Lukashenko has extended visa-free stay in Belarus

Lukashenko has extended visa-free stay in Belarus Belarus may extend the period of visa-free stay in the country for foreigners. About it during communication with the workforce IOOO “Artibella” said the President of Republic Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA has learned. “If it’s not enough five days, we’ll enter a longer period”, — quotes its words Agency. We what is fear? We are an open country, we have an open economy, and people should come here openly is no creditaccount Lucasentertainment Belarus Set in Belarus in January a visa-free regime for citizens of 80 countries for a period not exceeding five days, as said the head of state was introduced, including for attraction of representatives of business communities. So, according to Lukashenko, “the businessman must come, and it will not be long to sit in the country.” “He’s five days are enough. He came and solved their issues, something studied and left.

Peskov denied the involvement of the Kremlin to the contacts of Manafort and Deripaska

Photo: TASS Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov denied information about the Kremlin’s involvement in the organization of the contacts of the former head of the election headquarters of Donald trump Paul Manafort and Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska. “The Kremlin is irrelevant, – said Peskov reporters. – The Kremlin know nothing about it”. Thus a press-the Secretary of the President noted that in the course of what was relevant statements and Manafort, and Deripaska. “I do not know about any contacts,” he concluded, answering the question whether there were any contacts between the Russian authorities and the former head of the campaign headquarters the current President of the United States. Previously, the Agency Associated Press (AP) made a statement that Manafort “secretly worked for the Russian billionaire” Oleg Deripaska over 10 years ago to promote the interests of the Russian leadership and has developed an “ambitious political strategy to

Rouhani will visit Moscow on March 27-28

Photo: RIA Novosti Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani at the invitation of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin will visit Moscow with official visit on March 27-28. This was reported on the Kremlin website. The negotiations Rouhani and Putin will be held on March 28. “In the course of negotiations between heads of state on 28 March it is planned to consider all complex of questions of Russian-Iranian cooperation. Particular attention will be given to the prospects of expanding trade-economic and investment ties, including in the context of the implementation of major joint projects in energy and transport infrastructure. Following the talks, will be signed a number of bilateral documents”, – stated in the message. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Rouhani’s visit to Moscow is under preparation.

Sands compared the number of information leaks in Russia and the United States

Photo: The facts of multiple leaks in the bureaucratic system of the USA are the internal affair of that country, said press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov. His words on Thursday, March 23, the correspondent “”. “We have, thank God, this doesn’t happen. Leaks happen, but not in such volume”, — noted the official representative of the Kremlin. He also added that he feels entitled to comment on such cases.

Vice-speaker of the state Duma has compared the modern European Union with the late Soviet Union

Peter Tolstoy © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/. Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy compared the modern the European Union with the Soviet Union of the late period and expressed confidence that EU policy has no future. The MP is on a visit to Belgrade, where he participated in memorial events dedicated to the victims of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. “The European Union today is similar to the late Soviet time when no decision was impossible to make when the bureaucracy did not consider any national interests. And how it ended, we know”, – quotes the words of the policy, his press-service. “Of course, we do not wish our European neighbors, such a fate, but we must not fall into euphoria from the fact that they can offer to other Nations some kind of dream,” he advised. According to Tolstoy, “is more than a consumer society and

Fillon returned given him suits

Fillon returned given him suits MOSCOW, 24 Mar — RIA Novosti. The candidate for President of France, former Prime Minister Francois Fillon returned presented him a suit, the radio station RTL. Earlier Fillon indicted on charges of embezzlement of state funds in connection with the bogus employment of members of his family. He was also charged with complicity, concealment and disregard of duties in the preparation of declarations. The investigation against the Fillon later expanded to include as a separate item, the costumes, donated by the former Prime Minister his lawyer friend Robert Bourges. Bourges confirmed that Fillon gave him back the suits. Election of the President of France will be held in two rounds on 23 April and 7 may. HelpElections in France: the explanation in grafikone will participate in the presidential elections in France, and what issues concern of French voters mostread More

Pension Fund of Ukraine stopped the payment of funds through the “daughter” of Russian banks

Pension Fund of Ukraine stopped the payment of funds through the “daughter” of Russian banks As reported in the press service of the Fund, pensioners were offered alternative options for obtaining pensions. KIEV, March 24. /TASS/. The financing of the Ukrainian subsidiaries of Russian banks with state capital suspended the Pension Fund of Ukraine. Pension Fund of Ukraine stops funding for the offices of the above banks (the savings Bank, Prominvestbank, VTB, and BM Bank VS Bank), and pensioners were offered alternative options for obtaining pansypress service of the Pension Fund of Ukraine In a press-service explained that it had suspended the transfer of pensions through the banks in accordance with the decree of the President of Petro Poroshenko from March 15 to apply sanctions to Russian financial institutions with state capital. The sanctions include a prohibition to place the state funds of Ukraine in the accounts of these institutions.

The US imposed a new package of sanctions for cooperation with Iran, North Korea and Syria

The US imposed a new package of sanctions for cooperation with Iran, North Korea and Syria Moscow. March 24. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. Government on Friday imposed new sanctions against 30 companies and individuals from 10 countries for cooperation with Iran and the DPRK in the framework of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. It is reported by the US state Department. Even against 19 foreign companies and individuals with punitive measures imposed for the transfer to Iran, North Korea, and Syria of goods, services and technologies falling under the sanctions regime.

Lavrov: the prospects of the “Minsk-2” is not visible

Photo: RIA Novosti The prospects of the “Minsk-2” is not visible. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, speaking at the Military Academy of the General staff of the armed forces. “The prospect of a settlement, the implementation of the Minsk agreements until, frankly, are not visible, – said Lavrov. – First and foremost because of the lack of the Ukrainian leadership’s political will and realistic vision for the future of their country, due to its attempts to seek solutions to the problems of Ukraine not on the basis of pragmatic interests in the name of national harmony and prosperity, and at the behest of external donors, which is alien to the aspirations of the Russian, Ukrainians”.