. /Offset. TASS Kirill Zharov/. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Germany and the EU as a whole “can wait for surprises” after the referendum on amendments to the Constitution, which will be held April 16. He declared on Thursday on air of TV channel CNN Türk. “Turkey continues talks with the EU on accession. But we cheated for 63 years: visas, refugees — all these issues. Last time talking about the President of Turkey as the dictator, but the EU is violating the norms of democracy, human rights, no right to speak. The entire agenda will determine on April 16, after which

FOM: 78% of Russians consider themselves patriots

FOM: 78% of Russians consider themselves patriots The survey of Fund “Public opinion” (FOM) showed that 78% of Russians consider themselves patriots. Thus, depending on the level of education indicators of change. Among respondents who received secondary General education or lower, only 69% consider themselves patriots, while among those with higher education their 87%. On the question of which actions show patriotism, about 8% said that it is manifested in the willingness to serve in the army, to defend Russia, 6% believe that the reluctance to leave the country, 5% in support of the current President Vladimir Putin, love of country and active citizenship. Among other options were: conscientious work for the benefit of the state, charity, interest in what is happening in the country events, the participation in the elections, the willingness to endure hardship, domestic support, etc. While 42% of respondents could not answer the question. The survey

White house: evidence of a conspiracy CNN with Clinton more than trump with Russia

White house: evidence of a conspiracy CNN with Clinton more than trump with Russia Sean Spicer mentioned the evidence that the TV company was prepared to the candidate of the democratic party questions for debate. WASHINGTON, March 23. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. Proof that CNN is in cahoots with former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton more than the facts indicate the relationship of the campaign of Donald trump with Russia. This was stated by White house spokesman Sean Spicer at a regular briefing for journalists. “CNN yesterday (March 22) reported that the us authorities conduct a trial about the fact that supporters of the trump collaborated with the Russians to coordinate the dissemination of information that undermines the election campaign Clinton,” said Spicer. “And the last line of the publication reads: “the FBI cannot yet confirm that this (the trump of the Russian Federation) the conspiracy took place”, — noted the

CP, LDPR and the Communist party nominated a single candidate on elections of governors

Photo: RIA Novosti “Fair Russia” LDPR and the Communist party will nominate a single candidate in the upcoming gubernatorial elections, said RIA Novosti source in the party of the social revolutionaries. To develop the details of the agreement for signing by the leaders of the parties instructed the heads of election headquarters. Earlier, the leader of “Fair Russia” Sergei Mironov suggested that the CPRF and the LDPR as soon as possible to consult about nominating joint candidates in elections of governors. Clarifies that meeting the three parties took place on Wednesday, it was attended by deputies of the state Duma Alexander Burkov (WED), Igor Lebedev (LDPR) and Ivan Melnikov (CPRF). “The party representatives agreed on the need for coordinated action to the legislature the abolition of the “municipal filter”, — said the source. It is specified that, according to General opinion, this tool is the administrative resource of the “party