Russia is boycotting the talks on the prohibition of nuclear weapons in new York

Russia is boycotting the talks on the prohibition of nuclear weapons in new York Russia will not participate in the negotiations on prohibition of nuclear weapons in new York, scheduled for March 27, as he considers them late. As reported by the newspaper “Kommersant”, said the Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control, the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov. Ulyanov noted that despite the desire of Russia to build a nuclear-free world, Moscow believes that “to achieve this goal you need to move intelligently, gradually and with due regard to all attendant circumstances”. “In this case, this is not” — he stressed. The diplomat explained that Russia “respect the motives of the supporters of the radical acceleration of the nuclear disarmament process”, which starts in new York negotiating the Convention on the prohibition of nuclear weapons Moscow perceives in a negative way. “The proposed course of action brings

Polls: nearly 70% of Russians plan to vote in the presidential elections of 2018

Polls: nearly 70% of Russians plan to vote in the presidential elections of 2018 According to a survey by the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM), about 70% of Russians reported willingness to participate in the presidential elections in March 2018. In particular, the 52.5% of respondents said they definitely would participate in the elections. Another 17.4% of respondents said that they most likely will go to vote. While 16.3% of Russians have not decided yet and will decide closer to the election. In turn, 7% of respondents do not go to the polls. A third of them (32%) says that he sees in the election sense, because “everything is solved”. Another 21% of respondents were undecided, why not want to participate in the voting. In addition, 18% of people said that the election they just are not interested and 8% of Russians do not believe in the

Duterte: Russian ships can freely enter Philippines waters

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte said that the Russian Navy ships can freely enter the territorial waters of the country, reports Bloomberg. During a briefing in Manila on Thursday Duterte also said that Russian ships are allowed to moor off the coast of the Philippines, in advance notifying the authorities about their plans. According to the Agency, similar conditions apply in relation to ships of the Chinese Navy. In January Duterte visited a large anti-submarine ship of the Russian Navy “Admiral Tributs”, who came on a visit of friendship to the port of Manila. During the inspection, he expressed the hope that Russia will become an ally and defender of his country. Earlier also it was reported that Moscow and Manila reach agreement on the observation of military exercises each other.

CNN accused aides of trump “coordination with the Russian Federation,” the dirt on Clinton

Photo: EPA CNN, citing unnamed sources accused the staff of US President Donald trump to “coordinate with Russia” by the publication of information discrediting former candidate for the presidency of Hillary Clinton. “The FBI has information that suggests that the staff of the President of Donald trump spoke with the suspected Russian agents, in order, perhaps, to coordinate the dissemination of information harmful to the campaign of Hillary Clinton, told CNN U.S. officials,” says the channel. According to him, the FBI has intelligence information, business documents, records of telephone conversations and reports of private meetings. “The information raises suspicions of investigators FBI counterintelligence that might occur in a coordination, although officials warn that the information is not fully convincing and that the investigation continues,” — said the TV channel. As before in cases like this, CNN cites unnamed sources and does not lead any evidence and names. FBI Director James

The survey established what form of government the Russians prefer

The majority of Russians (68%) against monarchical form of government and consider the Republic the most appropriate for Russia, wrote on Thursday the newspaper “Izvestia”, citing a survey by the Russian center for public opinion (VTSIOM). The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov previously stated that he considered it necessary for Russia a new form of government — monarchy. In his opinion, Russia should be unity of command: since the country has an external enemy, the President needs more right “until the dictatorship”. Later, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin “not optimistic” refers to such proposals, and Feldman are “free to Express a personal opinion”. Later the TV channel “Russia 24” Aksenov said that his words about the return of the monarchy in Russia was taken out of context; he is not for change of the constitutional order, and for life the powers of

The Consulate instructed not to give visas without checking accounts in social networks

The Consulate instructed not to give visas without checking accounts in social networks Moscow. March 24. INTERFAX.RU — the US state Department ordered its embassies and consulates to check the accounts in social networks have applying for American visa of foreigners suspected of links with banned in Russia, ISIS, said on Thursday the Agency Associated Press. Additional inspections shall be those who were on the territories controlled by the terrorists. In addition, the state Department instructed the Embassy to consider what other groups of immigrants should receive more attention. This order is a continuation of previously enacted immigration decree of the President of the United States Donald trump, and later cancelled by the decision of several American vessels.

The American commander has accused Russia of supporting the Taliban

The American commander has accused Russia of supporting the Taliban In addition, Curtis Scaparrotti accused Russia that it is “in violation of the Vienna document and the existing treaties” does not notify properly on some military exercises. WASHINGTON, March 24. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. Russia recently increased its influence on the force in Afghanistan, the radical Taliban (banned in Russia) and perhaps even started to support it. With such a statement was made on Thursday, the Supreme commander of the allied powers (OMC), NATO in Europe the American General Curtis Scaparrotti at hearings in Committee on Armed services of the Senate of the U.S. Congress. Discussion of issues related to the Taliban and the situation in Afghanistan began with the filing of Senator Ted Cruz (Republican, Texas). The politician attributed Moscow “growing support” not only the Taliban but also the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). While

Fillon accused Hollande in tapping your phone

Fillon accused Hollande in tapping your phone Moscow. March 24. INTERFAX.RU — the Candidate in presidents of France Francois Fillon accused President Francois Hollande in spying on his political opponents and wiretapping their phones, said on Friday BFM TV. He said this, commenting on the publication in the media documents the investigation, the defendant is himself. “We have Newspapers that received the documents 48 hours after their seizure by investigators, for example from my office. Who gives them? The public service”. According to the politician, Hollande manipulate the press to destroy the opponents While Fillon referred to the excerpt from investigative journalism, to be published in France in the coming days. It says that the President has created at the Elysee Palace “shadow Cabinet”, on his orders, the police wiretapped the phones of his political opponents, including the Fillon and former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy, who dropped out of

The police of Latvia in the beginning of the test due to the presence of the flag of Russia in the car of an employee

Photo: Ints Kalnins / Reuters The state police of Latvia began an official probe on the basis of allegations that the car was a personal vehicle of a senior inspector ziemeļu area of Riga regional police Department spotted the flag of Russia. About it reports Delfi. As has explained a press-Secretary of popolizio DIRIS Anuchin, according to the internal regulations, a permit issued by the interior Ministry, can be placed in a conspicuous place if the car is parked for work purposes near the buildings of the interior Ministry. In this regard, the review should establish where the car was parked a police officer in that moment, when she was photographed. It will also set whether the presence of symbols of another state in the passenger compartment of the police a violation of the ethical requirements imposed by officials of the state. Earlier this week, in social networks appeared a

NATO Secretary General stressed the importance of dialogue with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the NATO military Committee Peter Paul for the first time in the last two years had a phone conversation with the Russian chief of staff Valery Gerasimov, reports Reuters, citing the statement of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Stoltenberg also pointed to the importance of dialogue between the Alliance and Russia. “During the growth of tension is even more important that we talked to each other and maintained open lines for military and political communications,” — said Stoltenberg.